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Some1 scame me

Started by raymax, November 24, 2010, 02:02:02 PM

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InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Next time don't use L2W or any kind of cheating program and everything will be fine. And I bet if ur attitude was better Track would help u.


i never used l2w  only patch for colours
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2010, 09:11:07 PM
So the guy who scammed him got his acc info proly from here : http://www.goddessflight.com/crystal_ball.html

Anyway imagine if we return scammed stuff then i would put my pass trackzero 123 so then why we have suggesting generated passwords and so on.... ANYWAY i think i showed enough attention to this case as well as to DN clan itself, and btw thanks for best woshes , appricate it.
well the point is nm is loosing ppls everyday :P duno iff u didnt realise that but since u promised A LOT  and rly not many from this stuff was made  ppls got rly bored and r simple leaving . btw gm's on dragon r helping ppls  and is kinda nice :P make new gm to help scamed ppls imo xD
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on November 25, 2010, 10:14:21 PM
well the point is nm is loosing ppls everyday :P duno iff u didnt realise that but since u promised A LOT  and rly not many from this stuff was made  ppls got rly bored and r simple leaving . btw gm's on dragon r helping ppls  and is kinda nice :P make new gm to help scamed ppls imo xD
I really hope for the sake of community that i dont help NM people like gms from dragon "help" them, else some wierd things might occur  ;)
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2010, 10:49:48 PM
I really hope for the sake of community that i dont help NM people like gms from dragon "help" them, else some wierd things might occur  ;)
hehe i guess i know what u mean xD anyway event plz
  Nightmare 30x


first time you help and tell who scam o_O

you have + from me


Quote from: chlipus on November 26, 2010, 01:01:09 AM
first time you help and tell who scam o_O

you have + from me


Quote from: chlipus on November 26, 2010, 01:01:09 AM
first time you help and tell who scam o_O

you have + from me

For sure this is not the first time .... i remember at least 4 times when tracky helped with such problems ...
Glad to see, that our GM's are still with us ( hope it's true ) !


I have somee info, i talk with some ppl including SAMR and, she said she dont do it. from 1 friend i have 1 more info: on my acc was logged not only 1 ip adres (that 4 banned chars), that was 2nd too but now dunno who is it. i give here screens also bcs they can be helped:
on 2nd photo is id and pass for samr acc but pass was changed when i was enter.
If it is possible check also this 2nd ip adress and match about probability doubled or smtg like this, bcs on this adress can be this real scammer.
She tell me also in her city is possible to doubt ip so it will be good if u will compare it.(Say Cidy Bisher city and net company is Te Data)
And if its possible too check who was logged (ip) on samr acc when i make this screens
Its important for me know the true.
Thx for all job what u do.

InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Quote from: raymax on November 27, 2010, 12:40:36 AM
I have somee info, i talk with some ppl including SAMR and, she said she dont do it. from 1 friend i have 1 more info: on my acc was logged not only 1 ip adres (that 4 banned chars), that was 2nd too but now dunno who is it. i give here screens also bcs they can be helped:
on 2nd photo is id and pass for samr acc but pass was changed when i was enter.
If it is possible check also this 2nd ip adress and match about probability doubled or smtg like this, bcs on this adress can be this real scammer.
She tell me also in her city is possible to doubt ip so it will be good if u will compare it.(Say Cidy Bisher city and net company is Te Data)
And if its possible too check who was logged (ip) on samr acc when i make this screens
Its important for me know the true.
Thx for all job what u do.

So you didnt learn lesson, so now we have to belive new story from a "honest friend"? Like she/he/it DIDNT scam you but he loged on your account with smar account but in same time he got hacked on smar in same time you got hacked , wait im confused maybe you hacked smar now? Spanish tv novela mens...

Logs dont lie what i said i said thats it.
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I just write new infos what can be usefull, interpretation of this is not my role
But why u dont write about 2nd ip adrees who was log on my acc

ps send me in pm ur msn.
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...