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Olympiad duration



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Olympiad duration

Started by Mirolsen, October 29, 2010, 11:31:24 PM

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Olympiad duration is much too long
fight end 2 minutes after olympiad blessing...

Infinity - SPS / EE 80 // NC 75 - Noble - Retired
Valkyrie - WK // BP/WK - Noble - Hero


it's that way so tanks can actually have a chance

suggested olympiad fixes
- remove blessing of noblesse
- fix summons (wk/ps/es) SPEED ! - it's too high, it was intentionally raised when blessing of noblesse was introduced ( increases speed )
- scale dagger damage with PDEF properly, it's not normal that a dagger do so much damage on gladiator / tank ( PDEF and NOT just armor type)
- allow necro to go in with summon and just punish the people that go in with other than self summons
- fix blessing of eva cooldown - 10 minutes minimum unaffected by cast speed / reuse skills
- fix mana burn - you are scaling it with max mana which makes it useless vs chars with low mana and blessing of noblesse

This is all that comes to mind now.


So remove olympiad blessing or make it for whole olympiad fight. Not half fight with and half w/o. Anyway 10 min oly fight inst fun, its jsut boring...

Infinity - SPS / EE 80 // NC 75 - Noble - Retired
Valkyrie - WK // BP/WK - Noble - Hero


make oly substaced and we will have a way more fun ! :D
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: OliveTrade on October 30, 2010, 10:18:35 AM
it's that way so tanks can actually have a chance

suggested olympiad fixes
- remove blessing of noblesse
- fix summons (wk/ps/es) SPEED ! - it's too high, it was intentionally raised when blessing of noblesse was introduced ( increases speed )
- scale dagger damage with PDEF properly, it's not normal that a dagger do so much damage on gladiator / tank ( PDEF and NOT just armor type)
- allow necro to go in with summon and just punish the people that go in with other than self summons
- fix blessing of eva cooldown - 10 minutes minimum unaffected by cast speed / reuse skills
- fix mana burn - you are scaling it with max mana which makes it useless vs chars with low mana and blessing of noblesse

This is all that comes to mind now.

dunno what dmg does dagger do nowadays (heard dagger class has been fixed - finnaly!), but let me tell you this - daggers DO enormous dmg to heavy users : ] I believe that you're all loosing to those classes, that's why you need another fixes ^^ It's funny how everyone picked a class that was very STRONG at the beginning of the server, and now are making new chars with daggers bcz they finnaly got their dmg : )

Anyways, point about necros' isgood, as I heard - they're useless now, cuz they can't use summons, lame as hell!

best thing though is as SoBOta said - make oly with stacksubs, you will all get more fun : )
good things


Quote from: Sokrates on October 30, 2010, 12:20:14 PM
make oly substaced and we will have a way more fun ! :D

you have 4 other servers with stacksub oly at DN so pick one and gtfo there...
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nolimits on October 30, 2010, 06:57:20 PM
you have 4 other servers with stacksub oly at DN so pick one and gtfo there...


Quote from: Akira on October 30, 2010, 01:22:23 PM
dunno what dmg does dagger do nowadays (heard dagger class has been fixed - finnaly!), but let me tell you this - daggers DO enormous dmg to heavy users : ] I believe that you're all loosing to those classes, that's why you need another fixes ^^ It's funny how everyone picked a class that was very STRONG at the beginning of the server, and now are making new chars with daggers bcz they finnaly got their dmg : )

Anyways, point about necros' isgood, as I heard - they're useless now, cuz they can't use summons, lame as hell!

best thing though is as SoBOta said - make oly with stacksubs, you will all get more fun : )

well, when i play a tank and i get lethal 2-3 time/fight for 2.5k+ thats kinda screwed imo... Also, tank even with guidance miss like 50% of time. accuracy is just so fuking bad. Sucks also this summon thing, my cast speed is so low and i must make resummon as tank inside oly... And yea, im for taking off that oly blessing, healers can almost stay full of mp w/o problem


Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on November 01, 2010, 04:59:21 PM
Now when before every1 fight reuse of all skills is resseted every dager take all skills for evasion...
How sme1 can get lethal with dmg?:D
take a dc robe set/tallum robe set, weapon with acu and make a dye+wit( dont remember if possible at tank, but at gladiator was so i think it is). With that u will get faster cast spd, what means faster summon ur panther.

what does firstly has to do ? im aware skill are reseted everytime we are ported inside. When i said a tank miss like 50% of time, accuracy is just bad, it was on a dagger w/o ue.

on the second point, u totaly knew what i meant...

3rd, I already have + wit dye, and the point of this was not, casting speed is wrong, or its not the cast duration to summon panther. Its about that crap that was implented to prevent divine beasts in oly (btw thanks for the robe tip, i think i didnt tought about it, wait, no, i did)

here its always like this... to prevent something/or make it resonable, the modification made screw up 10 other class(so u know, 10 is sarcasm) just for ex: prevent beasts = screwed necro, all summoner classes, and da. To prevent de.ty soloing RB, they nerfed bison, and screwed all tyrants w/o sub and the ones with ol/wc sub.


that is true : )
why? because admins do not know l2 as a game ^^ everyone can read a skill description, and personally I think Admins only knows things that ppl say to them.
Every town, except giran is a ghost town already : ) and even after months from opening, tons of bugs/not working skills/not working areas aren't fixed : )
I wish you guys all the best playing on Valkyrie, but be aware that this server can go down any day now ... >.>
good things


Quote from: Akira on November 02, 2010, 04:25:02 PM
that is true : )
why? because admins do not know l2 as a game ^^ everyone can read a skill description, and personally I think Admins only knows things that ppl say to them.

First: You're right a little but problem is that the people that generally get the ideas to the GM's are not the "majority". It's the ass-lickers that agree to everything the GM's say. And without "player" experience GM's are easily influenced. Example: all the ty/de changes, the icarus bow with normal attack speed on NM/Dragon, the insanely overpowered RB's that existed on Valky before the nerf, the "archer" nerf that existed on valkyrie before the fix.

Second: gm's are generally lazy and tired of listening to the players. their argument is "bah .. w/e we do it's not good enough for you" and think it's the players, they don't realize that maybe they don't good enough.

Third: most fixes, updates come from drake. the other coders (if they exist) have little experience.

Example: What did people cry for more before the "grand fantasy island event" ( that now doesn't work ) ? Simple: "fix drops/spoil", "fix rb's", "fix mana burn". What did they fix from that ? NOTHING

What did they add:
- some fixes to kamael class - now instead of 1%, 20% of kamael skills work - great, still useless
- FANTASY ISLAND GRAND UPDATE - now useless, disabled
- NEW RB'S , NEW AREAS NEVER BEFORE SEEN - NOBODY even xp's there because best xp is still in HB and no good drops in those areas
- grand PVP event - with fail matchmaking

Good things: - certification skills - bravo on that one
                     - subclass switching npc - this shouldn't even be on the list since it was absolutely necessary and they've been bragging about it for about 1 year.

And after all that GM's come and say "OMG how dare you question our work, we do so MUCH for you and you NEVER appreciate it.".

Yeah GG.


Quote from: OliveTrade on November 02, 2010, 05:30:23 PM
First: You're right a little but problem is that the people that generally get the ideas to the GM's are not the "majority". It's the ass-lickers that agree to everything the GM's say. And without "player" experience GM's are easily influenced. Example: all the ty/de changes, the icarus bow with normal attack speed on NM/Dragon, the insanely overpowered RB's that existed on Valky before the nerf, the "archer" nerf that existed on valkyrie before the fix.

Second: gm's are generally lazy and tired of listening to the players. their argument is "bah .. w/e we do it's not good enough for you" and think it's the players, they don't realize that maybe they don't good enough.

Third: most fixes, updates come from drake. the other coders (if they exist) have little experience.

Example: What did people cry for more before the "grand fantasy island event" ( that now doesn't work ) ? Simple: "fix drops/spoil", "fix rb's", "fix mana burn". What did they fix from that ? NOTHING

What did they add:
- some fixes to kamael class - now instead of 1%, 20% of kamael skills work - great, still useless
- FANTASY ISLAND GRAND UPDATE - now useless, disabled
- NEW RB'S , NEW AREAS NEVER BEFORE SEEN - NOBODY even xp's there because best xp is still in HB and no good drops in those areas
- grand PVP event - with fail matchmaking

Good things: - certification skills - bravo on that one
                     - subclass switching npc - this shouldn't even be on the list since it was absolutely necessary and they've been bragging about it for about 1 year.

And after all that GM's come and say "OMG how dare you question our work, we do so MUCH for you and you NEVER appreciate it.".

Yeah GG.
