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after read many QQ post about olys are not balanced i have 2-3 ideas



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after read many QQ post about olys are not balanced i have 2-3 ideas

Started by ribera, October 23, 2010, 05:07:43 PM

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well i think for balance olys 1 move should be disable atribute on armor and weapons at olys, cous 3-4 guys whit 2 sets kill everybody, and everybody know is true, second figthers can use all atributes on weapons mages only the skills one, olys should be a skill fight but is not, second one maybe make a figther vs figther and a mage vs mage option. maybe erease the atributes will end the bogs monopoly of 2-3 guys, and many other ppls will try to fight ending the transfer heroes, cous 70% of the heroes get it making transfer. is just a idea what u think?
ur the NOOB


Quote from: ribera on October 23, 2010, 05:07:43 PM
well i think for balance olys 1 move should be disable atribute on armor and weapons at olys, cous 3-4 guys whit 2 sets kill everybody, and everybody know is true, second figthers can use all atributes on weapons mages only the skills one, olys should be a skill fight but is not, second one maybe make a figther vs figther and a mage vs mage option. maybe erease the atributes will end the bogs monopoly of 2-3 guys, and many other ppls will try to fight ending the transfer heroes, cous 70% of the heroes get it making transfer. is just a idea what u think?
Quoteur the NOOB
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: ribera on October 23, 2010, 05:07:43 PM
well i think for balance olys 1 move should be disable atribute on armor and weapons at olys, cous 3-4 guys whit 2 sets kill everybody, and everybody know is true, second figthers can use all atributes on weapons mages only the skills one, olys should be a skill fight but is not, second one maybe make a figther vs figther and a mage vs mage option. maybe erease the atributes will end the bogs monopoly of 2-3 guys, and many other ppls will try to fight ending the transfer heroes, cous 70% of the heroes get it making transfer. is just a idea what u think?

Transfer will always happen, GM made a lot of changes on oly but nothing will change that, on official we have transfer heros too. We will always have some farmers that will feed some people to become hero or clans/friends working to make a player hero.

If a player have 2 or more sets to go in oly to have good atributte resistances good for him, he farmed a lot or donated for that, anyway he worked for that.

Oly is a mix about skills, equips and char, some chars r stronger thant others, and if u nerf one class another will become stronger for oly.



Quote from: ribera on October 23, 2010, 05:07:43 PM
well i think for balance olys 1 move should be disable atribute on armor and weapons at olys, cous 3-4 guys whit 2 sets kill everybody, and everybody know is true, second figthers can use all atributes on weapons mages only the skills one, olys should be a skill fight but is not, second one maybe make a figther vs figther and a mage vs mage option. maybe erease the atributes will end the bogs monopoly of 2-3 guys, and many other ppls will try to fight ending the transfer heroes, cous 70% of the heroes get it making transfer. is just a idea what u think?
WTF oly is about skill? it never been about skills but items, else way no1 would bother to borrow better items from clan mats. so stop dreaming and farm
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


I didnt read what you all wrote, but if there are so many problems because of balance in olys, why dont you make olys in C/B grade sets & weapons? it would be a more balanced fight i think, and fair for all, including those who doesnt have dnet+6 and rb jewels +6, it's just an idea... with C/B grade sets/weapons/jewels we will know who has the best pvp, and also will be more fun...
just an idea  :-X


Quote from: lytors on October 24, 2010, 01:54:06 AM
I didnt read what you all wrote, but if there are so many problems because of balance in olys, why dont you make olys in C/B grade sets & weapons? it would be a more balanced fight i think, and fair for all, including those who doesnt have dnet+6 and rb jewels +6, it's just an idea... with C/B grade sets/weapons/jewels we will know who has the best pvp, and also will be more fun...
just an idea  :-X

We Care about this ppl without dnet set !
Even in C/B Grade it won t be balanced ....


Quote from: DogsAreSoCute on October 24, 2010, 09:34:52 AM
We Care about this ppl without dnet set !
Even in C/B Grade it won t be balanced ....

ur Red cross ?
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: ribera on October 23, 2010, 05:07:43 PM
well i think for balance olys 1 move should be disable atribute on armor and weapons at olys, cous 3-4 guys whit 2 sets kill everybody, and everybody know is true, second figthers can use all atributes on weapons mages only the skills one, olys should be a skill fight but is not, second one maybe make a figther vs figther and a mage vs mage option. maybe erease the atributes will end the bogs monopoly of 2-3 guys, and many other ppls will try to fight ending the transfer heroes, cous 70% of the heroes get it making transfer. is just a idea what u think?

Thats because these people spend a lot of time (money) to make their chars like that. Progress in olympiad is made by few things: equipment, class and lets say this some friendships.
1st equipment - I think that an idea to disable atribute is bad idea, these people put a lot of effort to make their stuff on level they have. I would rather improve some fact of this attribute system. Now it only gives good sides. I think that every attribute should give some side effects also. For example if u give fire resistance to your armor. Your fire resistance attribute should be higher, but also u shuld be more vulnerable to water (so if u have 40 fire p def u also get -40 water pdef (its only example the corelations between atributes should be another topic)). Moreover depending on your current attribute some stats should change also. For example if your main  attribute is earth your pdef and mdef should be improved depending on attribute value, but m atack and p atack should be decreased. This change is custom and  think would make game more interessting. When u say that soomeone has few sets of armours, you can have few sets of wepons to counter it.
2nd class :Moreover some elements should boost up some natural class specific attributes. For example sh should have some passive skill that boost wind attacks, the skills should be stackable from each class (i mean main class and dn sub) That would let some weaker olympiad classes to boost them a bit at olympiad (these skills would work at olympiad only)
3rd: "Make new friends but keep the old one is silver the other gold" Even u own the oly, but u r completly d!ck you may not be hero ;)
moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws
