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Excidium - The honorless exploiter clan

Started by LegolasIII, July 10, 2010, 04:39:05 PM

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Quote from: JackCostello on July 10, 2010, 07:13:11 PM
Guys, i only wanna ask one question:

when u post screen on forum , why always did relog before it ? maybe u was in L2W , its a bit funny :)

its obvious but its not about walker, since we got clearly said by a exi member that they have did wyvern/cliff/summon im waiting for gm's response.



Quote from: AWOL on July 10, 2010, 07:15:54 PM
its obvious but its not about walker, since we got clearly said by a exi member that they have did wyvern/cliff/summon im waiting for gm's response.

oO omfg... i think i have other movie and screens than u, i CAN'T SEE ON MINE SCREENS AND MOVIE WYVERN AND SUMMON OMFG! why u talking about this? omg omg, i wanna this movie and screen what u have too.! gimme gimme  

Dragon x15
Asenate - BD/PR (noblesse)
Severah - BP/WC (noblesse)
Nariane - PW/SWS *R.I.P*

Valkyrie x9
Asenate Sh/Sk, Bp/Wk (noblesse)


wyvern/summon etc...nice bull sh1ts retard enclave
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUp9ApTyGiY&feature=related ENERGY 2000 JAZDAAAAA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcF2-uQn5 TECHNO WARIATY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_HSShmVoY&feature=related   !!!


Quote from: Asenate on July 10, 2010, 07:21:37 PM
oO omfg... i think i have other movie and screens than u, i CAN'T SEE ON MINE SCREENS AND MOVIE WYVERN AND SUMMON OMFG! why u talking about this? omg omg, i wanna this movie and screen what u have too.! gimme gimme  
1. go school brat
2. on screen is simply said by an exi member that u are doing wyvern+summon system

U got pwned by ur own clan member dunno whuts yo problem except mentality retardness

Ps. writing omg doesnt make u cool

Quote from: G4rro on July 10, 2010, 07:42:27 PM

yea , i think some1 posted wrong video , cuz there is no vyvern and summoning char , but only double char graphic bug . So exactly , you have a zero prooves against any kid of exploit from our side .

About my words --> he can post our all conversation , and you gonna see that i was writing about bad behaviour of enemys , and i wasnt speaking about exploiting Exci in any kind of epic bosses , so stop to put other words to my own mouth lol

This: http://p.mac.fm.interii.pl/Shot00026.jpg

If an admin/gm put a 10 minutes to translate it since i doubt he will believe he'll know the truth.



Quote from: AWOL on July 10, 2010, 07:44:59 PM

This: http://p.mac.fm.interii.pl/Shot00026.jpg

If an admin/gm put a 10 minutes to translate it since i doubt he will believe he'll know the truth.

hmmmmmmm mb it's screen not from valkyrie, i don't see some proove that this is Valkyrie, mb u make chars on other serv and write this? How we can trust u?
And second, mb that wasn't real excidium player, mb some1 log on him charand say to u this words? How u can proove it? Sorry but for me yours evidences are not enough, all can be one big cheat u can use cheaters programs so why u cant cheat ppl?

Dragon x15
Asenate - BD/PR (noblesse)
Severah - BP/WC (noblesse)
Nariane - PW/SWS *R.I.P*

Valkyrie x9
Asenate Sh/Sk, Bp/Wk (noblesse)


Quote from: G4rro on July 10, 2010, 07:55:40 PM

pwnd of what ?

If Enclave would have a chance to freaked up Exci they gonna do it for sure ? seems that you barelly failed with a shitty video , and you are drasticly chaning a side and trying to put some words to Exci members
Seriously its my first time since i meet so pathetic enemys , dont stop to QQ plz , i want to laugh at you more  :D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUp9ApTyGiY&feature=related ENERGY 2000 JAZDAAAAA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcF2-uQn5 TECHNO WARIATY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_HSShmVoY&feature=related   !!!



k maybe this screens have geodata bug also?
or maybe we took them on another server?
yea hotpussy have quest done, cool sotry, it would be cool but we killed them 1 minute before, and sudenly they are up??

Its banable to go to epic in other way then vortex, if its not I can understand that we can enter baium by wyvern when som1 killing it? I wanna hear GM response for this question.

A and tx ExKidium for your all stupid answers you made my day and confirmed that you are bunch of randoms, who recruit everybody in dc robe set. DzumolekPL <3


sry lolclava but u are so retarded to kill me:D
Excidium <3


Excidium <3


Quote from: Sciemanko on July 10, 2010, 10:40:30 PM
your picture?soo cg from me:) anyway if gm wants proves they will check logs that i and masterghost entered by vortex.now qq moar
Excidium <3


anyway, we killed baium, exi leave it coz affraid of ban, dont use it next time please :) just when u loose, try next time, if u cant handle it, just give up, dont use exploit. THX
Thanks for teaching me that falling,
only make me stronger.

Dobi - valky / HE/WK
MatiDobi - infinity / SH/BD