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DesertoreS Clan HACKED

Started by Chiri, June 17, 2010, 12:15:57 AM

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So in case a clan is clearly hacked. A clan warehouse left empty. Clan members expelled from clan by hackers. the name and code of a leaders account shouted out in Giran repeatedly. GMs will only say it is a pity for this clan? Only that there are bad boys out there?.

GMs can say it is not their fault. GMs can say and recommend that security meassures taken by players and clan leaders are the best.

But can GMs say it is not their problem? If hackers are left by themselves and get their goals, which kind of security for items provides this server? Is it worth making a donation here or dedicating time to get good gear? I think you should at least try to find out who hacked this account, which IP was used, give permnanent ban to this Ip and restore items to this clan.  In other case think what a player or clan members will think of security you offer for buing your product.

Some server provide an identification of items with a number. Dunno if you use that here or not. In cases like this you could make disappear hacked items and restore them to their legitimate owners.

Be intelligent GMs, try to give a solution to these problems, it affects security of your server and confidence of players. In the long run it is better to be fair with fair ppl.

You can say it is not your problem. But thinks like this are real big problems for the server continuity. These items would have already been restored in 15x.

Not a funny thing.


Quote from: Tipo on June 17, 2010, 11:18:36 AM
So in case a clan is clearly hacked. A clan warehouse left empty. Clan members expelled from clan by hackers. the name and code of a leaders account shouted out in Giran repeatedly. GMs will only say it is a pity for this clan? Only that there are bad boys out there?.

GMs can say it is not their fault. GMs can say and recommend that security meassures taken by players and clan leaders are the best.

But can GMs say it is not their problem? If hackers are left by themselves and get their goals, which kind of security for items provides this server? Is it worth making a donation here or dedicating time to get good gear? I think you should at least try to find out who hacked this account, which IP was used, give permnanent ban to this Ip and restore items to this clan.  In other case think what a player or clan members will think of security you offer for buing your product.

Some server provide an identification of items with a number. Dunno if you use that here or not. In cases like this you could make disappear hacked items and restore them to their legitimate owners.

Be intelligent GMs, try to give a solution to these problems, it affects security of your server and confidence of players. In the long run it is better to be fair with fair ppl.

You can say it is not your problem. But thinks like this are real big problems for the server continuity. These items would have already been restored in 15x.

Not a funny thing.
Are you sure they should be restored on x15 or x30 or x5? I have talked to their GM-s they told me they do not restore items to anyone as long as its not server side issue.

And let me remind you again , yes read it again: Your clan leader or whoever it is shared his ACCOUNT (by his own fingers) to other person who legitly logged his account since HE gave him its multi-IP logging account means = SHARED ACCOUNT , means = NOT OUR FAULT , means = ITS HIS FAULT 100%

And ill repeat 1 more time epic one: DO NOT SHARE YOUR ACCOUNT TO ANYONE.


on 15x they ban scammers and restore items, even for shared acounts after investigation
if u deny this u are liars (again)
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


Quote from: k0rina on June 17, 2010, 11:58:49 AM
not rly   only by scam not  when u share ur acc with ur own fingers lol this is ur fault 
  but btw    torn if u able take them back just do it lol  wont be hard for u   even if  it is his fault
the only case they don't restore is when ppl buy some chars and later ex owner change pass
so u are 200% wrong lol
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


To Torn:

- Maybe other servers GMs tell you that in order to appear as tough men. No doubt they want to keep players and dont mind if you loose them. Probably they solve better the problems of most donating clans and players than those of others. Anyway each GM defend their own house as they prefer. Be sure they try to keep their clients well attended. You should have to take your own decissions. You can also solve ppl problems without publicity or show in public that it is not your problem and you dont care.

- Any active clan leader need to share his account with a few mates of his real confidence. A clan leader cant be 24 hour x 7 days. The clan leader must be present in every siege. So all clan leaders need to share that account ocassionally and it is not logic that for doing so they cant even protest when suffering such an attack.

I think you should make ppl confident for their investments in your server, and make hackers feel that their actions are usless for them.
If you think that these attacks to clans or player accounts is not your problem, you have a problem, since it means you are not going to take any action when this happens now or in future.

¿is that what you are saying?


Quote from: Tipo on June 17, 2010, 01:20:10 PM
To Torn:

- Maybe other servers GMs tell you that in order to appear as tough men. No doubt they want to keep players and dont mind if you loose them. Probably they solve better the problems of most donating clans and players than those of others. Anyway each GM defend their own house as they prefer. Be sure they try to keep their clients well attended. You should have to take your own decissions. You can also solve ppl problems without publicity or show in public that it is not your problem and you dont care.

- Any active clan leader need to share his account with a few mates of his real confidence. A clan leader cant be 24 hour x 7 days. The clan leader must be present in every siege. So all clan leaders need to share that account ocassionally and it is not logic that for doing so they cant even protest when suffering such an attack.

I think you should make ppl confident for their investments in your server, and make hackers feel that their actions are usless for them.
If you think that these attacks to clans or player accounts is not your problem, you have a problem, since it means you are not going to take any action when this happens now or in future.

