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Started by Xaxaos, May 19, 2010, 08:56:48 PM

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Hey, i am playing in Velkiria, and there are allowed only races subs.

I am thinking about make necro/pal but i dont know how its work. Are Angelic Icon work on necro (increase p.def m.def)? Is it good sub?

Describe me this sub if u played on it.



you will have some nerfs on your m.crit rate when you use UD, veng, Shield of faith, and anti-magic armor. but i think that's it. probably a good sub.
- Solar


Quote from: Xaxaos on May 19, 2010, 08:56:48 PM
Hey, i am playing in Velkiria, and there are allowed only races subs.

I am thinking about make necro/pal but i dont know how its work. Are Angelic Icon work on necro (increase p.def m.def)? Is it good sub?

Describe me this sub if u played on it.

You will of course have increased defense, yet you will suffer from -80% healing amount, which is extremely huge disadvantage even for a Bishop, not to mention you will heal as Paladin.

While you are under the effect of UD and similar skills, you will have decreased m.crit rate. I don't know about Valkyria, maybe those nerfs are not present there.

Deflect arrows wouldn't give you such defense against arrows as in heavy armor, since you will be robe user. But that's quite logical.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


This char is quite good. You will have both nice defence and transfer pain. Should be ok

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AI gives u speed boost which can be used to hunt down kiting archer, its true that u will be healed badly, but u can use touch of life which gives big hp regeneration+debuff protection+heal bonus. The strenght of this char is in its shield and transfer pain, archers will have very bad time with u and u have autores, which reuses pretty fast. Many paladin spells work fine cause u are on mage stats, when u enchant sacrifice for cost get zaken/orfen u will be able to heal urself for free. This char is very importand on mass pvp, it wont die fast, it can heal itself and moreover it has shield of faith which allows u to run into crowd of enemies and use mass mage/warrior bane, mass gloom, mass fear its really annnoying ^^ It just needs good baff and skilled player :P

Oh yeah i forgot, u can use sacrifice to get low hp for ai or death link within seconds ^^
Car of my dreams <3


So AI work on robe ?


Quote from: Ashlynn on May 20, 2010, 12:08:44 AM
Deflect arrows wouldn't give you such defense against arrows as in heavy armor, since you will be robe user. But that's quite logical.

Since when? Deflect arrow has never made any distinction between armor types, and if it has it's been very small.

Figured i'll come with some bad sides of this char since the rest seemed so very positive.
Superexpensive heals.... Not sure if that healing trick works that Vinter talked about..... Atleast didn't work on nightmare on my pal/wl, but with ToL on you you will heal alot with normal blessing heal eventhough it's expensive.

Hmm what else.... Yeah you will have a bunch of extra buffs so you might struggle to keep yourself buffed. But then again this char is far from the worst in that aspect.
Other then that Pal got the whole lame shield defence thing going on with front protection instead of 360degree defence as you would have on TK or SK.

All in all its a really good char, and deflect arrow really helps eliminate a mages worst enemy.
Also it's really cool as a RB tank in heavy armor and TP.



Quote from: kidicarus on May 26, 2010, 08:47:43 AM
Since when? Deflect arrow has never made any distinction between armor types, and if it has it's been very small.
So I will crit f.e. Glad/Pal for as much damage as I will crit Necro/Pal? I doubt that :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on May 26, 2010, 02:29:07 PM
So I will crit f.e. Glad/Pal for as much damage as I will crit Necro/Pal? I doubt that :P

My bish/sk got crit for pretty much the same damage as my pal/wl..... So yeah.



Quote from: kidicarus on May 26, 2010, 02:47:12 PM
My bish/sk got crit for pretty much the same damage as my pal/wl..... So yeah.
That's lame :(

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on May 26, 2010, 03:36:15 PM
That's lame :(

Yeah for tanks it's lame. For mages it's pure ownage. -75% bow damage with none of the downsides, combine it with the shield defence of SK or TK with some shield buffs and the worst crit ingame will be around 1k.



At least i made pal/necro on Arena yesterday.

What i see in testing necro/pal (dc robe set, som+acu, dc shield) with he/wk (sb+f+3 lvl earth p atack in draco set) on dualbox in arena on full buff:
-reflect arrow is NOT gives big reduces on dmg from bow
-the most ressist power again bow atack gives activ shield, self buff shield from 79 lvl
-defect arrow+activ shield+tp from summon = 64-130 dmg and crt 200-300 dmg
-TOL gives good automatic seflheal for 2 min
-fortitude strongly increasy resist for stun
-3x diffrent UD, oldest UD gives only 600 p def more so weak
-own heal good casting but eat mana quite to much
-normal p def with mastery is around 900
-IC shield didnt give any better ressist from dmg maybe 7 dmg less
-Angelic Icon SUX gives 30 speed more but make u unhealable for anyhealer and urself so dont use it in robe

What i am thinking about this necro/pal now. This is mage mainly against warriors, strongly against archers BUT in open space, where archer has 1200 range, and necro/pal 900 = no chance cuz:
-archer use hit&run system 300 range different + archer has more speed = long run but dead for necro/pal cuz he cant catch him to 900 range.

Necro/pal is eater daggers he cast quite quick stun shield + silence shield.

On mass pvp usefull in mage pt = gives UD for 15 sec )about 4400 p.def) for party and NOT immobilizing.

Necro/pal vs Mage = cause running UD and shield buff + tp + own ress with full hp/cp buffs is good, but m.def w/o UD is a normal as necro.

At least u are necro with strong resist again p.atack with shield. U can run into enemy pt on UD and debuff : mass fear mass slow silence all around. Hard to kill by warriors if u have pt with bp, w/o bp u are dying very long. Against mages w/o UD u r usual necro.

Recommend EQ:
-dc robe set+3 or more at end dynasty robe
-can be a grade shield enough
-s grade weap+acu++++ cuz u dont have any boost from sub
-for beeing great mage = valakas+baium+trigger wm 6+lvl
-no need antharas/zaken cuz has fortitude
-best buffs u need from pt = pow+songs p def m def reneval max hp+mystic SIREN conc+emp+wm
-tattos emp lvl 4

Well i am playing in Valkiria so in 65% i do necro/pal but i am thinking for sh/bd to have all the time SIREN on which valakas+triger wm gives 50%+m.critical... am i right ? :)