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Storm coming?

Started by Gonzal, November 23, 2010, 04:04:44 AM

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Quote from: Weezer on November 23, 2010, 05:16:37 PM
Maybe cause u will be dead after 1 hit and wont be able to make those 3 hits?!?

It was an example weez! Anyway! He can't kill me with 1 hit! But this is not the point Faaak!

I can bet icarus price will drop and other bow's will rise a bit! Its a win win situation for me!

Thats not a bad thing so!  GZ!


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 05:18:52 PM

It was an example weez! Anyway! He can't kill me with 1 hit! But this is not the point Faaak!

I can bet icarus price will drop and other bow's will rise a bit! Its a win win situation for me!

Thats not a bad thing so!  GZ!

I play archer too and i think even with this "nerf" on attack speed icarus wont drop price too much, cause isnt only about attack speed, but reuse too, and after (except for SR class) normal archers don't get 1.5k without full buffs + CHP + certification or SR skill.


BTW they removed the nerf... now top atk speed is 2.5k and casting is 2.5k
time for mages to cry?  :o


instead of "fixing" things that was pretty normal (a.speed, crt dmg on orcs) - they should fix attr. system in armor like Locus said - cause now it doesn't matter if you have 1 part, 2 part or even don't have resist vs attr. in armor - you still get same dmg


Quote from: Gonzal on November 23, 2010, 05:26:35 PM
BTW they removed the nerf... now top atk speed is 2.5k and casting is 2.5k
time for mages to cry?  :o

fell free to use this topic... don't need to create another...


Quote from: Weezer on November 23, 2010, 05:30:29 PM
fell free to use this topic... don't need to create another...
i created the topic :D i knew from the first time this would happen  ::)
there are more fighters/archers than mages so they cry harder (like always)
the only who know that the archers dont need atk speed is deavon... the rest only care of wow my 3k atk speed  :o


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 04:36:23 PM
And don't say atk speed doesnt matter! Whats point you hitting me for 10k if i hit you in same time with 3 x 5k hits? <---- Just an example!
Imagine you are about to kill some lameass bishop.
You are giving him 3k per hit.
He can overheal the damage, is able to heal his comrades and still can laugh at your funny attempt.


You can hit him once in a while, but for 10k, so he is dead in one shot and can't do a shit about it.

<---- Just an example!

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Gonzal on November 23, 2010, 05:33:41 PM
i created the topic :D i knew from the first time this would happen  ::)
there are more fighters/archers than mages so they cry harder (like always)
the only who know that the archers dont need atk speed is deavon... the rest only care of wow my 3k atk speed  :o

based on actual archers on server most of then preffer attack speed than p. attack, but u must remember that huge damage that deavon makes isnt only based in his p. attack but on GL and PR skills that adds a lot in damage.

Not all players r PR/GL lvl 85 IG atm, some of then preffer to make HE/GL but isn't the same thing.

imo P. Attack + char skills r way more important than attack speed, especially in my char it is.


THX for next nerf orc :D   if u wanna make limit attack speed / casting speed   make smth with this milion evasion of daggers also  if they use 2/3 skills for evasion u miss all hits. If u wanna nerf  so nerf all not only some class


Quote from: Gonzal on November 23, 2010, 05:33:41 PM
the only who know that the archers dont need atk speed is deavon... the rest only care of wow my 3k atk speed  :o

You can sleep without  nigthmares at nights now  ,i m past ,quited,retired whatever :D
No more 10k-15k damages from me , i droped my most of my extra items and i shared my main items to friends yesterday :)
My cyrcle in l2 closed  :P


mages nerfed (check malaria someone) atribute still freaked up, lets donate our lovely server and keep voting, DN number 1 !!


Quote from: Deavon on November 23, 2010, 06:09:33 PM
You can sleep without  nigthmares at nights now  ,i m past ,quited,retired whatever :D
No more 10k-15k damages from me , i droped my most of my extra items and i shared my main items to friends yesterday :)
My cyrcle in l2 closed  :P
It was fun play vs u :D
GL in real