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Adena rate .

Started by Nasko, May 09, 2010, 11:55:50 AM

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the only ones not carrying about adenas are those who exploited the coin system and last bug.. so for them, sure adenas rate isn't a problem.

Even better for them is it stays low as this way they are the only ones with adenas.

Adenas rate is just too low but what a GM finding normal to have 400kk on a 9x server (3x adena) after 1 week will do ? nothing


My opinion aobut that is incrase spoil rate or adena drop rate ... it is rly silly it isnt fu...ing official lol2 ... -_ x9 server and drop adena is raly pitful!! Economy on server sux for players who not plaing spoiler or crafter... only dwarfs and destroyers can do anything what about other ?? how alone WC or OL can do money  while drop totaly sux ^ ^ Maybe i will sell my buffs 2x at 25 minutes hahaha xD verry silly is Valkiria and don't tell no crying for this sh1t :D it is now funny rly funny :D !!!??

I\'m Cruseader from Shadow I\'m Alien from other planet.


Quote from: Kazuki on May 09, 2010, 02:19:29 PM
That's not totally right.

Let's say on retail i need 9 mobs to make 1000 xp and each mobs drop 200a and i need 2 shoots to kill them (we'll take none grade)
So i make 9 x 200 = 1 800a from drop
i use 4 Bss per mob (2*2 Bss), so 4*40*9 = 1 440a

So in the end i have made 1 800 - 1 440 = 360a

On this server xp is 9x and adena x3
So i only need to kill 1 mob to make 1000 xp and this mob will drop 600a
So i make 1 x 600 = 600a from drop
I use 4Bss to kill it, so 4x40= 160a

So in the end i have made 600 - 160 = 440a

Where are your 27 times ?

You make only about 22% more adenas than on retail and let me tell you one thing, on retail they do all their quest in the old fashioned way, meaning not by buying quests item.
And some other stuffs that you usually do in private server supposedly because you make more adena than on retail... but it will be a lot harder here

when u are starting low lvl char, and u dont get any money except what u pick up from mobs, this is correct. But u are not supposed to use only adena, but all other drops u get from mobs.

At higher lvls its not really important to get certain amount till certain lvl... u will get 3x more adena killing same mobs as u would get on retail. And consumable prices are still the same.

What this means in long run?
i will use your calculations...
u get 1800 adena on retail from 9 mobs...u save 360
here u kill 9 mobs - u get 5400 adena... u save 3960

so in same period of time, lets say 1 month, with same amount of ppl playing u generate much more adena here. Not to mention we dont have down times cuz of custom pots, tatoos etc. Also u level much faster so in very short period everyone will be killing higher lvl mobs which also means bigger profits - adena inputs - leading to inflation.
what do u think why drake makes cristmas events? Because he is santa? No! to remove adena from the server!

My advice for everyone starting out... it is team game, find friends to help u out, find some clan. soon, ppl will offer adena for finishing academy. U get lot of nice drops like herbs, useful mats - sell them.
U dont need to use m attack pot, p def pot, regeneration pot, enhanced mana... for killing fukin elpys. Dont use ss if u cant afford it.

Its not Arena, learn to play and stop crying. GM's made mistake listening ppl crying instead using their heads, so now we have big mess here.


Your way of thinking is kinda stupid... sorry to say

For sure if you kill 9 mobs in retail and 9 here, you'll make more adenas here...
But you've got to take xp into consideration.

you'll maybe make more adena but you'll adena get a lot more xp, so lvl more... in the end, at same lvl, you make almost the same amount here than on retail... and that's what matters.


please stop crying people and start working.

stop thinking that making adena is only about killing mobs and picking drops.
you have to do quests, make low lvl spoiler for mats, farm coins, crash coin stuff and sell cry to market ppl for shots.. etc.

i am example of fact that this is working.

68 lvl, full bgrade, 25kk in inventory.. and i NEVER used any exploit or adena bug.

so... stop crying and start working..

Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nolimits on May 09, 2010, 07:11:58 PM
please stop crying people and start working.

stop thinking that making adena is only about killing mobs and picking drops.
you have to do quests, make low lvl spoiler for mats, farm coins, crash coin stuff and sell cry to market ppl for shots.. etc.

i am example of fact that this is working.

68 lvl, full bgrade, 25kk in inventory.. and i NEVER used any exploit or adena bug.

so... stop crying and start working..

Another stupid idea ?

What do you think would happen if everybody do the same ?
You won't sell you damn crystall anymore because everybody would have their own... guess what then ? you won't make adenas anymore


Its not problem in server rates, its problem in u. Ppl that know how to play dont have any problems with adena. actually, adena isnt really necessary, its just way to exchange items, like money in real world. If u bankrupted, then u made some really bad trading...

U are calling it stupid to start working for your equipment? Then wait little bit more till u can donate. Problem solved.


Quote from: Kazuki on May 09, 2010, 08:04:16 PM
Another stupid idea ?

What do you think would happen if everybody do the same ?
You won't sell you damn crystall anymore because everybody would have their own... guess what then ? you won't make adenas anymore

it was example, im not getting money by selling crystals ;)
anyway increasing adena drop ammount will end in way that sgrade items will cost 2,5kkk etc. inflation is a bitch
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


As I said before all of you sold Dgr items from Igor and now you are pissing of all ppl that started after last update when all items costs 0 adena. Maybe increasing adena drop isnt a good solution but at least they can increase adena drop on low lvl mobs and decreasing teleports price to 0. Why its so hard to understand that. I made 1st mark and I dont have money for next one. I can get about 2k adena per few mobs cause its not 100% rate. Some of teleports costs about 30k so calcualte it morons and add soulshots prices, mana pots ect.


Quote from: Ryoko on May 09, 2010, 08:35:48 PM
As I said before all of you sold Dgr items from Igor and now you are pissing of all ppl that started after last update when all items costs 0 adena. Maybe increasing adena drop isnt a good solution but at least they can increase adena drop on low lvl mobs and decreasing teleports price to 0. Why its so hard to understand that. I made 1st mark and I dont have money for next one. I can get about 2k adena per few mobs cause its not 100% rate. Some of teleports costs about 30k so calcualte it morons and add soulshots prices, mana pots ect.

yeah, some servers have increased adena rate in low areas, but u have so many other resources u get from mobs... and they sell very well.
Other thing.. u are spending too much. 1st day of server we didnt have mana pots, didnt have d grade shots - actually prices were ridiculous and still they were bought seconds after crafting.
U dont need to pay 30k for teleport... i can tell u how u can save money on that, but it will cost u, send me offer on PM.


Yeah but 1st day on server you bought 1 Dgr from Igor for 400coins and sold it for 900k. And Im sure u didnt make 1st quest prof as I had to do to save the money. And its not about me I will manage it somehow but its pain in the ass, its about new players who just came to see If its worth to play here and after few hours they will give up. Its not low rate its rather medium for me so it shouldnt be so hard at the beginning. Try to get 800k for 1 mark now GL.


well those who exploited coin system don't seem to care for the slightest about other starting or people who didn't exploited