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atr energie?



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atr energie?

Started by tiptip, April 23, 2011, 11:45:48 PM

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Is atr energie work well?
cause some ppl told me its not work on weapon but work on armor... and some people told me it buged and not work at all...
can some1 clear it for me please?
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan


no use to put them on weps just on armors from 150 to 180


ok, but why is that?
if it should make lvl 11 atr, why cant it make weapon lvl 11? is it a bug, or it just like this in this server?
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan


it is made specially to keep my 160 attr on weapon best forever!!!!