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lag of server on all southamerica (for gms)



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lag of server on all southamerica (for gms)

Started by ribera, February 19, 2011, 08:49:03 PM

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well 1 i toght it was me only, but later asking all my friends from south america we cant move or do a shit on sieges and big mass pvps, and this is after the merge, so many p`pls now everywhere maybe we need more inet conection on server,  i heard some europeans have some lag also but here we have 1 min delay is funny enter the castle and see ur hp go down whit nothing to do, soon many ppls will leave game cous there is nothing to do, any good explicacion track or piccy?
ur the NOOB


Quote from: ribera on February 19, 2011, 08:49:03 PM
well 1 i toght it was me only, but later asking all my friends from south america we cant move or do a shit on sieges and big mass pvps, and this is after the merge, so many p`pls now everywhere maybe we need more inet conection on server,  i heard some europeans have some lag also but here we have 1 min delay is funny enter the castle and see ur hp go down whit nothing to do, soon many ppls will leave game cous there is nothing to do, any good explicacion track or piccy?
Well i know a lot S.A people playing not complaining about lag (Weezer example), and about connection to the hoster we already max connection from it. However in this month or starting next we will install new RAM, new Motherboard and new CPU since its obviously needed , even server is stable 3d 9h xx minutes , but we will need upgrade regarding future wise, also when we did this upgrade it should solve also a lag issues even to you.

P.S. I hope you have settings setted propertly , thats quite important too and that you are not playing on amiga !
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Quote from: TrackZero on February 19, 2011, 09:00:41 PM
Well i know a lot S.A people playing not complaining about lag (Weezer example), and about connection to the hoster we already max connection from it. However in this month or starting next we will install new RAM, new Motherboard and new CPU since its obviously needed , even server is stable 3d 9h xx minutes , but we will need upgrade regarding future wise, also when we did this upgrade it should solve also a lag issues even to you.

P.S. I hope you have settings setted propertly , thats quite important too and that you are not playing on amiga !

well weezer is from brazil, i talked whit some brazilians also and they dont have this problem, but argentina, bolivia, venezuela and many other south americas guys have it, i hope this new upgrade resolve it cous my setting are good cous before merge i never had thius problem thx for info track
ur the NOOB


I'm acing huge lag but its not dnet fault.... its my net fault....

but one think called me attention.... after merge serverw.... on login screen it always show 557 ping.... even if my net is good or not.... so i was thinking.... its not longer working?


Ofc after merging we started to have 30/40 seconds of delay inside the castles and is only when there is lots of ppl near not when we play outside. Setting lower detail and low range of npc dont fix it... and i think is not problem of our connections even we have sh1t conection (2000kbps download and 256/512 upload my case in uruguay) i think its the upload of the server.
Well if we already have the max connection possible we have to cry and play other day instead of sieges cause we CANT play with that delay.


Sry for spanish to all community  ;D
Yo tenia el mismo problema sobretodo por las noches pero llamé a mi compañia de cable y se enteraron de que el problema era en un enlace internacional, contactaron con Miami y el problema fue solucionado. Unicamente tenia problemas si el enlace qeu trabajaba era internacional, talvez les suceda algo parecido. Ahora todo anda bien y eso que apenas tengo un mega de conexión.
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
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i think it could be dn problem.. i am from argentina, and me and my friends play with lag during sieges and mass pvp, we live in different cities with different internet services, so it cannot be our problem...
i'm  waiting for new harware to see if that solves our lag problems


South America people lives to far from server, the ping must be huge for a normal play, i guess its just a question of ping, imo.