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Started by lytors, February 11, 2011, 07:55:28 PM

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Please i want to talk to the Nerf Manager (a.k.a. TrackZero), when will you re-re-re-re-re-fix my bison totem on two handed blunt weapons? i want full critical rate on low hp, raid bosses are not problem for any char now so dont come with "orcs farm all RBs"... i want have a normal pvp with my orc, so give me back 500 critical rate on 30% < hp on two handed weapons... 

and please fix  FS Force of Deestruction: "Critical hit is possible. Power 2516 DoT damage 50/sec? for 20 seconds." never makes critical hits, and that "DoT" never work


for bizon  is enought that you can use it with   2hand blunt or 2hand sword  you dont like your  P atak with bizon ?  if you have 500 with 2handblunt  where will go sword in hell ?  you wanna kill  RB for 10 sekuns with all the time  crit with 2handblunt ?   
Neposlushko ty/destro - noobl
Exaron BD/PR - noobl ( not mine now)
Sometime HE/WK
Patrokul Glady/DA- noobl


Quote from: darkcore on February 11, 2011, 08:21:58 PM
please make me a coffee
prepare dinner
take dirty clothes to laundry
take the dog to travel in the park
oh and i forgot!  fix the server plox!

so atm you only had 500 critical with fists+bison, u switch to 2 hand blunt and no bonus ?
but u still having frenzy, guts and zealot
ofc if we are talking about de/ty

he have around 440 crit rate  ( or  i have with claer DHA )  P atak  with DHA i have 17600 P atak with frenzy what you want more dunno  crit on himera mobs each crit is aorund 40k   use fist +bizon +frenzy +zealot for PVP  2500 atak speed +7-8k P atak is not enought ?
Neposlushko ty/destro - noobl
Exaron BD/PR - noobl ( not mine now)
Sometime HE/WK
Patrokul Glady/DA- noobl


44% Crit rate isnt much imo (/ironicmode)

Wtf...guys want to 1shot anyone

Quote from: darkcore on February 11, 2011, 08:34:48 PM

440 crit rate !
i think thats pretty OK for 2 hand wep
so if he equip HD+F  will reach 500  gz! problem solved close topic

Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: darkcore on February 11, 2011, 08:34:48 PM

440 crit rate !
i think thats pretty OK for 2 hand wep
so if he equip HD+F  will reach 500  gz! problem solved close topic

I have 500 on Destro without sub xDD


WTS HORN 200kk :p

Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]


Wts Horn free pm in game.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Exaron on February 11, 2011, 08:32:18 PM
  he have around 440 crit rate  ( or  i have with claer DHA )  P atak  with DHA i have 17600 P atak with frenzy what you want more dunno  crit on himera mobs each crit is aorund 40k   use fist +bizon +frenzy +zealot for PVP  2500 atak speed +7-8k P atak is not enought ?

2500 atck speed on pvp? yes if i had edited sets (like your DNET) which i dont have, and also if i am lucky and have certificate+fw....
and who is talking aobut chimeras on farming or killing rb omg ? everyone can kill rb, if you cant is 'cos you are nub...  i saw th/wl killing 2 RB in the same time (olkuth and glaki) so stfu, i am talking about PvP, and if you have sooooo great orcs, why dont you play them on PvP ? ah? stop with excuses, and show me that you can kill with orc during pvp, then talk to me again... assholes...
btw, on tallum heavy set, dex+5, FW, certificate haste, baium ring, and tattoo monk lvl 4, i dont get 2,5k atck speed with DHA.... nub


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


read better noob i said  2500 atak speed with FIST  bizon frenzy zealot  + counter haste + combat haste +  F will   AND WHere you go to PVP vs DNET whit your items  firs farm and up your items   DHA is ussless in PVP  did you see somebody to cry like you ?   for question why i dont go pvp with my orc  couse my orc  have enought pvp i dont think you have soo many on all your chars
Neposlushko ty/destro - noobl
Exaron BD/PR - noobl ( not mine now)
Sometime HE/WK
Patrokul Glady/DA- noobl


oh your orc has so much pvps and now you play an archer which cant win 1 fight in olys? and if i dont have dnet is 'cos i dont like play with something edited... DHA WAS a good weapon on pvp, and now is useless for pvp or raid boss or whatever you do, thats why i want to have full critical on 30% hp...
if you dont play orc now, you dont know how is playing an orc with this nerf, and no orc complain 'cos no orc go PvP, only farm...

and when someone needs horn i recieve 1234389413 pm saying "kill me golkonda pls", and i am the good one... then if i kill raid boss for myself i am the solo players, the orc nub, and all those shits you ppl talk about orcs...

i'd better dont post anymore, SZII posted many times too and had no answers... always the same old


stop to said sh1ts about me you dont know anyting for me  Exaron is not my char now i made a gift to a friend  before 2 years i was off of game soo long time  and  for olympiad  orcs are very powerfull  did you see  Hardstyle or Evil3 to say something about orc ? just do true combination of Subclass
Neposlushko ty/destro - noobl
Exaron BD/PR - noobl ( not mine now)
Sometime HE/WK
Patrokul Glady/DA- noobl