¿is that what you are saying?
I banned the "HACKER"


Quote from: Tipo on June 17, 2010, 11:18:36 AM
So in case a clan is clearly hacked. A clan warehouse left empty. Clan members expelled from clan by hackers. the name and code of a leaders account shouted out in Giran repeatedly. GMs will only say it is a pity for this clan? Only that there are bad boys out there?.

GMs can say it is not their fault. GMs can say and recommend that security meassures taken by players and clan leaders are the best.

But can GMs say it is not their problem? If hackers are left by themselves and get their goals, which kind of security for items provides this server? Is it worth making a donation here or dedicating time to get good gear? I think you should at least try to find out who hacked this account, which IP was used, give permnanent ban to this Ip and restore items to this clan.  In other case think what a player or clan members will think of security you offer for buing your product.

Some server provide an identification of items with a number. Dunno if you use that here or not. In cases like this you could make disappear hacked items and restore them to their legitimate owners.

Be intelligent GMs, try to give a solution to these problems, it affects security of your server and confidence of players. In the long run it is better to be fair with fair ppl.

You can say it is not your problem. But thinks like this are real big problems for the server continuity. These items would have already been restored in 15x.
the most brilliant words I ever read on this forum, guy, you deserve a cherry. Btw Im tottally not on any side but this guy takes the point undaubtedly. On one hand I strongly believe that it is the CL's fault, that he might have given his passwords to soebody or somebody could have checked his/her e-mail and simply read the passwords. On the onther hand it's so frustrative that he actually might have been hacked by some fookers and if this happens again more than 50% gonna get you GMs spemmed about protection. All in all, if you do not check who has stolen the items it may cause you some bigger troubles  than this single post. best regards for all, see ya


Quote from: Torn on June 17, 2010, 02:03:31 PM
I banned the "HACKER"

Well made Torn. That is an important part of the problem. Punishment for hackers.

The second part is restore items to legitimate owners and, that way, restore complete confidence in GMs of this server , that here private property exists.

Police arrest thieves and send them to justice. Objects stolen are restored to legitimate owners. Police dont keep them for themselves, or should not. Confidence in private property in the server can be real or not, as you decide. Good luck.


Quote from: Torn on June 17, 2010, 02:03:31 PM
I banned the "HACKER"
Have you ? since you always force us to give you a solid proof (of sb botting, hacks, exploit etc etc ), will you now follow your own rulez and provide us with a steady proof that the rogue has been eradicated ?


Quote from: Torn on June 17, 2010, 09:54:20 AM
You did share your account, thats is the 1st mistake.
We can not know what protection are you using for your computer, nor the sites you are visiting.
Your account is completly and fully your responsibility (as long its not servers security leak), so you and only you have full responsibility about it.
We can not restore any items that you have lost, because we (gm or dn) , didnt do anything regarding it to make you loose them.
And finally even on official, they do not help nor restore any items in "hack" cases.Hacking trough his mail means someone "HACKED" his mail not the server side, since usually people are using mails marc@blabla.com with pass marc1986 or in generally that persons who do know them in rl can easy guess after few times, then there is security question about which mail he used or did he put security questions (<< ITS QUITE IMPORTANT).

This is the BIGGEST crap i ever heard so far, none can log as gm as long his IP isnt unlocked,security of DN is solid rock regarding accounts and privacy things, so your story is same as fairytale.Show us some proofs if you still claim same thing or do not post same thigs and lies again.

1st.I know what i saw and I know what we where talking in skype.
2nd.I'm happy that you are so confidient in your self,but that doesn't mean that server is 100% protected.There are enof paths.
3th and last ; think on this werry carefull-i don't play here i don't have a reson to lie,i come to forum in my spear time or whyle i w8 my kisk to see what crap you did with one of my favorite L2 servers.I'm just witnessing the death.I played here for 5 long years and the whole time i was protecting Drake as a coder,but not after the crap he made with HB.
Iff you can't understand what i say is not my problem and i don't care .
;D Good luck with your "secure" server.

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin


Quote from: Tipo on June 17, 2010, 02:11:55 PM
Well made Torn. That is an important part of the problem. Punishment for hackers.

The second part is restore items to legitimate owners and, that way, restore complete confidence in GMs of this server , that here private property exists.

Police arrest thieves and send them to justice. Objects stolen are restored to legitimate owners. Police dont keep them for themselves, or should not. Confidence in private property in the server can be real or not, as you decide. Good luck.

you should probably call the police than :)


Quote from: Tipo on June 17, 2010, 02:11:55 PM
Well made Torn. That is an important part of the problem. Punishment for hackers.

The second part is restore items to legitimate owners and, that way, restore complete confidence in GMs of this server , that here private property exists.

Police arrest thieves and send them to justice. Objects stolen are restored to legitimate owners. Police dont keep them for themselves, or should not. Confidence in private property in the server can be real or not, as you decide. Good luck.

Im agree with u, this is an imporant part of the problem, ban the bad guy. But it isnt the solution, Gm should restore the stolen items man its 9x, have a good items is very dificult, items like AQ o  Orfen.

if u have a plastic door in your house and u get stole, the police wouldnt say "it is ur problem buy a better door" they try to found your stolen items and the guy who do this, its their work and the WOrk of GM, i think...