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Killing the market!



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Killing the market!

Started by Overp0werd, September 25, 2010, 08:02:46 PM

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from announcement:

Adena dropamount multiplier changed. After level 40 (of the monster) it slowly drops (each 10 levels) by 10% of the server multiplier.
Soulshots/Spiritshots up to C grade in shops
Offline shops are now marked as yellow


The Price in the Shop is LESS than it costs to craft!

The In-store price should be at least double market/Cost-to-Craft Price

ssc: 250
Bssc: 510

Your killing the whole market for c-grade shots, ITS THE ONLY WAY SOME OF US MAKE ADENA!?  This wasn't listed in the planned updates?!


Quote from: Overp0werd on September 25, 2010, 08:02:46 PM
from announcement:

Adena dropamount multiplier changed. After level 40 (of the monster) it slowly drops (each 10 levels) by 10% of the server multiplier.
Soulshots/Spiritshots up to C grade in shops
Offline shops are now marked as yellow


The Price in the Shop is LESS than it costs to craft!

The In-store price should be at least double market price!

ssc: 250
Bssc: 510

Your killing the whole market for c-grade shots, ITS THE ONLY WAY SOME OF US MAKE ADENA!?  This wasn't listed in the planned updates?!

Move up to B grade market? Dunno...they ar killing the server whit updates not just market prices...dont worry soon u wont have ppl to sell SSC or BSSC cuz no new ppl will come and old one will leave soon.
Dragon x 15
DaggerW0man He/Sws
DarkLordIII  Ne/pp

SesameStreet 2 member, c4 times....
DadoBm /He
Was fun playing ,last time loged in 2011...


Quote from: 2Dark4You on September 25, 2010, 08:06:21 PM

Move up to B grade market? Dunno...they ar killing the server whit updates not just market prices...dont worry soon u wont have ppl to sell SSC or BSSC cuz no new ppl will come and old one will leave soon.
+1 allready many did left and more will fallow...some time ago in WTS/WTT was full of trading items from 15x/5x/30x to here..now it`s viceversa ;D




And what's this about resetting the offline shop time???  I had 44 days worth of minutes!!! I want those damn scrolls back!  That was all the coins I had!!!  How can I set my craft shop up now?

And while they're at it, they can buy my damn ssc... all 800k plus of it that I had made up as nearly the only way to make money.


Selling spirit shot and soulshot in the shops is one thing but selling it at or below crafted prices is not a good idea especially for a 9x server.  Now you are killing commerce for crafting by having such low prices.  I"ll check back next week to see if it has changed, otherwise onto the next server I'm afraid.  I have seen this none to often.  There are plenty of other servers at Dragon that need those type of items in the shops.  At least bump the price to double the craft price.  Is Obama in there running the show?  This looks like something right out of his playbook on how to kill the economy.  :-[ .   Can you throw the class quest change items in their also for free?


Agree. Delete ssc & bssc from shops, or bump their price


dude if you don'k like the idea of buy ssc and bssc in shop, just don't do it, is better for new players like me, i dont have money to buy ssc to people... think in others don't be selfish -.-


Quote from: Aridus on October 02, 2010, 09:31:27 PM
dude if you don'k like the idea of buy ssc and bssc in shop, just don't do it, is better for new players like me, i dont have money to buy ssc to people... think in others don't be selfish -.-

New players that want everything handed to them, new players that beg for gear and adena?  If you want to have a game without any challenge go play a 5000x PVP server, THIS IS A 9x. This server is screwed a bit, because its easier to level and get gear here that it ever was on dragon.

Ofc i'm being selfish, and not you, that wants all this stuff for free.


Bla Bla Bla , nobody care what you thinking about! Its only GMs decision, not yours! So who dont like it ,get a RL !