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Steal Divinity

Started by Gonzal, May 10, 2011, 03:30:10 AM

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Quote from: maslina on May 10, 2011, 02:50:39 PM
Only if you share me great knowledge from pixels world master

better is stop or TRACK BAN ME LIKE BAN DRAMAQ
you win nefr all because CB archers/tanks cant win pvp vs steal d.
panda panda panda

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 02:52:10 PM
frya is 15 sek
if they make 1 min kameal be usless who play that klas? no kameal go play on c4 servers
damn i wonder why then did not put freya   will ask that kamels or all ppl how will run with dagger withSA  who have 100%  cancel 2 buffs when u make criticals   u are so patetic guys if u like futher  of this game be just cancel  cancel cancel i realy fell perry for u all like i say it many times 0 skills just cancel cancel is all that u know have fun and start search  for new server coz if this reamin in gracia   say bb on fun in server


smarter than ncsof >>> sadam


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 03:01:11 PM
smarter than ncsof >>> sadam


u must think dude before u say some sh1t they dont care to much there in official  they get money evry month from each player and there is no subclass there  here ppl need donate to play on this server  and i dont see who will be so stupid to donate  for +++ armors and wepoans anymore when  wont help  at all vs this skill so use ur brain sometimes and i dont know why i give  a fly sh1t about u when u are just a lame spamer  with who dont even care for this  community


Quote from: Kastro on May 10, 2011, 03:10:10 PM
u must think dude before u say some sh1t they dont care to much there in official  they get money evry month from each player and there is no subclass there  here ppl need donate to play on this server  and i dont see who will be so stupid to donate  for +++ armors and wepoans anymore when  wont help  at all vs this skill so use ur brain sometimes and i dont know why i give  a fly sh1t about u when u are just a lame spamer  with who dont even care for this  community

hahaha so donate for nerf steal d
funny when ppl who donate ask for nerf some clas ;D
cya i go home

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 02:54:29 PM
better is stop or TRACK BAN ME LIKE BAN DRAMAQ
you win nefr all because CB archers/tanks cant win pvp vs steal d.
panda panda panda

Now try again in english



Quote from: mark_elesse on May 10, 2011, 02:43:17 PM
sh1t mens ... i dont even know which retard's comment to quote with some nasty words...you're just zergin this thread with stupidity.
anyways some hint to ya'll:

1st, we all know kamael's cancel ( or wtf is the correct skill name...) is OP/and retarded. Even the ones who playing em are able to admit it. BUT on the other hand you should just shut the fck up and w8 for the Gracia update. Its more then 100% crystal-clean obvious that Track/Drake/Mason and all other coders are working to establish the new chronicle for your idiot begger asses. Track said so many times already, that they are focusing on the update atm, they wont waste the time for minor fixes in the current chronicle. is this so hard to understand ?

p.s.: ofc if the skill will rape the same tard way in Gracia, you are all free to cry / beg / and re-open all QQ thread.

(Hai mark)

Actually in gracia it gets worse as far as I remember, on hellbound the kamaels were pretty underpowered on retail so they gave them some boosts in gracia. Playing kamael there is awesome, lol, the only things that could rape me badly were the damn destroyers.

And this is a video from the used-to-be soulbreaker hero from devianne server (I got killed countless times by this guy D:) to add a bit more of wood to the flames in this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tl-YwaOXsY

Soulbreakers are overpowered, this is just a plain fact, and lol to the ones comparing cancel to steal divinity, its like comparing an elpy with a karik.

PS: Why the freak am I debating this, its been like 3 years I think since I've played here, lol. /euthanasia



Quote from: Weezer on May 10, 2011, 04:47:50 PM
Install L2 again and come play with us bitch.  ;D

Creia em deus pai, só de imaginar já me dá calafrios, lol
english: 235/2²-7x


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 10, 2011, 03:22:43 PM
you know ppl like you always amazed me, basicly you are someone who talks about l2 without any decent knowledge, neighter skill to play the game properly, BUT still you're gettin' quoted by other c0cksuckers everytime you place your flacid rotten fingers on the keyboard. You are the alpha of the DNET's idiot squad, and im pretty sure that actually you enjoy being a worthless fag, who actually cant even create a proper english sentence. ye, it can be funny when you laugh on your own tardness, but you shouldnt touch players who actually did smth on the server except running around in giran with carrot sticked in the ass. thats just an advice.

finally let me wish a long life, and good health, wish you'll be able to stay here for long to make ppl laugh with your senseless posts and pathetic attitude.

cheers dude.
ofc my banaan master all know donator >>> others
I play on DN 4 years but only on NM i found so idiots like you all CB and others
enemy ofc have ppl like klasa/ary ect that I can normal pm but you lol ppl are rly ..............

cheers dude donate and  eat banana

You maslina  QQ me more and pls tell your ppl to stopa make PANDA PANDA

cry more about steal divinity funny ppl / l2 guru

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Why all ppl's crying about kamaels...lol
Kamael class is part of game and anyone can make this character, right? or no??!!

Why nobody crying about divine beast? On other server's like dragon ect... use this on oly is banned.
Or about other classes? like root from tk? or cancel from sps?

So stop cry about kamael's. Or go on other server and check how this skill working...

QQ moar and nothing to add.


Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 05:03:50 PM
ofc my banaan master all know donator >>> others
I play on DN 4 years but only on NM i found so idiots like you all CB and others
enemy ofc have ppl like klasa/ary ect that I can normal pm but you lol ppl are rly ..............

cheers dude donate and  eat banana

You maslina  QQ me more and pls tell your ppl to stopa make PANDA PANDA

cry more about steal divinity funny ppl / l2 guru

funny is no1 even care about your opinion  :D

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