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Bison again

Started by CrashOverAll, September 20, 2010, 04:44:33 AM

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Ok reuse and delay can be diffrent but stilll it is similar.....


again nerf orks ..... some oly farmers cry and he faked up all tyrants ...


Quote from: CrashOverAll on September 20, 2010, 06:14:38 PM
The formula is worng. IT SHOULD BE something like this:

<skill id="292" levels="1" name="Bison Spirit Totem">
<set name="magicLvl" val="68"/>
<set name="mpConsume" val="32"/>
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
<set name="reuseDelay" val="600000"/>
<set name="hitTime" val="2000"/>
<set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
<set name="aggroPoints" val="624"/>
<set name="weaponsAllowed" val="1024"/> <!-- Dual Fist -->
<effect name="Buff" time="60" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="possession">
<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="6">
<using kind="Dual Fist"/>
<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.1">
<player hp="60"/>
<add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="100">
<player hp="60"/>
<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.3">
<player hp="30"/>
<add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="300">
<player hp="30"/>

Yes but now its like

30 %  hp  + 160 crt rate + some p atack
30 % and more like 50 crt + nothink

Its so funny


It's not funny with "30 %  hp  + 160 crt rate + some p atack" .... i prefer to use extra v.rage and use hawkeye on spoiler cuse that crit rate sux so bad i get killed with 3 chimeras on my ass and the gear is not as low as you would think. baium+zaken+qa + tallum+6 or draco+ DS+HP+6 + BD/PP support and SE sometimes. so WTF ?!?!???


Quote from: CrashOverAll on September 20, 2010, 06:33:09 PM
It's not funny with "30 %  hp  + 160 crt rate + some p atack" .... i prefer to use extra v.rage and use hawkeye on spoiler cuse that crit rate sux so bad i get killed with 3 chimeras on my ass and the gear is not as low as you would think. baium+zaken+qa + tallum+6 or draco+ DS+HP+6 + BD/PP support and SE sometimes. so WTF ?!?!???

I was  on hb before server dc ( ... )   just use dnet light + dyna fist + focus  + totem hawk and zaken /qa  with only pp/bd and i was all time full of hp ( just use only zaken for vr )

anyway in olympiad i dont have  dance/songs so my crt ratte isnt so high :D


ok .... i will accept the DNET and dyna fist ... the rest i will handel by myself !!! WTF NOT EVERYONE HAS DNET!!!! NOT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD DYNA WEPONS .... i saw spoilers takeing chimeras 1 by 1 with dragon grinders ... and that was they way to get money for better gear....


i should delete my tyr/wc tyr/ol tyr/pp 2x tyr/de tyr/spoiler ?


Lol !! new update! 222 crit rate no buff no set with bison 142 with hawkeye. In this ritm we hit 342 in 1 week or if we calculete by lag/DC in 10 min :P


"No one can match the might of an Orc Fighter when it comes to pure phisycal strength. With their unflagging endurance and their incredible stubborness, they are a fearfull presence on the battlefield that no one wishes to face."

I dont see any of this characteristics on my tyr/de or my tyr/wc. I have tall hvy+6 / dyna light & dyna fists/dha... i used to kill chimeras with tallum hvy clean and hd clean... now i cant with rb jewels and the actual set...

It's not serious what GMs are doing to the orc race. They say they want to make a balance, but the only balance i see is on their wallets by making ppl donate to buy the best sets.. i wont pay for a free game, and you should do the same nm players....

Undo the nerf +1


I will say it once and i wont repat until its final .

Bison totem at the moment is under development and testing modes until we find the combination and keep .
Our main goal is avoid ty/de farming solo the raids but the same time to let ty/de be able to pvp with all skills  and the same time to avoid 500 critical rate on ty/xx on 100% hp (oly problem) .

So please ,stop opening 2342134 topics daily about bison ,i will lock them instantly .

~ Kain .