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track or piccy ansver plz



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track or piccy ansver plz

Started by garikUA, February 07, 2011, 05:01:31 PM

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can im have 1 active char + 2(or more  :)) offline shops?
or only 2 offline shops w/o active char?


Quote from: garikUA on February 07, 2011, 05:01:31 PM
can im have 1 active char + 2(or more  :)) offline shops?
or only 2 offline shops w/o active char?

The rules says:
You can have dual box + 1 char for shop in town, so in real this means: from same ip = 1 char IN town(only) to use as shop, OUTSIDE town you can have Main char + supporter (this means outside the town you can have MAX 2 CHARS FROM SAME IP) if you dont respect this rules you will get 1st time from 360-720h (depends of a gm judgment) and 2nd time PERMA ban!!!

So this means u can have 2+1, so u can have 3 boxes maximun, but 1 of then CAN'T LEAVE TOWN. So u can have any kind of combination from 3 boxes and 1 in town.

Means u can have all 3 in town, 2 in town and 1 active outside for pvp for example, or like the rule 2 outside for xp or w/e and 1 in town for trade/shop.