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Kamael Bugs (for TrackZero)

Started by Sp3ctre, March 13, 2011, 10:43:58 AM

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Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 10:08:25 PM
show me plox on forum atleast 1 topic or post where my clan QQ about kamael or ask about nerf them, rly plox. about steal divinity there bugged only 1 thing, skill should steal random buffs not last, rest if fine and how it should be. kamael on dn rly weak now and as i said, i cant even imgine cry if we will have full working kamaels like on off server.

1st i don't mean Forum i  mean ally chat... 2nd now pvp's with them are fvcked up... when kamalols will work how u say... pvp's on this server will die... and 90% of server will be kamalol  ::)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on June 04, 2011, 10:17:44 PM
1st i don't mean Forum i  mean ally chat... 2nd now pvp's with them are fvcked up... when kamalols will work how u say... pvp's on this server will die... and 90% of server will be kamalol  ::)

rly dunno why pvp on another servers still alive, even with kamaels.......
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 10:08:25 PM
show me plox on forum atleast 1 topic or post where my clan QQ about kamael or ask about nerf them, rly plox. about steal divinity there bugged only 1 thing, skill should steal random buffs not last, rest if fine and how it should be. kamael on dn rly weak now and as i said, i cant even imgine cry if we will have full working kamaels like on off server.
why othet chars work not like official servers????why only kamael like official?


Coz on other servers in pt is always at least 1 kamael.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: garikUA on June 04, 2011, 10:25:15 PM
why othet chars work not like official servers????why only kamael like official?

try read 1 more time plox. i wrote somewhere about now? for now kamaels have more bugged/not working skills than half classes together.  but as i remember trackzero promised us gracia like on off server. so i talk about this time.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 10:22:27 PM
rly dunno why pvp on another servers still alive, even with kamaels.......

y still alive cuz there play about 70-80% of kamalols... or they like re-buff every 5min  ::)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 09:43:38 PM
so go play tetris, ncsoft put this race in l2 and only on dn i see so much cry about kamaels. and funny is QQ only our enemy ^^
nvm we will talk after  3-4 months again:) just let serv keep this way


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 09:43:38 PM
so go play tetris, ncsoft put this race in l2 and only on dn i see so much cry about kamaels. and funny is QQ only our enemy ^^

It is quite normal that people complain only in DN, cause our beloved staff wasn`t able to make kamael`s skills work as it should.Where the fock else will u see "Rush impact" for instance, with 100% on orc destroyer with 52 CON,full bosses,lionheart and resist shock lvl 4(tested!!) ??
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 06:38:14 PM
there no hate, i just tired see almost everyday this retarded cry about kamaels.
that "retarded cry" mostly becouse of  Steal Divinity  and "protecting" that skill on DN even more retarded tbh.. you cant/wont admit that pvp on DN and official it's 2 diferent things, here at dn we got no suports in party except healers all other just DD who can buff/sing/dance, so if i'll get cancel at offi - during  next few seconds i'll have all needed buffs coz sws/bd/wc.. monitoring them during all pvp and what we got here? Sure  here always some exception, but still subclass on DN make big diference in play stile.
Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 10:08:25 PM
about steal divinity there bugged only 1 thing, skill should steal random buffs not last
this bugg make it even more OP.


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 04, 2011, 01:34:51 PM
hope some doctor can fix ur brain.

if track not lie and our gracia will be like on off server, i even cant imagine then ur cry about kamaels.

1st of all i never did  ;)
i really dont care about this class , same i never did about sps sorc  cancel .. when all ppl cryed about it ...
just hope all classes will work fine in gracia  :)

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Defoe on June 07, 2011, 08:02:17 PM
that "retarded cry" mostly becouse of  Steal Divinity  and "protecting" that skill on DN even more retarded tbh.. you cant/wont admit that pvp on DN and official it's 2 diferent things, here at dn we got no suports in party except healers all other just DD who can buff/sing/dance, so if i'll get cancel at offi - during  next few seconds i'll have all needed buffs coz sws/bd/wc.. monitoring them during all pvp and what we got here? Sure  here always some exception, but still subclass on DN make big diference in play stile.

its not our fault cb have only bp/wc as supports. in our clan we use sws/ee, ee/es, bd/se, ol/wc etc. not all wanna be pro dd like ppl in ur clan.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 07, 2011, 10:40:03 PM
its not our fault cb have only bp/wc as supports. in our clan we use sws/ee, ee/es, bd/se, ol/wc etc. not all wanna be pro dd like ppl in ur clan.
loled at this one. So for you pr/bd, sr/sws, he/wk  are OP DD chars? and we should make for  FIGHTER party bd/se, ee/sws, pp/suport, wc/ol +healers  just for keeping buffs up? tbh this party  wont die easy vs same numbers,  but also coz of low  dps will suck against mages who got tons of heals and such retarded chars like  robe/tank.

 IMO protecting this skill first of all ppl thinking about own interest ( if i'm not wrong you even made 1 kamael) not about atleast some balance in pvp. It's retarded when we got DN sublass and at same time  pvp based on "offical" skills, coz of this we had mana burn, augment and other nerfes here.
But with who i'm speaking? a guy who bsing on ppl coz of their low dmg on him ( this one  just prove ur knowledge about game) or who with x2 more  ppl still keeping swear  those -  who against him  that they suck coz  traying kite , but  in another case they would be zerged in few sec. (this one shows ur  mental state).
p.s. I might be wrong speasialy in last part coz i dont know you so good, but it's bassed on mine pvp against you/ur ally and each time i saw such kinds of shits from you.
(Sry for  mine  lenguage- hope you got mine point)