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Started by BeGood, January 31, 2011, 05:28:40 PM

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Ok seriously can that char be nerfed at least a little bit? I mean check stats in that new loader interface, its the most played char on oly and its way too powerful for it, it kills char that it simply shouldnt kill f.e th/pp and some other daggers, ty.wc also have veery hard time with them, most of them have over 300 pts and some good ones  700+ too, is it because they are so damn good players? I doubt it. This char is owning from always, on oly it was always or the best char or one of the best ( currently the best again)Im not saying to kill that char but at least make their debbufs land lower cause now its like 80%? add cancel to that + heal+eva+never ending mana and its just impossible to kill. Where is balance in all that?


Quote from: BeGood on January 31, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
Ok seriously can that char be nerfed at least a little bit? I mean check stats in that new loader interface, its the most played char on oly and its way too powerful for it, it kills char that it simply shouldnt kill f.e th/pp and some other daggers, ty.wc also have veery hard time with them, most of them have over 300 pts and some good ones  700+ too, is it because they are so damn good players? I doubt it. This char is owning from always, on oly it was always or the best char or one of the best ( currently the best again)Im not saying to kill that char but at least make their debbufs land lower cause now its like 80%? add cancel to that + heal+eva+never ending mana and its just impossible to kill. Where is balance in all that?
lineage 2 is not only oly... iff they r so overpowered reroll to any lol  outside oly they r not so powerfull anymore .
  Nightmare 30x


If U think about it there are many ways to nerf sps.ee on oly w/o affecting it too much outside


Quote from: BeGood on January 31, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
most of them have over 300 pts and some good ones  700+

most of them? maybe u mean 3-5 ppl who are not bored to farm oly and they do it well
nerf all sps/ee or any other classes because i lost xxx points vs one in oly  :D


Quote from: BeGood on January 31, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
Ok seriously can that char be nerfed at least a little bit? I mean check stats in that new loader interface, its the most played char on oly and its way too powerful for it, it kills char that it simply shouldnt kill f.e th/pp and some other daggers, ty.wc also have veery hard time with them, most of them have over 300 pts and some good ones  700+ too, is it because they are so damn good players? I doubt it. This char is owning from always, on oly it was always or the best char or one of the best ( currently the best again)Im not saying to kill that char but at least make their debbufs land lower cause now its like 80%? add cancel to that + heal+eva+never ending mana and its just impossible to kill. Where is balance in all that?
you think some1 care ?


Quote from: jygh on January 31, 2011, 05:30:49 PM
lineage 2 is not only oly... iff they r so overpowered reroll to any lol  outside oly they r not so powerfull anymore .
they just have 1 skill..


  Nightmare 30x


its npc fault not our :D


Quote from: BeGood on January 31, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
Ok seriously can that char be nerfed at least a little bit? I mean check stats in that new loader interface, its the most played char on oly and its way too powerful for it, it kills char that it simply shouldnt kill f.e th/pp and some other daggers, ty.wc also have veery hard time with them, most of them have over 300 pts and some good ones  700+ too, is it because they are so damn good players? I doubt it. This char is owning from always, on oly it was always or the best char or one of the best ( currently the best again)Im not saying to kill that char but at least make their debbufs land lower cause now its like 80%? add cancel to that + heal+eva+never ending mana and its just impossible to kill. Where is balance in all that?

Wiii nerf the 500 dmg that i make with the sps hurrayyyy!!!!  what a pathetic  that players that you meet in oly dude alre old  oly Dogs who play oly with sps/ee since is opened with good equipment and things  bether learn to kill them or make one sps/ee to see how is it, than QQ fo beeing OP
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


 " BeGood " are you serious
There are 3-4 good sps/ee which you cannt kill inside olly and you start cry about that.... what a shame

p.s. better start thinking what you can change in your char or your game play to be able to kill "OP" sps/ee again..... xD
|MoonFlower SE/BD -exHero
FireCat SPS/EE -exHero

We will either find a way, or make one!


Quote from: FireCat on February 01, 2011, 08:01:20 AM
p.s. better start thinking what you can change in your char or your game play to be able to kill "OP" sps/ee again..... xD
Nothing, their debuff landrate depends only of luck - even if you will use all possible solutions this landrate is still ridiculous. This char have 4 skills reducing target speed - if 1,2 failed there are 2 more, sleep, and few more debuffs. If you almost kill him - he got Eva. He got good enchantable shield defence, so for fighter dmg like vs tank. He got always working cancel, and nothing protect against this cancel (even chant of spirit) Good sps have not bad dmg and high crit rate (wild magic). Their debufs on field works better than oly, so it is not only oly problem. But on oly sps/ee is killable only for few classes, for some of them only with big luck. This topic is on DN forums since few months, and nothing changed till now... so it will stay prolly same - but we always can spamm about ;)


put also and incredibleresistence to debuff

i mostly use 4 debuff vs them on oly: silence, doom, anchor, fear during oly match i use all of them at least 5 time or more, so tell me wich other class can resist to 20 debuff or more without getting any...

p.s. i dont have so low mattack :P
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!