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Archer Full Ressisted vs Mage

Started by Sev3n, July 03, 2010, 01:08:15 AM

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Quote from: pigozord on July 03, 2010, 12:31:55 PM
mhm, so you would like to hit fullresisted archer for 2k every 0.5 second, and it's ok when archer hits you for 1.5k and you have shitty buffs?

what a facking nonsense.

few words and admin plix close that river of tears topic:

use: chant of protection, song of windstorm.

U are more then stupid , i talk about ressit ....on 5k m.atak i hit them for 180 - 400 dmg , its totally sux
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Quote from: Sev3n on July 03, 2010, 12:23:52 PM
I Wanna talk about RESSIST here , not about  they dmg on me cuz my buff not are so good , but my dmg on them sux , fix ressit :)
but look, i will tell u again, we had: mbarrier, song of warding,dance of aqua guard, resist aqua, elemental song, elemental resist
it means, if im correct, 80 water resist + mdef.
so probably thats why u hit me for 300-400. at the end i used UD, then u hit me for 200.
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on July 03, 2010, 12:37:31 PM
but look, i will tell u again, we had: mbarrier, song of warding,dance of aqua guard, resist aqua, elemental song, elemental resist
it means, if im correct, 80 water resist + mdef.
so probably thats why u hit me for 300-400. at the end i used UD, then u hit me for 200.

Lawl then u have Divine lvl 8 for buff slots :D
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Quote from: Sev3n on July 03, 2010, 12:39:52 PM
Lawl then u have Divine lvl 8 for buff slots :D
no only lvl 3, but i know what i need for a mage (specially for sps) :)
i dont put any pdef buff, no mental shield, only buffs for pattack and mdef+song+dance, no ww, and the zerk was the first buff, so probably it felt down, dunno
but if u need i can write what buffs i had
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Sev3n on July 03, 2010, 12:37:07 PM
U are more then stupid , i talk about ressit ....on 5k m.atak i hit them for 180 - 400 dmg , its totally sux

ofc, but without that resist buffs and with mdef/warding only you would hit them probably for 3k, so please..

same with you, you get crit for 1.5k, if you get cop and windstorm you will get crited for 300? now compare your casting speed and archer atack speed. besides, why you dont use fear, canclel or frost bolt, run away and nuke?. just f1 x 30 and then forumcry.

lame tactic = lame pvp.


Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army





Quote from: pigozord on July 03, 2010, 12:45:55 PM
ofc, but without that resist buffs and with mdef/warding only you would hit them probably for 3k, so please..

same with you, you get crit for 1.5k, if you get cop and windstorm you will get crited for 300? now compare your casting speed and archer atack speed. besides, why you dont use fear, canclel or frost bolt, run away and nuke?. just f1 x 30 and then forumcry.

lame tactic = lame pvp.

Omg u are so pro , imo u dont know nothing about pvp....heh lame tactic , imo u didint know Stun cancel target...and when i press F1 - attack i wont lose target....gg , now bye
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Quote from: Sev3n on July 03, 2010, 12:54:51 PM
Omg u are so pro , imo u dont know nothing about pvp....heh lame tactic , imo u didint know Stun cancel target...and when i press F1 - attack i wont lose target....gg , now bye

I don't tell I'm pro or something, although lots of our enemies states that we are 'pr0 pvp clan'. I bet my right hand (my girfriend as some1 said, so it's seriuos bet ;) ) I pvped more than you and ofc wit better result.

anyway, your explanation about pressing f1 is just... hilarious...  ;D shit, i must use it vs some pro dagger  ;D


Quote from: pigozord on July 03, 2010, 01:02:57 PM
I don't tell I'm pro or something, although lots of our enemies states that we are 'pr0 pvp clan'. I bet my right hand (my girfriend as some1 said, so it's seriuos bet ;) ) I pvped more than you and ofc wit better result.

anyway, your explanation about pressing f1 is just... hilarious...  ;D shit, i must use it vs some pro dagger  ;D

Lawl :) im sure im pvp more than u :D Look pvp stats on BloodSeeker :D
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Orklany, Sebes and many other :D


Quote from: Sev3n on July 03, 2010, 01:05:24 PM
Lawl :) im sure im pvp more than u :D Look pvp stats on BloodSeeker :D
fake pvp points? I know he is good pvper but while my clan mate fanku tried to be 1st on pvp xml list, bloodseeker got like +800 pvp points in 2 days. wtf lol
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell