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atomic foundry - lethals

Started by greg270, February 20, 2011, 07:55:08 PM

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MMm Ya know, if orc for example take on the whole/half af (wich iteslf is OP cause, bp alone could never achieve that, he stil need 2-4 others healers to make realy eficient pt ) the rest of pt still can hax into af and leech exp the same way like with bp :) its  just orc instead healer. so dont talk like farming with orc there would make difference :P

Not everyone like trains (me for example ), not everyone like orcs (me for example :D ), so healers on af/pagan was good alternative, exping with them is quite peacful and thats what i like :)

Dont talk like bp/ee taken  "job" from orcs, cause like i said eariel 1! (well euqipeed etc but still 1! ) orc still can take on whole af and be more efficent with that than the whole pt of bp :P .

So its rather coexistant, well was, cause someone really focked thing with TU , which  is nervous for me, i like to take break from sps and make peacful farm, for evil weapons, stones, herbs (dont really need exp, my chars are mostly exped, all, beside one, have q ), so would like old TU .

p.s  Yes i am really bored in job so i have time to spam xD sry for my english  i'm trying my best in here :D

Edit :
Oh btw to guys saying shjit like : "MAKE UR ORC AND FARM LIKE A NORMAL PPL"
Normal exp is when you have actual pt where everyone is fighting, healing buffing, dying etc ;p , not one orc dancing with tons of mobs, dancer, songer, pp/wc/ol buff him, healer sometimes heal and rest pt (if there is more ofc ) just sit around and do nothing, its just the same thing you anticipate so much with bp and TU, its not normal its another farm , but still farm :D


Quote from: Ashlynn on February 21, 2011, 12:19:02 PM
you are dumb. Make your own EE or BP and farm like that too. It is not a bug. It is actually their only skill that can do some damage to mobs and still only to one type of mobs.

What a douchebag, seriously...
almost wrote :you have no clue about L2 but then i noticed im @ DN forums


Quote from: greg270 on February 20, 2011, 07:55:08 PM
i've heard that lethals to undeads on atomic foundry dont work???
is it True?? and why dont work??? any reasons why they r swich off?

Quote from: greg270 on November 11, 2010, 05:03:46 PM
why ncsoft poted gates on top castle??? Was reason:) why ? to atack from there:) and ncsoft moved siege zone:) Its' alowed:) every one can sumon outside siege zone
no reply so alowed:)

easy. NcSorf know that it to easy exp for Warshadow members and it wanna to their exp normal  ;D ;D ;D

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Quote from: JoeDoe on February 23, 2011, 09:56:48 PM
easy. NcSorf know that it to easy exp for Warshadow members and it wanna to their exp normal  ;D ;D ;D

I will tell ya a little secret, Warshadow is rather nonexistant right now :) Stop being so obsessive with them :D


Quote from: 0l3j on February 23, 2011, 11:25:53 PM
I will tell ya a little secret, Warshadow is rather nonexistant right now :) Stop being so obsessive with them :D
Good that u write that. Meybe GM take them CH and give someone active?:P

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gm fok if ch have bot clan or no
is DN sathan so donete or thay have you is ...

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on February 24, 2011, 10:27:18 AM
gm fok if ch have bot clan or no
is DN sathan so donete or thay have you is ...

now i see that...  coins = get all here
Anyway i heard that bot clans who got rune/goddard got more then 1 CH. Just lol and n/c ...

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