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May I have an answer from authorities ?

Started by nietrzezwy, June 24, 2010, 04:54:23 AM

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I know that this subject has been brought in but nevertheless, Im mentioning it again. Well then, having done my support, my spoiler, and some items I have decided to make my beloved character, the HawkEye. Moving on, I got mj light SET, bop +qr, +4str -con, 2x monk tatoo, intaken potion for power atk, blue talisman - atk power, buffed by my prophet 75 and with all the dances. I got 69lvl and pvped with an Sps who is around my lvl ( I talked with him 2 days earlier and he was 66) in DC + sov only buffed by his SE and the thing that even not made me angry but made my day (I laughed heavily believe me:D) I hit him critically for 345 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So, there goes my question, when there have been similar topics before, and having in mind that archer is one of the most frequently played characters, why the fooook havent you fixed archer's damage? Are you intending to have archersless server ? you are on the best way to have it ;F
I'd like to have an answer from Gms not retarded kiddo, plz do not flame and write any sh1t here, regards for all


Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on June 24, 2010, 05:46:35 AM
sps/sws or /tk mby  ;D
Only If he is delevel his char :P
When sub you keep your hight level and btw you atack him with B-grade weapon on his A-grade set. Just keep raising till you hit with S-grade bow on that DC-Robe set :P


I met him as bishop on ancient battleground 1 week ago so it is definitely not sps/tk or anything like that. Furthermore, you suggest that its B weap on A grade armor, yeah right, if it had been 600 dmg I would have understood, but 345 is just hilarious and I strongly believe that archer is fooked up. How can I win a nooker if he/she has better def than I have ? :D ahahaha it still makes my day I cant stop laughing guyz :D it is rly fooked up !!!



When u get elemental protection and water resist he will hit u like 150-200


mby u use dance for mages ;)...

now seriusly learn how to pvp vs mage and all will be fine
United We Stand

Enclave member

Protector - EE // SpS / SwS // He / Pa // De / Ty
Aka - De // PR/SK


Quote from: Protector on June 24, 2010, 09:01:36 AM
mby u use dance for mages ;)...

now seriusly learn how to pvp vs mage and all will be fine
I mentioned above, no kiddo replies and retarted answers



in lineage pvp doesn't evolve arround ~70 and BOP anymore .


yesterday i had pvp with probably he/pal and sorc/?? . he was hitting me for 150 (i had dc set and shield buff, im 69 lv), and i was hitting him for 350. ofc sorc killed me in 3 hits (1,8k 2,5k hits). well, mages rules that server, u cant do anything.


Quote from: jailaa on June 24, 2010, 09:19:53 AM
in lineage pvp doesn't evolve arround ~70 and BOP anymore .
I have always considered you to be the smart one but your answer is retarded also LOL, have you ever played l2 whatsoever ? have you had pvp ? lol of lols, its not the first topic bringing in this subject.. not only me complained about the dmg of archers, anyhow i can see that nothing can be done, disappointing....


buff up properly, and see the difference.

last mass pvp with excidium, fullbuffed pt mages vs fulbuffed pt archers. voretx hits = 24 (!) -100 max. funny thing goes on when both parties use UD  ;D loldmg rulz ;)
anyway, archer pvp dmg is very nerfed here. draco focu, aq, might, zerk, gm3, patk pots, 2 x empowered ogre tatos and i hit karmian boy (without sub) for 900, just lol ;) edit: fogrot death weishper 3 ofc ;)


We didn't want anyone to know this until we have the correct numbers in terms of damage, but Torn did consider a redo of pvp damage. However this requires a LOT of testing as we don't want to just set random % of + or - damage.

I am a little busy IRL for the next week so I doubt it will be done sooner than in 2 weeks but we are considering a full redo of the +, - in % of physical skills, physical attack, magical skills. We'll try to match it as much as possible to official numbers.

Yes Nietrezezwy it's true, I have not pvp'ed at low lvl for a LOOOOOONG time, it's been probably 3-4 years so I can't say if the damage is correct or not.

From personal experience:
HE lvl 80 full s-grade + aq/baium should be hitting ~1.5 - 2k damage crits on full s-grade mage ( all considering full buffs ofc). And a nuker should be doing 700-1k normal damage to 2.5-3k crits at 20% m crit rate on full buffs. Of course these numbers are not accurate, it's just an estimate. Getting all the damage correct is not something easy, considering we have DN subs  where you have nukers with deflect arrow and archers with passive mdef, it's not something easy to do and someone will always think they're not doing enough damage or someone is doing too  much damage to them.

To an already bad pvp system element stones were added who made things even MORE complicated. Yes, it's work in progress, with little time from the GM's to do this.

http://www.l2calc.co.nr/ here it is ... setup a HE lvl 80 DB+f, Drac Light, full buffs ... combat calculations vs clone, without boss jwlry

Damage dealt in 1379 pdef from a HE with 3333 patk ( full buffs) no boss jewelry
337-372 normal hit  and 1847-2041  critical ( this is without chant of protection, nukers with deflect arrow etc) ... add AQ + Baium = 2441-2699

Ok this damage is a little too much and it's before the "fix" to dw,chant of fire and other crit power buffs who had a small nerf