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Deleted account ??? PLease Help GM!



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Deleted account ??? PLease Help GM!

Started by dj4rum, May 11, 2011, 09:32:03 AM

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Good afternnoon/morning/night GM's!!!

I am a kind and massive l2 player on your server and I have nevere seen something like this before.......

The reason why I am writing in this topic because I have started my l2 xping again around 6 days ago with the account of dj4rum123. The problem what I have is that I made a password reset, got a new pw everything went fine until monday evening. I can not log in, my password is not correct??? ON monday I have been playing and on tuesday the system sais your account does not exist? I already asked for a new pw reset 3 times but didn t came no email from you and if I try to change my password on dn.net it sais that account doesn t exist?? How come when I have all my stuff there and on monday I was playing on itI was playing on it!!??? I thought that you Gm s have permit ban people not to delete accounts!! I hope that you didn t delete my account and I got back all my stuf which I gained over 6 years now!!!!! So please be kind and write me an e-mail on bencucska@hotmail.com or here because I understand that you are GM s but you don t have the previlige to delete accounts unless it is not use for a long time ago.....

I am waiting for your reply with an answer and I hope we can cooperate.  AS I said the account was: dj4rum123

Thank you for your kindness! Bye


acc removed

and items that was into char , back to owner aka adammm