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3rd software

Started by ozyn, February 01, 2011, 03:29:39 AM

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I'm preaping a bigger materal to show to track what is missunderstood on server  i mean 3rd software like l2control with auto CP. As far i seen pvp here at least 50% of ppl useing it well, easy solution will be to change reuase time of CP pots cause its creazy when ppl by this program may to survive with eatin 4 CP potion per evry secound (200 cp eat potion gibes 800 cp evry secound or even more...). I ll post some movies with examples later.

When nothink goes right, go left


We have reuse delayed anyway Ozyn :) For sure we haven't 4 cp pots per second.
And not everyone who spam CP pots must use some 3rd software.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


archers can spam cp w/o any problem, some mages too, it depends from player imo


Quote from: ozyn on February 01, 2011, 03:29:39 AM
I'm preaping a bigger materal to show to track what is missunderstood on server  i mean 3rd software like l2control with auto CP. As far i seen pvp here at least 50% of ppl useing it well, easy solution will be to change reuase time of CP pots cause its creazy when ppl by this program may to survive with eatin 4 CP potion per evry secound (200 cp eat potion gibes 800 cp evry secound or even more...). I ll post some movies with examples later.
.... will show u how i regen much faster my cp that one who's using this program just by one shiity macro


Make macro.

As simple as that.
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


I think that he dont know that we make macro that use cp potion and greater cp potion xD thats why he thinks ppl spam cp like crazy haha


Quote from: lasombra on February 01, 2011, 08:07:57 AM
We have reuse delayed anyway Ozyn :) For sure we haven't 4 cp pots per second.
And not everyone who spam CP pots must use some 3rd software.
not evry1 but for sure as many as  i said, yea i ll show them macro.. i made movie how is looks on this 3rd software and how it looks herejust need a bit time to compare.

When nothink goes right, go left


hummffff auto cp...is for pr0-players XD, on c3 no was this problem...if he must die, then die...  :P
a one good moment is by one good idea


imo nc soft should make cp pots like soul shots, right click to activate and then they use by it self when cp drop
fair for all players and no more brainless clicking on cp pots !


you can make macro with  2 x kind   CP potion , put on F4  and spam macro non stop  - where is problem ? or better delete CP,HP,mana ption  mby L2  delete?


Quote from: wildpussy on February 01, 2011, 04:30:28 PM
imo nc soft should make cp pots like soul shots, right click to activate and then they use by it self when cp drop
fair for all players and no more brainless clicking on cp pots !
but with equal reuse

When nothink goes right, go left