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OL - Soul Guard



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OL - Soul Guard

Started by +GekKey+, June 01, 2010, 05:23:50 PM

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So on OL lvl 70 with soul guard lvl 10 it should add +571.9 pdef

When i wear karmian robe, without soul guard i have 543 pdef and when soul guard is turned on i have 1115 pdef.

Now, when i wear my bw light set, i have a base pdef of 741 and when soul guard is turned on i have 1031 pdef when i should have 1313 pdef... and it even gives less in heavy armor

all my masteries are top lvl

There is no update about this nerfing sould guard on light/heavy armor



Quote from: Bav3 on June 01, 2010, 09:36:46 PM
soul guard should work only on robe with full bonus

quote that from lineage2.com, because heres what i got


check on calculators and you will see yourself