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about C grade

Started by OwnerPL, September 13, 2010, 05:50:17 PM

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yyyyy where the hell I can trade c/d crystals for C armors ( karimian set etc) in luxory  giran if u click armors u can see only Event coins and hats O.o
IvennO - GL/PP      "Warriors fight to live, Gladiators fight to kill."
0vnerPL - Th/Pal


for ex. in rune/aden u can buy karmian for adena ;)
The sky is the limit.


Quote from: kasha on September 13, 2010, 10:49:37 PM
for ex. in rune/aden u can buy karmian for adena ;)
u cant in aden :)
IvennO - GL/PP      "Warriors fight to live, Gladiators fight to kill."
0vnerPL - Th/Pal


C grade stuff has been moved to NPC in Gludio tradeable for Bonze coins...........
Agent5mith SPS / SWS


Wich is ridiculous tbh. Ppl will getlvl 50 and still won't have enough of those coins to buy them lol
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


Quote from: legendaryvicious on September 13, 2010, 11:07:54 PM
Wich is ridiculous tbh. Ppl will getlvl 50 and still won't have enough of those coins to buy them lol

Those sets, weapons should have a lower price


Agree and make coin tradeable
Agent5mith SPS / SWS


Quote from: OwnerPL on September 13, 2010, 10:59:33 PM
u cant in aden :)
nvm looks that more things change after updates than i tought :P
The sky is the limit.