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Play on Valky or no?? Gm pls tell me what to do!



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Play on Valky or no?? Gm pls tell me what to do!

Started by Elvendor, February 21, 2011, 08:39:54 PM

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I am back in valkyria, and i started farming for items again... its not easy so i have a question for gm! i want a straight answer!!

GM, will you do smth to repopulate Valky??

GM, should i spend many many hours and donator coin on walky or you will close it soon??

Just yes or no. please, its easyer to go to other server now than farm 1000hours and after that valky will close cos of low population..

Thank you for beeing true to us.


Frist welcome back.

Yes, we are trying to be more active with events and communication with the server (players).

Currently we are adjusting rates of icarus mats/recipe spoil rate so you may spend some hours farming for your end game gear but your hard work will get paid off in the end and no, we have no plan in shutting down.


i bet other wannabe servers will close faster then any server of Dragon... cuz most shit servers use L2j  and others dont know how to fix any files .. and ppl leave fast.


Quote from: tiger10 on February 21, 2011, 09:56:08 PM
I have proposals. Other servers can close on some week so and ponaprawiać bugi etc. or prepare some event but leave valkyrie0 : )
Then people come start play here andmaybe stay ? :D

ofc, all L2 players will come to play on server where is more NPCs than logged ppl because of some event.
cool story bra.


i got no answer.

GM , server will close cos of low population or no?


Quote from: Descent on February 21, 2011, 09:10:56 PM
Frist welcome back.

Yes, we are trying to be more active with events and communication with the server (players).

Currently we are adjusting rates of icarus mats/recipe spoil rate so you may spend some hours farming for your end game gear but your hard work will get paid off in the end and no, we have no plan in shutting down.


Quote from: TonyS on February 23, 2011, 09:51:57 PM
ofc, all L2 players will come to play on server where is more NPCs than logged ppl because of some event.
cool story bra.

Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Descent on February 21, 2011, 09:10:56 PM
Frist welcome back.

Yes, we are trying to be more active with events and communication with the server (players).

Currently we are adjusting rates of icarus mats/recipe spoil rate so you may spend some hours farming for your end game gear but your hard work will get paid off in the end and no, we have no plan in shutting down.

WAKE UP. I CANT LOGGIN when logg disconnect pres the button "push server "
DiaVoLo=>pw/sws valky x9


i got my answer, thanx

i hope you wont let us down....

and please close this topic cos noobs are spamming .