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about max value attribute on armor !

Started by Kev1, June 02, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Quote from: Deavon on June 06, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
You guys are confused or you rly dont know anything about attributes .
Let give you a hint , attributes does nt get effect by ur skills element ,i wanna say that even if you are sps you will  take the %% bonus even if you have fire lvl 9 on ur weapon .

Now on the defence part ,dont expect to see a serious damage reducion from 1 part dark defence  90 against a weapon dark attack 450 .
You need to have at least 150 dark defence against a 450 dark attack weapon to see a %% reduction on damage .And when you reach 450 dark defence you actually canceling the 450 dark attack of your enemies weapon ,which means around 50% damage reducion .
You should be thank full that Drake raised up to 150 (from 90) the defence to each armor part ,cause now you are able to be coverd by at least 2 elements (2 parts x 150 = 300 + buff resists + potions = around 400)  and 1 part to 150 which is a small reducion to a 3rd element .

well, its not true, tbh, its half of true
if i cant reduce water dmg with armor 90 atribute against 456 atribute, then how it was reduced during test?
and answer 1 more question why 2x part of lv 9 atrib which means 180 def agains water (prot of elemental not counted) didnt stuck......=same dmg then with 1 part (90 atri def)......but there were the difference if water defence wasnt weared.
in another way (90def= 1000dmg from 456 atributr, 180 def water=1000 dmg from 456 atr water, 0 water resist 1200 dmg from 456 atr weapon) it was like this.
with dark - its like (0 def= 980 dmg from dark 400 weapon, 90 atri =980 dmg from dark weapon 400, 180 def=980 dmg from 400 dark weapon)

i bet ur atribute is holy, and ofc u chose it after some test which showed you non working defenc atribute against it

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Deavon on June 06, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
You guys are confused or you rly dont know anything about attributes .
Let give you a hint , attributes does nt get effect by ur skills element ,i wanna say that even if you are sps you will  take the %% bonus even if you have fire lvl 9 on ur weapon .

Now on the defence part ,dont expect to see a serious damage reducion from 1 part dark defence  90 against a weapon dark attack 450 .
You need to have at least 150 dark defence against a 450 dark attack weapon to see a %% reduction on damage .And when you reach 450 dark defence you actually canceling the 450 dark attack of your enemies weapon ,which means around 50% damage reducion .
You should be thank full that Drake raised up to 150 (from 90) the defence to each armor part ,cause now you are able to be coverd by at least 2 elements (2 parts x 150 = 300 + buff resists + potions = around 400)  and 1 part to 150 which is a small reducion to a 3rd element .

total crap
for magic atack only same attribute element as skill element is needed
for fighter hits - any element
for fighter skills - need same element as skill enchantment
max bonus is 70%, which you get when your attack attribut element value is 150 higher then same atribute defence on target
having same defence value as atack makes damage 100%, instead of 170%

damage bonus is gained when atack attr is higher than defence for certain values: 150 (70% bonus), 75(40% bonus), and below 75 more steps

atribute defence (in stats) lowers bonus damage
elemental resists (buffs, toggles ) lower damage for elemental skills (enchanted fighter skils, mage nukes)

some skills make your attack elemental - like fire buff for orcs fighters, holy weapon buff, in this case elemetal resist buffs reduces damage too


Quote from: Marinella on June 06, 2010, 03:46:43 PM

i bet ur atribute is holy, and ofc u chose it after some test which showed you non working defenc atribute against it

You are totally wrong to this part . and i can proove it to you anytime .


Quote from: Deavon on June 06, 2010, 03:53:24 PM
You are totally wrong to this part . and i can proove it to you anytime .

well, mby in this.... but not in all that i post be4 coz i rly tested it

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Deavon on June 06, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
You guys are confused or you rly dont know anything about attributes .
Let give you a hint , attributes does nt get effect by ur skills element ,i wanna say that even if you are sps you will  take the %% bonus even if you have fire lvl 9 on ur weapon .

pro guy giving hints ^^


Quote from: flamingAwe on June 06, 2010, 03:50:32 PM
total crap
for magic atack only same attribute element as skill element is needed
for fighter hits - any element
for fighter skills - need same element as skill enchantment
max bonus is 70%, which you get when your attack attribut element value is 150 higher then same atribute defence on target
having same defence value as atack makes damage 100%, instead of 170%

damage bonus is gained when atack attr is higher than defence for certain values: 150 (70% bonus), 75(40% bonus), and below 75 more steps

atribute defence (in stats) lowers bonus damage
elemental resists (buffs, toggles ) lower damage for elemental skills (enchanted fighter skils, mage nukes)

some skills make your attack elemental - like fire buff for orcs fighters, holy weapon buff, in this case elemetal resist buffs reduces damage too
it's more or less all you need to know here
for add:
buffs give both elemental resist and attribute defense
f.e. resist fire give 30% elemental resist to fire and 30 attribute defense to fire
what you have in armor is only attribute defense

one more story goes to seeds, but find this out your self, it's working quite interesting and it's good to know for using in your advantage