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trade bug again or scam? - Page 6



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trade bug again or scam?

Started by xin, May 23, 2011, 09:06:22 AM

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Quote from: Piccy on May 25, 2011, 03:02:50 PM

it's priceless to get pm from them "OMG someone hacked me and i get permaban withou any reason !!

you are EVIL!  :o ;D


Quote from: tomogara on May 25, 2011, 02:21:41 PM
Where!?! Show me where you banned someone from last players reports. I dont see any. And no - its not ME who should spend "some time" in bad user section - ITS YOU for god sake so called GM. So stop bullshiting about reports coz you just fail. Ppl report bad user and those reports stay without any respond/action for how long - month, 2, maybe 5. You know how long take creating new char and transfering valuable items from reported one to new?
And most funny thing that you dont even respect your own rules that you were shouting on Annoucment in game. You have time to ban ppl for "inproper or bad words", but L2W users are runing happily and freely all over the server...
uhm, i don't simply know what to do with people like you so ill reply for the last time to you, i am an GM on Infinite Nightmare x20 server and i am banning people from this section : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,81.0.html  as far as i see for the moment all topics locked means we banned people or case closed (remaining topics not locked are about hack piccy is working on them as soon as he clean them he will lock them), also you can check ban list how much and time when im banning people so or you are very rude person or you have to visit a doctor as soon as possible cause your story of not banning people from 2-5 months is sane.

So next time you want to flame me arm yourself with rumors better , cause this flame is a /fail.
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Quote from: Piccy on May 25, 2011, 11:23:10 AM
damn... is it possible that EVERY server has in your mind at least 1 corrupted gm?

have u an idea of how many times i got report: " hey that's a ^track^ friend and has a edited char check it..... checked..... normal stat 0 dyes and also  skills LESSER enchanted than "reporter".

Spawn items for friend ? the only thing he spawn are coins... so it's in his interest to keep it low

the only thing u could say to track is that he has ugly char ingame. (female human is really ugly). and maybe he is emo...dunno .... for him i'm fighetto....

the most "unfair" thing he made was a personal announcement made 2 days ago to me !

never understood why ppl always need a scapegoat

ps: remember that IF we will get Gracia.... it' not tnx to me couse i m totally not able to check bug or similar. i was just able to check 2-3 exploit.
u should start tnx a bit also him.

ETA ?: 47329997777

It's not about retarded "corrupted GM" reports.

He gets hammered for his attitude.

Guy asked him a simple question about problem he encountered. What he gets is some arrogant shit.

If Track is GMing her for money then it's his job -> stop acting like ass hole and do what youre pay for(WE ARE THE CLIENTS)
If you do it for free then enjoy it/change attitude or find your self less stresfull and more pleasent occupation.

Beeing Gm doesn't give you right to behave like this.


Quote from: TrackZero on May 25, 2011, 04:58:48 PM
uhm, i don't simply know what to do with people like you so ill reply for the last time to you, i am an GM on Infinite Nightmare x20 server and i am banning people from this section : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,81.0.html as far as i see for the moment all topics locked means we banned people or case closed (remaining topics not locked are about hack piccy is working on them as soon as he clean them he will lock them), also you can check ban list how much and time when im banning people so or you are very rude person or you have to visit a doctor as soon as possible cause your story of not banning people from 2-5 months is sane.

So next time you want to flame me arm yourself with rumors better , cause this flame is a /fail.

No you dont. Prove:


Next time you wanna prove me somethink arm yourself with proves and facts. Oh and about my story - if its SANE its very good. If it would be INSANE that could be bad.


Quote from: fenrris on May 25, 2011, 06:08:02 PM

It's not about retarded "corrupted GM" reports.

He gets hammered for his attitude.

Guy asked him a simple question about problem he encountered. What he gets is some arrogant shit.

If Track is GMing her for money then it's his job -> stop acting like ass hole and do what youre pay for(WE ARE THE CLIENTS)
If you do it for free then enjoy it/change attitude or find your self less stresfull and more pleasent occupation.

Beeing Gm doesn't give you right to behave like this.

agree. it is point of all...
anyway im sure that  this bug got more ppl who dont raported it...
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Well, if ppl dont report then what you expect? In my own experience in 6 years of DN, I never saw that bug (at least I cant remember any case now).

So if you are smart enough, start creating topics reporting this bug. If it really exists, then we will see lots of topics on bug report.

Otherwise, we will keep seeing this QQ topics and track being sarcastic with you. And I dont believe he is wrong, simply because I can imagine how many fake PMs and fake topics he saw all these years, where people suposelly report trade scam with no proofs, no char names, nothing.

