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BORING, have to do something. Discusion.

Started by Navaro, June 20, 2010, 11:35:25 AM

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Finally a hint of ack from the GM side of things: Jailaa said this in another post:

also we are taking into consideration raid boss fix:

reflect phyisical melee - 90%
return to normal + 10% pdef/mdef/boost --- remember guys you still have dnsubs here so ..

and if that's not enough to stop ty/de to solo farm them we'll add more

don't come crying about other melee classes .. there are 3 more that can attend raids: daggers / ty + glad .. daggers do better damge with physical skills that do not reflect and i think we can go past the ty/glads damage, they don't bring much raid damage with normal skills anyway .. and they can always rely on boosted skills for damage.



What??:)) Lmao, ur clan is more dead then my grand nanna, God rest her soul.

If you have 2 ty/destro and you can kill all the raid bosses you want, WHY ARE YOU MOANING LIKE A LITTLE VIRGIN GIRL?

Dont lie I have personally see you asking for Fanku's help (from zerg clan) to kill your enemies, and you still get pwned. You are a joke of an clan and ally leader. You honestly expect a GM would even listen to you? To your silly demands? Ahahahaha I cant wait for that day, untill then cry some more you little bitch, make endless topics how you cant kill raid bosses, how you are bored. :D

Non the less infinity ally are killing raid bosses w/o any problems, remember infinity ally, the ones that are beating ur asses every day? ;D

Ofc its ur own business what you do with ur clan and ally, u started it ffs, just to let you know, if you would actually get another clan in ur ally, instead of keeping ur noob low lvl AQ chars in ally, maybe you wouldnt need GM's help too kill raid bosses.

Wine and moan some more bitch, thats what you do best, in the meanwile even FTR is getting stronger then ur dead and gone ally. ::)


YOU talk about official servers, if you have any kind of idea you would know that archers suck ass on official servers, especially SR, the class that you have :D Even bishops with augument trigger kills them.

You dint had too much players from the start? :D What a big fat lie, I remember you guys showing up for Hallate with 2+ parties, asking Zerg clan to help you kill Excidium,  now you ca barely gather one  archer party, AND YOU STILL GET RAPED :D

You still have the nerv to talk about failling? :D Cry and moan bitch, and keep asking Fanku for help, you PRO player you ::)


I think its time to close this and similar/related threads. GMs are looking into the RB issue and thats that.


Suckin' up to them so they don't PK you after killing Golkonda eh?


Peroxide. Plz dude, u talk too much. Cool story bro.
1. If i good remember, your clan (crows, GD, FI) make ally to kill TOI RB's because u can't get box. If i good remember u ask help ZERG for GOlky TOI, when u havent got ally (we do it in 2.5 pt) You need 5-7 like u make screen with Infinity ally and shitly Buffs (Clarity WM for Archer)
2. Yea, archers sux but on GRACIA FINAL. On Gracia dagger pt own also Nukks. But here its Hellbound, and DN tatos, and reduced dmg. Like u saw, on normal serever with full nukker Buff u will make magic Crt every 3-4 hits, but here every 18-20 hits, i wont say about atribute, when we get full rezist nukkers hit us for 80-120. But we talk about rb? We also have nukkers on main, now DD on subs, and on full buff on main (nukkers) we make 800 dmg on RB (cabrio, or Golky) with pt Archers: Cabrio 6k, golky 3.7k or more (depend what tatto u have Ogre) So dont write about DMG, because archers faster kill RB than Nukkers.

Plz dont talk too much. Because its just bla bla bla, zero facts.
If u dont beleve, make your best 9 nukkers vs our Archers PT :)


1.I dont get rape anywhere
2. I dont ask fankus help, if hes there he just hit.
3. 9 vs 9 anytime with any1. interested? or just zergin 3 clans ally?
4. my clan is not dead, its bored, theres nothing to do here except qa/orfen/core. may I remember last hs mass pvp when we rolled crows+exci in a row?
5. my class suck ofc but its only for support clan with sws so I dont see why you offtop here, and write so many pointless sentences, plz write a book maybe, guide for cryers that som1 cry. As you see in another topic gms has open they eyes and they will fix archers dmg and rbs. So who won and whos right? why you dont cry there ? bcos you have only prersonal issues now, no arguments about rb/pvp. bb morron, u lost.

once again, 9 vs 9?


total posts in thread : 72
from these 72 :
6 normal posts
20 flame posts



well I wont point with the finger, who made offtopic here...


Infinity ally that got owned by Cabrio with 2 parties? O.o


Can some gm freaking close this pointless topic?

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