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Started by JTKnight, February 10, 2011, 06:29:48 PM

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Hi all :) I'm playing an aw/bd on bd stats. I have draco set and as+3+cd. I use symbols +5 DEX -5 str and tattoo monk lvl 4. I don't do alot of pvp but enjoy helping out at seiges. I notice that I don't seem to do very well even with killing the other side's healers. I'd appreciate some advise from some of you dagger players. I don't play the oly and I know I'll never be the "pro" dagger user but would like to get a little bit better at it.
Dragon 15x
SlashJT - Glad/DA
Powderpuffbuff - Pp/Bish - EE/PP

JTKnight-TH/DA - WL
DeadlybeautyJT-SH/SE - WC/BD
ChanterJT - WC/DES
Artherial - AW/BD


I know the char is not a major pvp char and I'm ok with that. I like to have the dances available to use.
Why the aw stats tho? STR DEX and CON are the same on BD and BD give more cp and hp?
Not a cry topic, just trying to learn from the experience of others.
Jim :)
Dragon 15x
SlashJT - Glad/DA
Powderpuffbuff - Pp/Bish - EE/PP

JTKnight-TH/DA - WL
DeadlybeautyJT-SH/SE - WC/BD
ChanterJT - WC/DES
Artherial - AW/BD


Quote from: darkcore on February 10, 2011, 08:25:37 PM

is ok  not QQ  topic i just say QQ for that sub aw/bd

why AW stats instead BD, bcz blade dancer doesnt had high lvl on armor mastery
and also evasion bonus is better in aw stats, skills mastery and etc
for dagger works better if you use AW stats, as far i know when u switch sub stats
some skills bonus not work ( i dont know why ) and also bd is just assist class char

why i criticize aw/bd, bcz u will run out mana very soon
dances+aw skills will left u very fast on 0 mana
for AW 0 mana means 100% vulnerable  =P

is not about STR DEX  CON
its about class

u want to learn i explain
meyb others can give u different point of view

PD try out AW/SK trust me is very cool char ;)
if you like assistant then make BD/SE  =P
GL  :)

since when switching between classes changes the effects of passive skills ???
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Quote from: darkcore on February 10, 2011, 09:31:04 PM
i guess  some passives  not work  between class changes
for example
on bd stats light mastery passive not work
on aw stats hvy mastery passive not work

btw  im not 100%  sure  
confirm this with GM, track or piccy
dunno why those pw/sws on oly in light sets are so strong then   8)
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Sorry if i post 2x same post . first time using forum !

Hello everyone !  I have a question !

I want to talk about the way Baium got killed last knight  and the way i messed up my retail quest !
Nothing bad nothing wrong with anyone. No one to blame !
So why i post here ?  Well i am new to use forum  and i would like to know ti create new thread ?
I know how how to reply to post  but i don't want to post here that subject in case if it is a wrong place.

So please can someone show me how ppl do ti create new thread ?

No  i don't want to start creating new thread about stupid stuff .  Maybe funny stuff !

i am that little tiny breasted elf in majestic set that was waiting for 15 hours in a row at Baium !   I will be there again i guess i failed baium :(     

Have fun all !   

BTW  1 thing i want to tell you all !  I am from infinity  and up to now i notice that ppl from NM are realy friendly to me !  So far i have met only nice ppll !  Nice to meet you NM ppl ! 

thank you.


Everybody says sk/aw is a good pvp char, its my main char but i cant get a hang on it, everytime i pvp i lose... especially against mages. what are the best active skills and toggle skills to use in pvp for this char?


im sk/aw level 80, so fs anti magic is a level 81 skill right?


Quote from: dabird1980 on February 11, 2011, 10:06:59 AM
im sk/aw level 80, so fs anti magic is a level 81 skill right?

81 8 coins at Donny coz no one sell it  :)


Quote from: darkcore on February 10, 2011, 10:01:33 PM
IMO  sws  lot more strong than bd  bcz songs  =P
sws don't need mana for songs?
and both use only self buff on pvp?  :-X
only one difference in stats between bd or aw is that BD will have a bit more HP/CP


lol for You die inda hell   :o