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2 computers, 2 routers

Started by Nabz0r, June 09, 2010, 11:15:06 PM

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it might have been better if they had stated the rule as: "no more than 2 windows per person" rather than per pc :) anyway, it was made pretty clear that that was what was meant.


Quote from: ChillyWilly on June 11, 2010, 05:33:30 AM
it might have been better if they had stated the rule as: "no more than 2 windows per person" rather than per pc :) anyway, it was made pretty clear that that was what was meant.
I know chilly, but the rule is no dualbox, on dragon i had no problem with this, cuz in woa,catas i had my wc on my laptop, like i do now. But as someone said, stop checking and put pressure on the players who take one more char with them in catas, concentrate on bs l2w, and l2w spoilers. Those are the ones go get an unfair advantage. Me doing my 3rd with my bp aswell, how is that an unfair advantage to others, or what harm do i do to others? Im not botting or anything.

Noob and Beyond


pay 2 euro or was dollar buy seccond ip and u can play on 1 main + 3 support from two different IP`s. What will do GM in this case? It's not illega if we look on rules :)

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Quote from: Nabz0r on June 11, 2010, 12:58:16 PM
I know chilly, but the rule is no dualbox, on dragon i had no problem with this, cuz in woa,catas i had my wc on my laptop, like i do now. But as someone said, stop checking and put pressure on the players who take one more char with them in catas, concentrate on bs l2w, and l2w spoilers. Those are the ones go get an unfair advantage. Me doing my 3rd with my bp aswell, how is that an unfair advantage to others, or what harm do i do to others? Im not botting or anything.

they are trying to push people into playing with a team, rather than alone.  Personally, I don't agree with them, I usually play solo myself, but they feel the game is supposed to be team oriented.  I think they forget about those of us who have a hard time finding reliable people in our time zone :/    I have only a few people I enjoy party with, and frankly, they are much better players than I am, so I always feel like I hold them back...  sigh.  anyway they told me the most allowed is 2 active box with one offline shop, or 2 offline shops with 1 active box...  total of 3 chars, as long as at least 1 is offline...


anyway im curious how you Jaila will act about offline shops, there are 2 allowed per IP, so when some of those guys mentioned before from bigger LAN make 2 offshops each than you will get 4-6-8-10 offshops from same IP. and ofc you cant check "behaviour" cos they are off.   and rules says: more than 2 offshops = permaban offshop chars (thats rofl imo)

so, what you will do in such case ?  ;D
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Well one thing is clear...he wont answer because he cant answer(he posts daily here..and this topic si 3 days old). The rule is 2 boxes per machine, but its obvious that he doesnt like that. So he prefers to resolve it when he founds you, better then giving a straight answer.

P.S.: Good job jailaa, you won, you managed to inspire fear into ppl, i belive there are really few who still use bots, and that was the whole point, not banning ppl, but making them think twice before they choose what icone to start the game with. For the 1st time in years, a GM did what it was supposed to do, offer us all a fair play game chance.

Noob and Beyond


k .. offline shop has nothing to do with normal dualbox .. you can have 30 offline shop but only 2 normal online

about 2 pc's ... dualbox extends to 1 person playing 2 chars ... not 2 chars on 1 computer + 2 chars on laptop .. 1 person playing 4 chars :)

i hope it was clear


Quote from: k0rina on June 13, 2010, 02:34:11 PM
Valkyria 9x game rules!
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:46:52 pm »        

Offline shops = You can have 1-2 max offline shops per IP, if you have more then mentioned PERMA ban

oups :D. well i don't know the technical details behind how offline shop work .. and I hadn't seen that rule, if Torn said that he must have a good reason for it :) .. anyway, my bad


Noob and Beyond