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Aden Siege 04.07.2010 Movie



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Aden Siege 04.07.2010 Movie

Started by Sev3n, July 05, 2010, 07:04:59 AM

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Time - 18 Min
Quality - Verry Good
Weight - 526 Mega

Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF



- “Sir, we're surrounded!”
- “Excellent. We can attack in any direction!”


Quote from: Sev3n on July 05, 2010, 07:04:59 AM
Time - 18 Min
Quality - Verry Good
Weight - 526 Mega


wrong section? ::)
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


OMFG OneHanded Hero in TV :D ProSkilled  :D


Finally I managed to download it. It was an intresting siege, I was checking the damages and seemed fine to me. Maybe because of the attributes on armors u will hit lower (in the future) and the nuker damage will need some raise but i think its now not "OMG WTF I CANT PLAY MY MAGE". You continously miss some "def" buffs tough you got place for them, and you using only "water based" skills which is a problem too. Anyway make sps/tk sub and u will pwn believe me. And you can still use your hero skills. Yeah and one more thing to add. The critical in the back from archers are bigger and no shield defense that way, so try to face them ;)
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



fack, I didnt know that Master is disabled person and hes got one hand.. sorry dude, I wont laught now.


Quote from: pigozord on July 07, 2010, 07:54:10 PM
fack, I didnt know that Master is disabled person and hes got one hand.. sorry dude, I wont laught now.

imo all of ppls who are comments bla bla bla OneHand bla bla are blind, i just in 1st 1min play with mouse and click skills, so sry i didint know all of u are blind , i wont laught now . Anyway with this "One Hand" i can pwd PT War, and make hero w/o any probelms , u are just jealous , QQ ppls. Thx & Bye
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


LOL 200 vs 350 ! Where did you get these people?

This vid proves that this serv is one big FAIL.

If i was admin or mod, this video would be banned. :D



True rates x7 not like here: x9 exp and x0.01 drop/spoil
True 1.2k online (box forbidden)
100% working antibot system (autoban)


I was there. Watch and cry.
You will NEVER see this kind of action here.

Tere: Baium pvp?: 3pt vs 3pt 4 way war.
Here: Baium PK noobs action. LOL


Quote from: dreggor on July 08, 2010, 02:19:41 AM

True rates x7 not like here: x9 exp and x0.01 drop/spoil
True 1.2k online (box forbidden)
100% working antibot system (autoban)


Omg great video! Actually you cant see anything but little ants running up and down. And my computer would surely lagg with that much ppl. Anyway numbers =/= fun. But if you like this server play there. All who plays here like this server somehow. or dunno, maybe all the others are masochist.
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



Quote from: Ashee on July 08, 2010, 02:40:38 AM
Omg great video! Actually you cant see anything but little ants running up and down. And my computer would surely lagg with that much ppl. Anyway numbers =/= fun. But if you like this server play there. All who plays here like this server somehow. or dunno, maybe all the others are masochist.

That was video from old server. It doesnt exist now,
But when I see 2 pt vs 2 pt on Aden siege...  this is bullsh1t.


Quote from: dreggor on July 08, 2010, 02:47:23 AM
That was video from old server. It doesnt exist now,
But when I see 2 pt vs 2 pt on Aden siege...  this is bullsh1t.

Man calm down, most of ppl are making subs so what do you want at the beginning? Most of players are getting lvl and eq and then participate in sieges, wars etc. Sieges will get better