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SE/BD - drain reuse sux

Started by Jamesisko, January 30, 2011, 07:04:32 PM

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Quote from: mmiu on February 04, 2011, 02:34:10 PM
Hi GM's :]
Thanks for f***ed up chars :] why only that two skills got REUSE from gracia, so everone have to make dagger and archers ? sweet

Have FuN !!!!

We dont need make dagger or archers

need make Archers  Sps/ee Th/pal and Bishops

all other chars on dn in someday become a shit

remove lethals and increase blow land rate (freak all dagers excepts TH)
all mages based on SK or BD cant be used anymore
all nice mutants  (Sws/Th  Ol/ne  Ol/ee  ne/sk pal/dest  pal/tyrant ...) cant have certification(ok this is a nice balance but why not become lvl 85 and have 81  skills )

dn was nice when some pal/dest can tank a archer party
some Ol/ee (monster in x1 and suporte)
and a lot of nice char playing on map ( I am not talking only about mutants, char like sk/ps (fighters stats), Tyrat/wc , Pal/wl , pal/pp ...)

now we only have the same and booring chars

and all time sps/ee and archers crying for nerf  (the chars always are good chars for farm/ smal pvp and mass pvp)

sorry for bad english
I hope u understand my point of view
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