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Started by spaceman120, May 13, 2010, 09:50:17 AM

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i have one qustion i logged and see my char banned so im asking you
what is the resson for my ban because i was not playing for 2 days
and now my char is dead in log in !!! ps im wondering if you will ewer unbun him ???
Name: HeiTech (TH lvl63)


Quote from: spaceman120 on May 13, 2010, 09:50:17 AM
i have one qustion i logged and see my char banned so im asking you
what is the resson for my ban because i was not playing for 2 days
and now my char is dead in log in !!! ps im wondering if you will ewer unbun him ???
Name: HeiTech (TH lvl63)

you weren't play for 2 days, maybe coz u r bot do that huh ?


Quote from: DKociak on May 13, 2010, 01:40:27 PM
i was in city with my crafter and se for recharge ...i got dc and after it i got ban dunno why ....im sure  ppl will leave this server when they got bans for nothink
And you think we enjoy banning people without reason, just walking around and do random banning?! All who got the ban got it with reason.


can you anwser my qestion GM??



i ask you nice if you plis tell me what i do wrong i had that problem 2 weeks ago
when someone reported me in game and gm name protocol come and ask me if im there i anwser him and he deleted my buffs thats all
and now when it pass 2 weeks you ban me for?? Dunno dont understan  :-[


i got ban on SE nick Laura and i play this char 4 days ago and i got ban yesterday ? mby gm recording all server and watching after few days? duno ....


GJ GM's... let boters see your might.


what can i say this is surprising,on this server GM really make theyr job like they should,GJ to gm's cuz i really hate ppls that play with cheats...