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Moules n Wuwus Movies req

Started by knocc, February 21, 2011, 03:31:02 PM

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Quote from: Moule on February 22, 2011, 07:16:48 PM
Yes but more specifically it was you killing me with this one-shot spell that mages could still use at these beloved times.
You were a return biatch back then :p  , and you made me lose some xp too ^^

And yeah, like a week later we were fighting zergs together.

Sometimes I miss these good times, but also at the Interlude thing, when our ally was the first to adapt to new skills/stuff and we had some awesome siege where despite enemies were more, they couldn't do anything but die.
That was when we had enough people and good coordination to always have hero buffs and non-stop CP spam from orcs :>

Too bad I did not record these sieges because it was crazy, I remember I was playing on my OL/ES and rushing in the zerg for mass debuff

Then people got bored everyone left ...

Hehe, you were using the spell too xD and i was usually using critical escape potions back than, since almost nobody was using them (dunno why lol). And i was playing alone only on PP buffs than, so i had to be a soe bitch cuz there were too many people arround  ;D

Your OL/ES had insane casting speed, i remember the cp spam you made and nobody could ever kill you untill you ran out of mp cuz of the crazy drains  :D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


anyway av> u all  :o

Knock pacanie stoku gra u mnie na swsie  :)
DragonNetwork ~ Nightmare 30x ~
* aDv *  BD/SH  
* DiablosII *  TH/WL
* Cracers *  HE/WK
proud member of ImmortalsLegion / Vend3tta / SINS /

a V a t a r s - v-CL
~ Nanaki ~ Celes ~ RPG ~ Arion ~ Asterios ~ Core ~ Hydra ~ DEX ~ Nanaki ~ Nightmare ~ RETIRED

ForTheSugarDaddy - BF4/LoL


Ahaha adv you are here too :>
are you still playing m8?

yeah Tomek, about critical escpae potions, I think few people were using them because it was difficult to get the ol mahum furs (if it is the right name I do not remember).
That was golden age for mages, where my sh/se could take 4 daggers alone easily with awesome debuffs (slow actually worked pretty well), critical escpae pots and one-shots spells !

Sometimes I am thinking of playing for a few hours again. But the issue with this game is that you cannot plkay jsut "a few hours" xD
My L2 Movie Library ---> http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,74815.msg852689.html#msg852689


yo yo old enemy  :D
I hope you remember me

I found some screens for you  8)



yo yo frenchy my answer



lots of old beans at forum  ;) still lf crazynecro and loldarvioza
DragonNetwork ~ Nightmare 30x ~
* aDv *  BD/SH  
* DiablosII *  TH/WL
* Cracers *  HE/WK
proud member of ImmortalsLegion / Vend3tta / SINS /

a V a t a r s - v-CL
~ Nanaki ~ Celes ~ RPG ~ Arion ~ Asterios ~ Core ~ Hydra ~ DEX ~ Nanaki ~ Nightmare ~ RETIRED

ForTheSugarDaddy - BF4/LoL


Quote from: Moule on February 22, 2011, 09:14:28 PM
yeah Tomek, about critical escpae potions, I think few people were using them because it was difficult to get the ol mahum furs (if it is the right name I do not remember).
That was golden age for mages, where my sh/se could take 4 daggers alone easily with awesome debuffs (slow actually worked pretty well), critical escpae pots and one-shots spells !

Sometimes I am thinking of playing for a few hours again. But the issue with this game is that you cannot plkay jsut "a few hours" xD

It wasnt that difficoult to get the Ol mahum fur, cuz i had lots of em but most people didnt know where to get them and back than nobody made a bot summoner char just to be able to make potions - i made my summoner just cuz of killing raid bosses alone (to get the LINEAGEII letters for A grade gear and love rings), since they didnt attack the owned of the pet, when the pet died. :)

I remember that the potions on the market were really expensive, so nobody really used them as much as i did     ;D

Mages werent that much stronger (except the aura symphony - the one shot kill nuke)... The thing was that we were atleaast using prophet buffs, while most of the enemys were just on selfbuffs + some potions, so the debuffs were really easy to land. And as you said, i was also killing multiple daggers with rooting each one of em and than killing them 1 by 1 ^^
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Pawciu on February 22, 2011, 09:22:21 PM
yo yo old enemy  :D
I hope you remember me

I found some screens for you  8)


why im the only one flagged on the mass ? :D


Quote from: seboulba on February 22, 2011, 10:49:57 PM
why im the only one flagged on the mass ? :D

couse u were the only1 there with bsoe  ;)
DragonNetwork ~ Nightmare 30x ~
* aDv *  BD/SH  
* DiablosII *  TH/WL
* Cracers *  HE/WK
proud member of ImmortalsLegion / Vend3tta / SINS /

a V a t a r s - v-CL
~ Nanaki ~ Celes ~ RPG ~ Arion ~ Asterios ~ Core ~ Hydra ~ DEX ~ Nanaki ~ Nightmare ~ RETIRED

ForTheSugarDaddy - BF4/LoL




I still have some Kmax made bsoe that has no animation xD

Hi adv!
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Where can i upload videos? filefornt doesnt exist, on megaupload getting errors all the time, so any idea? xd
Ruddi -> SH/SK
DonDie -> BI/WC
Gemik -> SH/SE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze_fgGCStrQ&feature=youtu.be sad moment