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Bison skill

Started by CrashOverAll, September 09, 2010, 11:20:52 AM

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Track wtf is with bison skill. First you made it only for tyr. Then tyr could use it at full HP and get 355 crit. Now if u use it on low HP and recharge full HP u still have 355 crit rate. The problem wasn't with when to activate it , it was with the bonus it gave. The formula still needs work on it.

Try to test that ! ;)



Are you pathetic ? Orcs at now are already best nerfed class ever i see and u call to nerf him more ?  Some ppls are totally morrons n/c. Its one of best tyrant skill and tyran class have good powerfull so stop QQ about crt rate :O Just debuf the orc ( its rly easy ) , cancle him, slow bla bla bla and dont cry more about orcs all becouse this class going to die soon by our gm if they will be nerf orcs every 1/2 months.


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 09, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
Are you pathetic ? Orcs at now are already best nerfed class ever i see and u call to nerf him more ?  Some ppls are totally morrons n/c. Its one of best tyrant skill and tyran class have good powerfull so stop QQ about crt rate :O Just debuf the orc ( its rly easy ) , cancle him, slow bla bla bla and dont cry more about orcs all becouse this class going to die soon by our gm if they will be nerf orcs every 1/2 months.

and we are only at the second parts of the UPDATE  wait the last one we will cry more :D


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 09, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
Are you pathetic ? Orcs at now are already best nerfed class ever i see and u call to nerf him more ?  Some ppls are totally morrons n/c. Its one of best tyrant skill and tyran class have good powerfull so stop QQ about crt rate :O Just debuf the orc ( its rly easy ) , cancle him, slow bla bla bla and dont cry more about orcs all becouse this class going to die soon by our gm if they will be nerf orcs every 1/2 months.

And where is exactly the nerf here? He says the skill become way too powerfull from what it was (even from retail) for tyrants.


The truth is that we got something else in mind about bison  and  ty/de soloing raids ,i ll test it personally and i ll let you know  .


Quote from: Kain on September 09, 2010, 06:01:21 PM
The truth is that we got something else in mind about bison  and  ty/de soloing raids ,i ll test it personally and i ll let you know  .

jeez stop abit plz let our  tyr/de how it was, who care if they can solo a raid its so simple to PK one tyr/de who have 1k-2k  mdef max(alteast mine got 2k XD) i can solo some boss with my tyr/spoiler too u gonna nerf it ?

bison nerfed - c4/IL
Frenzy nerfed
bison second nerf - HB
now what ? yep he was one shooting in pvp but everyone can pew pew a tyr/de .....


buy icarus bow + 20 and u`ll kill solo raid ... what a  bullshits ppls talk here we have now armors + 8/9  wepaons + 15/16 so like all class can kill solo rb so nerf kurwa this JEDAI enchants not  ty/des

yesterday i was on ember i see  ty/des with dnet set hv + dha like + 10 and he cant pick 1% hp from him so are you sure you want nerf orc more ? better cheak it at good rbs now low level like cabrio ...

Also later we try kill ember like with 2 mix pt with some temps and it was like 30 min ~~~~

Point ? ty/des is ok if he cant kill ember  alone becouse long time ago he died in 60 sec by me ...



Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 09, 2010, 06:11:06 PM
buy icarus bow + 20 and u`ll kill solo raid ... what a  bullshits ppls talk here we have now armors + 8/9  wepaons + 15/16 so like all class can kill solo rb so nerf kurwa this JEDAI enchants not  ty/des

yesterday i was on ember i see  ty/des with dnet set hv + dha like + 10 and he cant pick 1% hp from him so are you sure you want nerf orc more ? better cheak it at good rbs now low level like cabrio ...

Also later we try kill ember like with 2 mix pt with some temps and it was like 30 min ~~~~

Point ? ty/des is ok if he cant kill ember  alone becouse long time ago he died in 60 sec by me ...


as i know ember have bishop...so he need to kill 1st bishop then others fighers :D
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Yea but it doesn't seem fair for a tyr/de to work 10 min at typhoon with BD/PP and WC/Bishop and 2 daggerist+1 archer in 3 min with only WC/Bishop


Quote from: Ungolianth on September 10, 2010, 06:14:08 PM
tell me kain, now u nerfed ty/de and what u solve? u think u will quit soloing raids? even after all nerfes we kill any rb in 5-10 mins solo with ty/de...with full equiped orc with +++++skills its np anyway

a plain de or a dagger can do the same job. The difference in official is that you need with you a wc,a bd,a sws, a pp while here with a 3ple box or a friend you have then all on 1 or 2.


Yea ungo but think of the players who don't have BD/PP , WC/SWS and were struglying with IC+6, baium , dha+hp+6 max ..... this players were happy they could kill easy raids and could see the funn in having orc (NOT JUST FOR FARM). Now ..... DNET+DS+RB jewels and the RB is down fast.