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A little suggestion

Started by Flaw, July 26, 2010, 03:41:52 AM

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Today I've started playing on this 30x server, and i must say, it was really annoying searching for someone to sell or craft ssD or bssD , i think those could be for sale in a normal grocery store.. really, i wanted to stop playing yust because i didn't get those soulshoots, i've never seen a server that had so little insterests in getting new people..  ( and please, don't say that i could go and lvl myself with NOgrade till 40, this is yust stupid and i would waste too much time..)

So i think that every new guy would really appreciate this, anyways, selling ssD and bssD doesn't bring much profit, so dwarfs shouldn't be against this idea and with 30x, everyone get's through D grade fast. I hope you will  think about it.Thanks.   ;D


Welcome in Nightmare

Our "GM's" visit server only to anounce donation promotion..


make crafter,---> go drop recepie ssb and bssb--->, buy some llow d grade and crystalize it---> craft soulshots---> for yourself and rest for sell :D
JACKSPARROWPL th/pp  |  Prototyp3 wc/bp  |  xMortalMagicx sps/ee 


Quote from: Flaw on July 26, 2010, 03:41:52 AM
Today I've started playing on this 30x server, and i must say, it was really annoying searching for someone to sell or craft ssD or bssD , i think those could be for sale in a normal grocery store.. really, i wanted to stop playing yust because i didn't get those soulshoots, i've never seen a server that had so little insterests in getting new people..  ( and please, don't say that i could go and lvl myself with NOgrade till 40, this is yust stupid and i would waste too much time..)

So i think that every new guy would really appreciate this, anyways, selling ssD and bssD doesn't bring much profit, so dwarfs shouldn't be against this idea and with 30x, everyone get's through D grade fast. I hope you will  think about it.Thanks.   ;D
tell how manny you need, i craft for you or anyone else who need, anytime, and yes for free
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: Locus on July 26, 2010, 08:36:41 AM
Welcome in Nightmare

Our "GM's" visit server only to anounce donation promotion..
Nah, that's not nice to hear :/ hope then they will think aboutthis idea anyways :D

Quote from: mortal on July 26, 2010, 08:41:30 AM
make crafter,---> go drop recepie ssb and bssb--->, buy some llow d grade and crystalize it---> craft soulshots---> for yourself and rest for sell :D
Yeah, that would be a posibillity too :D  but naah, im not that into crafters xP

Quote from: trooperXkoki on July 26, 2010, 11:31:49 AM
tell how manny you need, i craft for you or anyone else who need, anytime, and yes for free

Trooper thanks, but, i made it till C grade, slowly and painfully, but still, i made it! :D


Well first welcome to the community  ;D
I hope u enjoy your stay in NM... it will be hard to catch up in an 5 year old server... GL :P
PS: strafko inv him to clan and help him we need new players in the server  ;)


Quote from: Gonzal on July 26, 2010, 03:29:58 PM
Well first welcome to the community  ;D
I hope u enjoy your stay in NM... it will be hard to catch up in an 5 year old server... GL :P
PS: strafko inv him to clan and help him we need new players in the server  ;)
anytime, he just need to pm me :D
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


hehe :D yeah,5 years ain't so little :P
anyways, me and my friends made our little clan, you know,so i can't join yours.But  if you want, we can join your ally :P anyways, i would really  appreciate  every gift from you that would help us build a mighty clan faster xD  :D


Wellcome to dragon, and if u have just started... just look for another server.... new people have no chance on dragon.... ssd hard to find... C grade stuff.. pffff this no have anymor.... B grade? 500kkk LoL

Gl... i'm looking for better server


Quote from: l3v14th4n on July 26, 2010, 07:14:56 PM
Wellcome to dragon, and if u have just started... just look for another server.... new people have no chance on dragon.... ssd hard to find... C grade stuff.. pffff this no have anymor.... B grade? 500kkk LoL

Gl... i'm looking for better server
nightmare  dude, you are on wrong server board
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


For what d grade shots? for 4h playing? ;)

try other servers, the lower rates from DN 5x, 9x


Quote from: Lianie* on July 26, 2010, 07:26:37 PM
For what d grade shots? for 4h playing? ;)

try other servers, the lower rates from DN 5x, 9x
FU dont take players away from our server  >:(
we need new ppl  more than u  :D