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Let's try to be serious



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Let's try to be serious

Started by Piccy, June 08, 2011, 04:23:43 PM

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Let's make this "example"

guy X share his account with Y & Z

X is a good guy. let's say he is an angel.

Y & Z are known botters (and X knows also. but he give his account without problem becouse they are "friends")

guess what?

X items PUFFFFFFFFFFF disappeared, char haked and naked. all items resold allover server.

what should i do?

respawn itemsand give them back for free ????

remove items to actual (legit) owner bought for adena or coin???

or simply nothing becouse it's 100% walker hack?

gimme your opinion without too much spam pls.
and for 1 time, try to be serious


Do nothing. He should pay for his stupidity.


if those botters are well know why they still can play?


Quote from: QuadCore on June 08, 2011, 04:49:06 PM
if those botters are well know why they still can play?

'couse in infy we had "3 strike----> permaban"
they were busted "there", not "here"


Quote from: Diver on June 08, 2011, 04:42:04 PM
Do nothing. He should pay for his stupidity.

agree .

most of scams come from friends/other users of accounts ...and ppl who use l2w and other sh1t programs

so once again , let them pay for their stupidity.

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


If X really is an angel, spawn back items for him with one exception, X can't lend items anymore to Y's and Z's chars. If that would happen, you"ll easily find a way to ban him again.
Also ban Y's and/or Z's 1-1 char who could have caused the "scam" - whatever we call it. (If you can't tell which user was responsible for missing items, ban both. That's what I meant with "and/or")

This is MY OWN opinion, it has nothing to do with GM's final decision. Good luck.
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: Piccy on June 08, 2011, 04:54:20 PM
'couse in infy we had "3 strike----> permaban"
they were busted "there", not "here"
iff the dude didnt sold his items give em back and ban the scamer, iff he sold then is owner loose and perma ban the scamer :P

btw look topic about vesper and answer us pl0x
  Nightmare 30x


Punishment must be to not repeat again

If Y and Z using X account, ignore that, everyone is master of his actions (if are friends).... or ban all.

If you detect that Y and Z never used the account of X and was a hack (for IP), ban on Y and Z and return items, but set a time limit for reporting this...maybe days... (it easier to reverse the actions)

just giving ideas..  :)

"More than the evil of the bad, surprises me the indifference of the good"


Quote from: Perse on June 08, 2011, 05:20:52 PM

Punishment must be to not repeat again

If Y and Z using X account, ignore that, everyone is master of his actions (if are friends).... or ban all.

If you detect that Y and Z never used the account of X and was a hack (for IP), ban on Y and Z and return items, but set a time limit for reporting this...maybe days... (it easier to reverse the actions)

just giving ideas..  :)

+1  ;D
zerocool14 sr/tk ( noble )           zerita14 bp/wc  (noble)
wolfwar2 wr/sws ( noble )           Wakan bd/de
muack    he/xx (noble)                Qazar ty/spoil (noble)
zeritaPL ??/?? ( pvp)                  Khaty     pp/wk (noble)
                             Zerostyle => pvp


Quote from: Piccy on June 08, 2011, 04:54:20 PM
'couse in infy we had "3 strike----> permaban"
they were busted "there", not "here"
Soo if someone play on NM from beginning you will catch him first time but he tell you that he is from infinity he will not get ban but if he sey that he is from NM you will ban him? Rules shoudl be same for every1. It is one serwer now.


Quote from: Diver on June 08, 2011, 05:49:30 PM
Soo if someone play on NM from beginning you will catch him first time but he tell you that he is from infinity he will not get ban but if he sey that he is from NM you will ban him? Rules shoudl be same for every1. It is one serwer now.
why ppl always read what they WANT and not what is written?? :D

those chars were BANNED in infinity
i never catched them botting HERE (AFTER MERGE).


Piccy, you should decide 1 thing: either to help shared chars or not, indifferently to whom they are shared (botters or not).
(actully on most off servers sharing is prohibitd, same as selling fo RL money and "botting")