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Started by IChaosWalkerI, June 12, 2010, 01:02:42 PM

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Quote from: Bav3 on June 14, 2010, 06:10:13 PM
if arena with 50 online have 50/30 and all are hero then valkyria with 500+- can have heros also
find friends join together make heros dont cry
noob oly without any point. the diference between arena and valky is that we have retail main oly not dn subclassed, and bishops or ee are in deep dark ass


Quote from: Bav3 on June 15, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
if u think that bp and ee cant kill noone on oly then u are rly stupid, but rly

Since active augments works in oly, ee, bp, pp will be oly farmer characters, just like summoners and tanks. The problem is with other characters, as i said befor, like bd, sws, archers, dwarfs, etc.

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Toszi on June 15, 2010, 12:27:27 AM
Since active augments works in oly, ee, bp, pp will be oly farmer characters, just like summoners and tanks. The problem is with other characters, as i said befor, like bd, sws, archers, dwarfs, etc.
Drake made nice solution for it . Just donate the best items now when other are wearing 'sh1tty items' and u will be pwning with bd/sws/archer/dwarf. After few times of being hero u will be strong enough to defend it by urself ;)
In 4 words .. Welcome to dragon network ;)


yea but not yet, now w/o agu make 30 wins on bishop, plz Bav3 dont make me laugh, damn clown.
Its rearded to play oly style of all DN servers, bcos they have main stacksubbed, end of story.
YOu dont have arguments vs this, now you will say stop QQ or you will change point of discussion, wont u?


If you watch closely the number of matches each of 4 heroes win/loose, you will figure that they were feeding eachother.After all, are all the same clan, after all, is not that hard to win a match and loose the next one.How the hell elseway some1 can reach hero with 30 wins and 29 losts ??
I wish them luck when enough people will have the level, gear, guts to participate on oly.These are not real heroes, just people with low or no ocuppation other than l2, who played more than the others and reached some 80  level in short period of time.Don`t mean to insult anyone, but this is how i see the facts
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)