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3rd & Retail & Sub

Started by dreamy, July 11, 2010, 04:25:38 PM

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Hello all,
Since there is no "Nooby board" section in Valkyria, i figured i can ask here...

Here's the thing: My main class is Spellsinger. I want to retail ElvenElder and add sub Spellsinger to it.

Question is if I make my main char 3rd (Mystic Muse), will I be able to make my retail's sub SpellSinger 3rd too? (Since "Saga of the Mystic Muse" quest is "one-time" quest...)

Another words can I make SPS--->Mystic Muse--->Retail--->EE--->Eva's Saint--->Sub--->SPS--->Mystic Muse ?
(By taking "Saga of the Mystic Muse" quest twice?)

Thanks for your time...


You dont have to make 3rd class on your retail sps. Just take sps as dragon sub for your ee and you will get Eva`s Saint/Mystic Muse.

Dragon 15x:
Zeelgadees sh/se+n, Sophia th/da+n, Allyn bd/pr+n, Ametyst
necro/ol+n(sold), Rubin tyr/he+n (sold), BigZ sws/sps+n (sold), xxx tyr/destro+n, xxx sorc/da+n, DrewingPL pp/glad, xDrewniakx bish/nec+n Infi x5: Zeel aw/se


didn't they say that on this server you don't lose xp when you dn sub? and that when you have your 3rd done before you dn sub, the new sub will come with 3rd already done?  I'm sure they did, somewhere...............................................now how's that search thingy work?.......................................................................................... :P


Requirements for dnet sub
1, on retail must be lvl 78
2,3rd must be complete on the class you wish to sub
3,hunt golki for horn take back to npc
now if you are mystic muse lvl 78 when u go to sub it will give you options of all elfs with 3rd already complete.
you will stay 78 also
hope is ok even though their is 100 post about this lol :)
Horse Juice on ya lips.

Ima Winnah