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Focus Death/Power



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Focus Death/Power

Started by VforVanilla, February 28, 2011, 01:03:29 PM

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I did some tests at least with focus death and looks like that not only with bow but also with daggers the back bonus was cut from 90% to about 45%. If you have any doubts do that simple test: Death wisper gives 35% and focus death 90% from back. See dmg on player not npc unbuffed with backstab. Then use death wisper try again and when death wisper end try focus death. Difference between DW and FD is about 10%...

So this is intetional nerf or bug?


rly dunno when i back i test it
but if you know we play on DragonNotwork even gm dont know what hepen with server/skils ect :P

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


beacuse it gives 90% from back for regular attack,  for skills 45% (half of 90%).
Same focus power, 60% boost for normal attack, 30% for blows.


Quote from: Kotlet on February 28, 2011, 01:37:12 PM
beacuse it gives 90% from back for regular attack,  for skills 45% (half of 90%).
Same focus power, 60% boost for normal attack, 30% for blows.

lol where you found that  :D. DW gives all 35% to blow so don't say stupid things...


Quote from: VforVanilla on February 28, 2011, 01:03:29 PM
So this is intetional nerf or bug?

man learn it, dualist spirit and focus death never be fixed becose some other ppl pay for it and gm cant do that!  :D

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Quote from: VforVanilla on February 28, 2011, 02:35:10 PM
lol where you found that  :D. DW gives all 35% to blow so don't say stupid things...
My bad, focus death doesnt give 45% boost dmg but 35%.

Focus DeathCrt Dmg bonus

check it http://www.l2guru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=128526
its for gracia, but fd/fp calulation is same for hellbound. If you want reports bug, first check how it works in official-like servers

Quote from: JoeDoe on March 01, 2011, 12:17:41 AM
man learn it, dualist spirit and focus death never be fixed becose some other ppl pay for it and gm cant do that!  :D
sethan like always talking shits.


Again you say bs. I just checked Freya client Skillname-e file and says 90% from back and if you gonna say client has outdated skill descriptions u should know that skill descriptions with values was introduced on gracia final client so w/e l2guru says(i don't have acc neither i plan to make one) are just user speculations or bs. BTW before bow nerf was added i remembered exactly the difference in dmg when i was opening fd and now looks so obvious that something changed.


Quote from: VforVanilla on March 01, 2011, 11:53:27 AM
Again you say bs. I just checked Freya client Skillname-e file and says 90% from back and if you gonna say client has outdated skill descriptions u should know that skill descriptions with values was introduced on gracia final client so w/e l2guru says(i don't have acc neither i plan to make one) are just user speculations or bs. BTW before bow nerf was added i remembered exactly the difference in dmg when i was opening fd and now looks so obvious that something changed.

It`s 90% from back for non-skill attack only. Description is about regular attack no blows.