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Started by gryby, June 25, 2010, 10:09:39 AM

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proly they use exploit but look who recorded them.

hero with war 500 range and 2 pt didnt see him??

all idiots from this srv can  now see that our heroes from exci clans have programs that  even couldnt be compare with common l2walker

invisible mode on? no problem

how u exped chars in 5 days after srv started and how u get top eqip? this question has answer now.
f.e. i saw exci pt with 2 active high lvl spojlers gm are gonna check this posibilities of walkers or only hunt for alone ppl who wanna lvl up?



I didn't download the movie yet :) will do now. But I don't understand what you mean ...

OK .. i do now and I'm waiting for an explanation from masterghost


Quote from: jailaa on June 25, 2010, 10:12:45 AM
I didn't download the movie yet :) will do know. But I don't understand what you mean ...

if u dont understand i rly dont know how can i clear yr mind.
but i try:

u are inside 2pt u wanna use exploit but hero from enemy is near u. would u do it???
he was ~500 range near 2 pt of enemies and noone saw him.
i read many times that crows use walker for exci bot hunting but now all clan there and noone has it? strange

so we have 2 solutions:

1 - he is a gm
2 - he has got veeeery gooood soft

and last notice.
crows use exploit but what ppl from exci were doing there if that wasnt zaken time?


Quote from: Bav3 on June 25, 2010, 10:28:05 AM
u are bigest retard in dn history with this topic

exci history should be very close here if gm are not corrupted and will see this topic
and us i remember u showed at this forum that u use walker but yr chars are still here.


please explain to me too bav3 how he managed to see them there while being inside ... cause it's a dilema for me too


Quote from: Bav3 on June 25, 2010, 10:36:40 AM
come ig and ill explain u all i dont want this crykids to see that coz they will cry even more ;)

send me a private message


Quote from: jailaa on June 25, 2010, 10:37:21 AM
send me a private message

so now bav will lern our gm how play....
and how colored msn can protect from l2walker detection...


Quote from: gryby on June 25, 2010, 10:40:05 AM
so now bav will lern our gm how play....
and how colored msn can protect from l2walker detection...

gryby i'll be as polite as I can and tell you to shut the f__ up .. the only 2 words that you and your clan should be say is "THANK YOU"

"thank you for not banning us all when you've seen us ALL exploit zaken entrance"


Modified user.ini to get zoom hack isnt forbidden ?


Quoteedited system files are allowed
colored system msg, lvl of mob on screen and more
many ppl post it alredy and there is nothing wrong with it
this is just edited user.ini or system files
and no he wasnt invisible
he just was behind wall
but now u ask how he can see though wall?
u know that game have graphic options? ofc u do
on high details u seegrass and bushes and all details
on low details u dont see bushes grass and other things
well this edited user.ini allow u to use minimum details wich remove all texture (like bushes, grass etc, but this minimun details remove walls and all other texture)
so its just low graphic option nothing else, this is how he can see them
i got that file from my gm friend and he say its all alowed (not from valkyria)
if u want i can send u this file and u can test it, and ull see its just low detail graphic option


1. did you see anywhere where torn,descent,protocol and me say IT'S ALLOWED ? "Valkyria have its own rules so other rules and punishments doesnt affect on this server."
2. is the name of this server Dragon ?
3. i couldn't care if your GM friend was official server GM, if he is not gm here he has no say in it
4. have  you ever read the rules? " Do not use any exploits or cheats to benefit or gain advantage to other players. "

and finally

"All other cases not listed will be judged and punished by GM-s and Administrators."

Modified user.ini like that is NOT allowed
- we do not have a problem with modified sys message collors
- we do not have any problem with showing mob levels
- we do not have any problems with showing mob spoil / drop ( yes there is a system modification of this sort)

BUT WE DO have a problem with the ability of SEEING THROUGH FCKING WALLS

Smug and pompous attitudes won't get you anywhere. I've already spoken to Torn and Descent, you people are used to Dragon servers and they're gm's and corruption and all the drama stories. It's not the case of Valkyire. New rules will be added and disrespecting the server staff or coming out with these RADICAL theories of corruption or w/e without PROOF will be punished.

2. THE JAILERS: ME AND PROTOCOL HAVE NO INGAME POWERS TO: summon items, summon mobs or anything that could affect the gameplay

IT is a PRIVILEGE that you play here .. NOT A RIGHT ! So don't act like you have the right to play here. Don't act like the Staff owe's you anything. You treat us with respect, we'll treat you with respect.


Quote from: Bav3 on June 25, 2010, 11:06:22 AM
both are modified user.ini
since when play on low details isnt allowed?
u dont want problem with ability to see though walls, but exploiting walls allowed? ;)

do you have a problem with reading what I said ? I (and probably lots of people do) can modify my system files so walker is integrated within L2. IT DOESN'T MEAN I CAN USE WALKER.

Crows have not been banned because we happened to be ON and no advantage was taken for the wall exploit - they didn't kill Zaken. On the other hand Masterghost DID kill Zaken and DID stop crows USING an exploit by HIM using an EXPLOIT himself.


Yeah and few min later shout on hero voice ...
Masterghost: WTS Zaken earring pm me with price (coins only)