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Bans on 26 Oct



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Bans on 26 Oct

Started by BurdelPapa, October 29, 2010, 08:17:59 AM

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Hi, my name is Redek and I have to write this post from friends computer cuz you turned out registration system....

I have few questions about this bans:
Oct 26 2010 12:14PM   Redek   -   NEVER!   ^Torn^    l2w
Oct 26 2010 12:20PM   WhiteAng3l   -   NEVER!   ^Torn^    l2w

Both chars are mine. The situations looks like that. First Redek: I asked friend to exp me, so we went on IOP, after few hours I get bored so i went sleep and when i woke up I was in jail. I bet that protocol did this so this question is to him.
Dear Protocol why you think that i was on l2w? My char was standing, you could do anything with this char and it wouldnt make anything cuz I was afk. The same goes to responding to yours pm (but when i check you werent even pming me). So you think that all chars standing in one pleace for longer then hour are on l2w?
Now WhiteAng3l. This is even more funny for me, once protocol saw me with this char but I wasnt on bot (about 2 weeks ago). After I saw that Redek is down i loged to another account and I noticed that WhiteAng3l is also. But dont know why? She wasnt even online when Redek got jailed/baned. So how it is possible?

Last question to Torn, cuz you are the one that baned me. Did you get any evidence from protocol that I was using l2w? (cuz you wrote that you ban me for this). Or it was just on Protocols word "I THINK that he was using l2w pls ban him"?


never ever go sleep again...


its simple. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/movie-uk-47b0abc81de744d1232d82b1926e3707.html


i know someone finally answer me. for the reaon i was tracking down a pure bad-user for 1 month now and who was the main, i busted over 20+ l2w on the same ips on IOP that night i found over 9+ l2w on 25/10/10. i unhide myself ask all l2w to do check and of cause ignore me (note all l2w in different location) so i know that l2w was in use. and it hard to say it not u using since u was there and all l2w  with your ip. this will be my statment to you