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To GM About Server

Started by stealth, December 04, 2010, 12:43:43 PM

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Quote from: stealth on December 06, 2010, 09:42:34 PM
You mean without a dead game. My point is that i have not even started on this server yet. It is like the game is loading my chars are almost there to start playing the game with and then "suddenly" shutdown, game over...
For some ppl it  takes years to get their chars where they want them to be.
So it is not fair to just call server dead after just a few months, its madness, especialy if other servers here have existed more than 5 years.Servers will have their periods of dead/alive, this server i want to be for "newer" clans. Not everyone has experienced l2 dragon network.

I must decide for myself without prior knowledge ? So i must walk blindfolded off a cliff or something ?
Yes i agree dn-servers are about making money, sad/hurtfull ?

Seems to me like you didn't get the point at all.

1st L2 haves nothing to do with L2-drake edition.Servers from the network survived even FBI shut down but that doesn't change the concept of the idea that L2 as game haves outlived itself.Not my bad that you just turned on 12 years and you started thinking of online games for L2 aside Offi server you like 5 years late already.New comers from other servers won't come at the waves you seems to be expecting wana hint on why ?- Years to get char where you want him ? Maibe there are a lot better L2 server than this and is sad that this is the only sub-stack server and haves such ignorant GM's, Torek sais they are Italians so i can say that i have idea why they are so ignorant ! Is Nationality you see they think Rome is in Italy so we made the world why pay atention !
2nd You don't have any knowladge ???? Did you pay atention realy to forum since the anounce for Valkyria to me looks like you didn't inform your self from the beggining at all when comming here.BECOUSE a lot ppl that spendet enof time on this network FORESAW this comming.Why you would ask - MAIBE THEY HAVE PROPER LOOK OVER THE YEARS OVER OUR GM STAFF AND WHAT DEVELOPERS ARE CAPABLE OFF.
Ok i Admit Drake was good in what he did but till C4. And that makes it to point 3
3th To make from begining something from this shit that copied most of his cripting from basic of DN servers Encouders had to have some basic formulas from chronicles since C3  till Gracia Final with all the changes in cripting balances and atributes . SOmething that didn't LEAK FROM NCSOFT FOR ALL THOUSE MANY YEARS.In other words on my lenguage we call this MISH MASH many things making one but with unknown origin and substance is for eating you can imagine the results.That is what DN Servers became with not properly math on chars with sub stack in profecies quite amusing that something that started so awesome turned so badly screwed as shit.BTW Have you seen any server ever with tottaly and not failing 7s System wana hint on why ? Code for that never leaked and no mater how much ppl try to make it work i never experienced working 7s on any private server that work 2 month in a raw.And believed or not that is esencial for L2 after lv 50.So you always experienced half the game anyway i didn't check buti doubt that any server haves also the Siege aplication for clanless ppl and i bet there isn't a server aside from the offi that you can become noble without barakiel but from siege participation like clanles swearing loyalty  to the land lord .Not to mantion the zones of influence,Ever heart of thouse ?

Now got my point ? ;)

PS if you wana try something new and better looking - InfiniteAion.com.
Here is what we do there  ;D http://img69.imageshack.us/i/9wt.mp4/ I couldn't restrain my self from posting this new :P

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin


Quote from: EsaKeDoem on December 06, 2010, 10:24:15 PM
Now got my point ? ;)

1) l2 is 5-6 years old, no sh1t, but did you take into account the period in which it takes to create your chars/clan ?
I think this is part of the reason why l2 outlives itself ? Also till this date new updates are always coming, not to dn, but
this is because of the custom code substack server it is.

2) I paid attention since it started, certain promises were not kept. I am not unpatient, unlike you I can wait for updates.
If they forsaw this coming, can you show me the posts that tell this ? I just see conlfict of players wishes to what
the server whishes were, it is after all the players choice to play here, they should know the servers rules and what
to expect on the server. Players can foresee their own entering or leaving the server, not the other way around, ok ?

3) You talk about coding and how certain things were not done properly. Well some are very generic like you mentioned
and exist on almost all other servers.

the only points i see once again are abour l2 in general and is not specific to this server, even point 3 = all dn-servers.
also you keep changing you points, maybe we should declare them variable ?
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


Quote from: stealth on December 06, 2010, 11:25:29 PM
1) l2 is 5-6 years old, no sh1t, but did you take into account the period in which it takes to create your chars/clan ?
I think this is part of the reason why l2 outlives itself ? Also till this date new updates are always coming, not to dn, but
this is because of the custom code substack server it is.

2) I paid attention since it started, certain promises were not kept. I am not unpatient, unlike you I can wait for updates.
If they forsaw this coming, can you show me the posts that tell this ? I just see conlfict of players wishes to what
the server whishes were, it is after all the players choice to play here, they should know the servers rules.
Players can foresee their own leaving, not the other way around, ok ?

3) You talk about coding and how certain things were not done properly. Well some are very generic like you mentioned
and exist on almost all other servers.

the only points i see once again are abour l2 in general and is not specific to this server, even point 3 = all dn-servers.
also you keep changing you points, maybe we should declare them variable ?
check pm^^

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: stealth on December 06, 2010, 11:25:29 PM
1) l2 is 5-6 years old, no sh1t, but did you take into account the period in which it takes to create your chars/clan ?
I think this is part of the reason why l2 outlives itself ? Also till this date new updates are always coming, not to dn, but
this is because of the custom code substack server it is.

2) I paid attention since it started, certain promises were not kept. I am not unpatient, unlike you I can wait for updates.
If they forsaw this coming, can you show me the posts that tell this ? I just see conlfict of players wishes to what
the server whishes were, it is after all the players choice to play here, they should know the servers rules and what
to expect on the server. Players can foresee their own entering or leaving the server, not the other way around, ok ?

3) You talk about coding and how certain things were not done properly. Well some are very generic like you mentioned
and exist on almost all other servers.

the only points i see once again are abour l2 in general and is not specific to this server, even point 3 = all dn-servers.
also you keep changing you points, maybe we should declare them variable ?

Never started on Valk , becouse there was no point on doing so in 1st place.I have played enof on Infinity to know how updaites on this network come.And the worst to this is i had before that experience on less rated servers and i knew theyr GMs what did to keep population on growing not downwards.I said before that i played here till there was some meaning to it includin population rate and friends.Some friends of mine are still here but i don't hear them beiing quite happy about .Want me to point you all posts that predict epic fail of server ? Dude i just tried to mantion you few reasons iff you can't live with that i don't see any reason here you just lost cause.
I was triing to feed some sence into you can't get any ok, GM's won't close server till it provides cash and will come up with some fixes with not much thinking on them and you will continue to QQ on here is how things go on this network and is not from yesterday or from a year ago................

peace and live long \/ ::)\/

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin


Quote from: EsaKeDoem on December 06, 2010, 10:24:15 PM
.BTW Have you seen any server ever with tottaly and not failing 7s System wana hint on why ? Code for that never leaked and no mater how much ppl try to make it work i never experienced working 7s on any private server that work 2 month in a raw.And believed or not that is esencial for L2 after lv 50.So you always experienced half the game anyway i didn't check buti doubt that any server haves also the Siege aplication for clanless ppl and i bet there isn't a server aside from the offi that you can become noble without barakiel but from siege participation like clanles swearing loyalty  to the land lord .Not to mantion the zones of influence,Ever heart of thouse ?

Now got my point ? ;)

PS if you wana try something new and better looking - InfiniteAion.com.
Here is what we do there  ;D http://img69.imageshack.us/i/9wt.mp4/ I couldn't restrain my self from posting this new :P

Sorry, but you obviously know nothing about other servers :) Please, do not say shit w/o checking your thoughts out in reality :)
7s/noblesse from territory wars -  there are servers apart from official that have those up and running : )

But I agree with you about dn, it's sh1t now...

about your movie, bad fps ^^

to Stealth, mate at the beginning of valkyrie there was alot of written promises, almost none have come to life after so many months. Still kamaels do not work, still there is no fortress sieges up (you don't need them anyway, there is same number of clans and castles on valkyrie...)
good things


Quote from: Akira on December 07, 2010, 09:30:01 AM
Sorry, but you obviously know nothing about other servers :) Please, do not say shit w/o checking your thoughts out in reality :)
7s/noblesse from territory wars -  there are servers apart from official that have those up and running : )

But I agree with you about dn, it's sh1t now...

about your movie, bad fps ^^

to Stealth, mate at the beginning of valkyrie there was alot of written promises, almost none have come to life after so many months. Still kamaels do not work, still there is no fortress sieges up (you don't need them anyway, there is same number of clans and castles on valkyrie...)

I was loosing interest in L2 when they came up with the nobles from Sieges so yes i didn't check becouse i didn't see L2 like something i would continue waste my time on.But on 7s i bet that there are server that even didn't start it and have other ways to get to mammons not to mantion Dex also doesn't have propriate working 7s becouse it is generating competetive event with diferent bonuces bestowed about the diferent seals.So you can imagine how actually it is working when it should have acomulated history that effects it.And when some wins one seal doesn't mean he wins the 7s you know the bug that ocures here on DN looks like draw competition period and w8ting for next competition period to begin.For example.You can judge that from the moment it ocures as it if forced to cound hours as days for the competition period,and it isn't that eazy to make it.As i said before waste my last few years on infinity i plyed a few servers starting from Noobwarz to Dex and Deviant realms where GM's simply where making coliseum event spawning hordes of mobs who droped AA and mammons where static in Partisans Hideout.And that was C3 - C4 times not to mention most servers thouse times didn't have active catacombs and necroplis.There are some codes that never leaked sad truth  ;D.

As for today i don't even care iff there is good almost stable server becouse this game is too moraly old for my gaming needs.But i still bet there isn't a single server that actually haves half month competition period for 7s and 2 weeks seal validation period.

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin