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Started by farenk, May 12, 2011, 05:13:02 PM

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Can we have some events?^^

GM, can you create some competitions, hide and seek, mobs attacking city  or other.
Ofcource we never turn down a PVP event either.

summer special events or something, ?;D Swimsuites, roller-shoes, intrument weapons, those kind of things being available..
Maybe Buyable items, like hats and Coca-cola T-shirt or something, that you may buy with your gold coins or something.:D
Maybe being able to get  wolf/strider/other with  Silver/Golden/platinum coins.

Maybe a "lottery system", a faster one, like, give 1kk, one of 30 gets it all. The money being windraw able at the npc. hehe

Absolutely no  Enchant events, yuck, but being able to  buy/get fun stuff, collection of cool items, or being able to win Adena or other items

People, let's suggest some ideas for Events, that GMs can help us achieve!;D
Dragon server:
Farenk TH/Tank lv 86 Vorpal +6, vesper duals +8

Urabanus RIP


Events?! HERE!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha last one was like in 2009 (or 2010 whatever it sucked anyway) so no events until 2981.

Man either you are new here or had a REALLY big break from this server.
Bring the beer to me... lot's of it... and make it fast!


Quote from: OrTomall on May 12, 2011, 07:28:12 PM
Events?! HERE!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha last one was like in 2009 (or 2010 whatever it sucked anyway) so no events until 2981.

Man either you are new here or had a REALLY big break from this server.
Sad but true



let them finish work with gracia or again "weeks" will turn into months...


Quote from: OrTomall on May 12, 2011, 07:28:12 PM
Events?! HERE!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha last one was like in 2009 (or 2010 whatever it sucked anyway) so no events until 2981.

Man either you are new here or had a REALLY big break from this server.

Yeah, I had a break. A long one. ;)

Trackzero and piccy can do Events! Probably "Drake" who does the Gracia programming by himself anyways?. Track and Piccy should try harder at being GMs Or find more people to help them. (Maybe I could  help? Is there a "test" to help as some sort of moderator? Not intressted in the GM power really, just wished we could get some  fun Events started somehow.Could be fun. And I would like to help a bit with this "fun". ;)

Come one guys, Let's show some intresst in the server, and please try to suggest here all those Events that you wished we could do, who knows , some might become reality? ;)
Dragon server:
Farenk TH/Tank lv 86 Vorpal +6, vesper duals +8

Urabanus RIP