Its funny to see everyone demanding respect from GMs, but on every single topic someone always talks b*sh1t about DN staff.
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: tomogara on May 25, 2011, 06:24:29 PM
No you dont. Prove:


Next time you wanna prove me somethink arm yourself with proves and facts. Oh and about my story - if its SANE its very good. If it would be INSANE that could be bad.
Those topics are locked it means it passed gm judgment (me,piccy,draven...) and we LOCKED means we solved it , solution can be different from ban to not ban if we decide proof not enough or its not valid, i hope i was clear this time if not ill use paint next time np.
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Quote from: 666VeNoM on May 25, 2011, 08:03:30 PM
Well, if ppl dont report then what you expect? In my own experience in 6 years of DN, I never saw that bug (at least I cant remember any case now).

So if you are smart enough, start creating topics reporting this bug. If it really exists, then we will see lots of topics on bug report.

Omagine how many fake PMs and fake topics he saw all these years, where people suposelly report trade scam with no proofs, no char names, nothing.

Its funny to see everyone demanding respect from GMs, but on every single topic someone always talks b*sh1t about DN staff.

Becose its 1-2% of it. I also dont believe it until i get this same -.-

I do it but for BrainZero on DN bugs dont exist.. he even delete bug raport topic and he try tell ppl all works coretly.. Other example is over hit orcs on RB's.

With that also i agree. example is case of buzmasta. its typical scaming GMs by player. Problem is only that he was donathor and they help him to get back items.. Truth is if u are not donate u dont get help. Only piccy are moment do a lot for ppl. If he was out gming  server be dead in max 2 month becose ppl nead real GM and not foker who insulting ppl when they raporting bugs...
And if u make voting about who u wanna kick from Gming (Track, Piccy, Draven who ever he is) u can be sure thack is 1st on this list.
Problem is that he can operate with other player and makes bad reputation to server doing bullsh1ts from long time.
Infi ppl dont cere who was  and whats going on x30 becose we got own gms. Now we got parody ...
And for respect GM should deserved and works for it all time. Piccy do it fine from long time and +1 for him from me and all ppl who he help.

And now i back from work and i go sleep Gn :D

Quote from: TrackZero on May 25, 2011, 10:17:15 PM
Those topics are locked it means it passed gm judgment (me,piccy,draven...) and we LOCKED means we solved it , solution can be different from ban to not ban if we decide proof not enough or its not valid, i hope i was clear this time if not ill use paint next time np.
buehehe... u know today is not 1st april ?:p
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: TrackZero on May 25, 2011, 10:17:15 PM
Those topics are locked it means it passed gm judgment (me,piccy,draven...) and we LOCKED means we solved it , solution can be different from ban to not ban if we decide proof not enough or its not valid, i hope i was clear this time if not ill use paint next time np.

Oh rly? And how was your JUGMENT to char with 3 others on tail giving dances, buffs, stoping in the same place and moving all together. Seriously and you saying that ppl dont report. What for? I see ppl on ban list baned without any prove with just note -  "items for rl". So please use paint and show me and all of us where you do not see bot here http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,246941.0.html coz for now it looks that you wouldnt see a bot even if it kick you in the groin.

Quote from: TrackZero on May 25, 2011, 04:58:48 PM
uhm, i don't simply know what to do with people like you so ill reply for the last time to you, i am an GM on Infinite Nightmare x20 server and i am banning people from this section : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/board,81.0.html  as far as i see for the moment all topics locked means we banned people or case closed (remaining topics not locked are about hack piccy is working on them as soon as he clean them he will lock them), also you can check ban list how much and time when im banning people so or you are very rude person or you have to visit a doctor as soon as possible cause your story of not banning people from 2-5 months is sane.

So next time you want to flame me arm yourself with rumors better , cause this flame is a /fail.

And here you said that not closed topics are all about HACK and piccy is taking care of them. WRONG AGAIN! They are all about L2W and now you say they "passed gm jugment" and you "solved it". Changing mind each post, do you? And NO you are not clear. What kind of prove do you want for god sake? The guy behind those chars on video tortured to make him say "its my chars I was using L2W, pls ban me" Well sry, can not happen.


Quote from: sirSethan on May 26, 2011, 06:56:13 AM
Becose its 1-2% of it. I also dont believe it until i get this same -.-

I do it but for BrainZero on DN bugs dont exist.. he even delete bug raport topic and he try tell ppl all works coretly.. Other example is over hit orcs on RB's.

With that also i agree. example is case of buzmasta. its typical scaming GMs by player. Problem is only that he was donathor and they help him to get back items.. Truth is if u are not donate u dont get help. Only piccy are moment do a lot for ppl. If he was out gming  server be dead in max 2 month becose ppl nead real GM and not foker who insulting ppl when they raporting bugs...
And if u make voting about who u wanna kick from Gming (Track, Piccy, Draven who ever he is) u can be sure thack is 1st on this list.
Problem is that he can operate with other player and makes bad reputation to server doing bullsh1ts from long time.
Infi ppl dont cere who was  and whats going on x30 becose we got own gms. Now we got parody ...
And for respect GM should deserved and works for it all time. Piccy do it fine from long time and +1 for him from me and all ppl who he help.

And now i back from work and i go sleep Gn :D
buehehe... u know today is not 1st april ?:p
You request respect from GM while you keep offending them...lame story bro