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Some1 scame me



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Some1 scame me

Started by raymax, November 24, 2010, 02:02:02 PM

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1st: no1 haved pass for my chars. When i log today into game my all eq dissapear: ic dagger+cd+8, ic bow+f+3 someone leave mine chars with clan and also set char to delete. Only 1 what i see is title "Gutpi"

Track, if u can check ip and other thinks that guy who scam me, i will be happy. Thx

ps i logout at 1.30-2:00 gmt+1 and loged in 13:55 gmt+1
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


track don't do any think, he have ppl in ass, he want only coins, this is nm

remember vote for our server


Quote from: chlipus on November 25, 2010, 05:15:11 AM
track don't do any think, he have ppl in ass, he want only coins, this is nm

remember vote for our server

NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



maybe u were too drunk and tried to enchant your staff...  ::)
u were so pissed that u put /delete char


Quote from: chlipus on November 25, 2010, 05:15:11 AM
track don't do any think, he have ppl in ass, he want only coins, this is nm

remember vote for our server

yes only 1 what i see is help only for donators like lucif strafko or messalina. coz i can say more: gl here and hf

and vote more ofc
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Quote from: raymax on November 24, 2010, 02:02:02 PM
1st: no1 haved pass for my chars. When i log today into game my all eq dissapear: ic dagger+cd+8, ic bow+f+3 someone leave mine chars with clan and also set char to delete. Only 1 what i see is title "Gutpi"

Track, if u can check ip and other thinks that guy who scam me, i will be happy. Thx

ps i logout at 1.30-2:00 gmt+1 and loged in 13:55 gmt+1
1st of all, what you wrote in txt says me 0 directly on what char you got scammed.
2nd poeple get it for ONCE , i dont help DONATORS OR NON DONATORS, people who report me scam i check who did it and if i can find it i BAN no matter if u are donator or not so stop saying bullshits about random people.
3rd Wanna bet that you got busted by "friends" who u trusted ur account and that ur account was shared? WANNA BET?
4th Without having info on what char u got scammed i can check shit.
5th Stop voting for us, like u did it anyway
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ofc i can bet. i was scammed at yesterday night betwenn 1:30-2:00 gmt+1 up to 13:55 gmt+1 when i was login
charname is iMotion, i lost ic dagger+cd+8 and ic bow+f+3, some sh1ts too like btb staff

but now nothign change my opinion so i tell once again: gl hf and bb
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Quote from: raymax on November 25, 2010, 05:09:53 PM
ofc i can bet. i was scammed at yesterday night betwenn 1:30-2:00 gmt+1 up to 13:55 gmt+1 when i was login
charname is iMotion, i lost ic dagger+cd+8 and ic bow+f+3, some sh1ts too like btb staff

but now nothign change my opinion so i tell once again: gl hf and bb
Well you are not scammed by me or DN so change your attitude, if you had click/used (l2w example, especially new "PATCH HOW TO USE L2W ON DN") and so on, why it should be my fault and why should i recieve flames "im helping only donators etc" why i need to listen this since it was your fault obviously, people dont log on others account just like that, so watch your garden before trying aproach mine, aka stop flaming,blaming and insulting server since we/him have nothing to do with you lame scam.
Regarding scam , you got scammed by 
Same IP loged on your acc also at:Nov 21 2010 2:34AM / Nov 22 2010 4:41AM / Nov 23 2010 2:21AM / Nov 23 2010 5:23PM / Nov 24 2010 1:56AM / Nov 24 2010 2:04AM / Nov 24 2010 2:22AM / Nov 24 2010 2:25AM

SO looks like your "Friend" had account for quite long period , so once again same old story and l2 friends trusting.

If you ask who is behind the IP , here it is : L2SLAYER

ANd of coruse they will be banned,so next time open eyes and stop insulting me saying random bullshits.
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2010, 07:42:17 PM
Well you are not scammed by me or DN so change your attitude, if you had click/used (l2w example, especially new "PATCH HOW TO USE L2W ON DN") and so on, why it should be my fault and why should i recieve flames "im helping only donators etc" why i need to listen this since it was your fault obviously, people dont log on others account just like that, so watch your garden before trying aproach mine, aka stop flaming,blaming and insulting server since we/him have nothing to do with you lame scam.
Regarding scam , you got scammed by 
Same IP loged on your acc also at:Nov 21 2010 2:34AM / Nov 22 2010 4:41AM / Nov 23 2010 2:21AM / Nov 23 2010 5:23PM / Nov 24 2010 1:56AM / Nov 24 2010 2:04AM / Nov 24 2010 2:22AM / Nov 24 2010 2:25AM

SO looks like your "Friend" had account for quite long period , so once again same old story and l2 friends trusting.

If you ask who is behind the IP , here it is : L2SLAYER

ANd of coruse they will be banned,so next time open eyes and stop insulting me saying random bullshits.
ownd :D
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2010, 07:42:17 PM
Well you are not scammed by me or DN so change your attitude, if you had click/used (l2w example, especially new "PATCH HOW TO USE L2W ON DN") and so on, why it should be my fault and why should i recieve flames "im helping only donators etc" why i need to listen this since it was your fault obviously, people dont log on others account just like that, so watch your garden before trying aproach mine, aka stop flaming,blaming and insulting server since we/him have nothing to do with you lame scam.
Regarding scam , you got scammed by 
Same IP loged on your acc also at:Nov 21 2010 2:34AM / Nov 22 2010 4:41AM / Nov 23 2010 2:21AM / Nov 23 2010 5:23PM / Nov 24 2010 1:56AM / Nov 24 2010 2:04AM / Nov 24 2010 2:22AM / Nov 24 2010 2:25AM

SO looks like your "Friend" had account for quite long period , so once again same old story and l2 friends trusting.

If you ask who is behind the IP , here it is : L2SLAYER

ANd of coruse they will be banned,so next time open eyes and stop insulting me saying random bullshits.

im oO


I'm pretty sure that you are QQing and you will QQ for a long time ...
I'm fed up 'bout ppl this tard saying " No1 know my acc's info ect .. " whereas they are always scammed by their own friends .1.
I'm sorry for ya if you have broken friends <3


Quote from: G4rro on November 25, 2010, 08:22:27 PM
The best part of it , is that no1 of them is his friend , and he got scammed by guys who arent even PL , and belive me or not , but pass to iMotion has only Raymax and Shreed , so he got somehow keyloger or smth similar . Dunno if its posible or not , but as a very old NM member he should get some of items back ;) But as i already noticed , after all of those years , DN stuff dont give a damn shit about players , specially those who didnt spend their own money for donation . Thats why NM have atm 200 ppl online , and had 2k + in the past .

Best whishes to DN stuff .

and for strafko bcoz he is nab :D
So the guy who scammed him got his acc info proly from here : http://www.goddessflight.com/crystal_ball.html

Anyway imagine if we return scammed stuff then i would put my pass trackzero 123 so then why we have suggesting generated passwords and so on.... ANYWAY i think i showed enough attention to this case as well as to DN clan itself, and btw thanks for best woshes , appricate it.
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