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Started by joroboro, June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM

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U ppl are lucky that mark have exams  ::)


Quote from: 0l3j on June 09, 2011, 11:12:55 PM
Your just lil tard, so you dont understand my point, everyone who dont agree with you are just spamming ? :P very mature , very..
I would prefer server to die or be even lower on ppl, and not have to deal everyday with cryers, who instead of learning how to play , just cry, go go leave server do me a favour.
I can just find other game/server rly not much problem here if it comes to that.

oO teach me master how to learn to play vs kamel pls pls pls  and from where u get that idea that kamaels are  2-3 hit i dont get it are u  evar try hit kamael  or what`s ur problem i dont undestand we dont deal here with noonne subet Soul Hound so u can kill it easy evry fu cking kamael have a subclass wich have ud`s ressit  vs archer mages and if i remember good is  aUD for 1 min who incrase M.def and drop dmg from bow 50% so dont tell me kamaels are easy to b kill it and even u manage to kill them even if they dont have noobles on them they dont need them  is fu cking lame chanr what dont need buffs he can continue useing that lame skill evry 8-10 sec or less not even badow to find the reuse time of it  and crashing oponent  who are damn uselles w/o buff  so dont tell me  learn how to play i will gladdly give power x5 on kamael just to delete that steal divinity skill if even can call it like that  my first targets are allways kamael  but when ever i hit them  with 8k p.atack can deal more then 1 k dmg and dont tell me they have it sof  noone cant have 24/7 sof so stop saying learn how to play  coz i have no fear to die like a  man in pvp by some dmg or something like that  we all hit and run  beck all time to not get closer to kamael  and u say  it evan u are bored to run over archer they kite u what u espect to come rush u in middle and to not move from  1 kamael who use lighting strike who land with 99% rate  so blow me dude and stop saying craps all over the topic


Quote from: Kastro on June 10, 2011, 01:40:30 AM
oO teach me master how to learn to play vs kamel pls pls pls  and from where u get that idea that kamaels are  2-3 hit i dont get it are u  evar try hit kamael  or what`s ur problem i dont undestand we dont deal here with noonne subet Soul Hound so u can kill it easy evry fu cking kamael have a subclass wich have ud`s ressit  vs archer mages and if i remember good is  aUD for 1 min who incrase M.def and drop dmg from bow 50% so dont tell me kamaels are easy to b kill it and even u manage to kill them even if they dont have noobles on them they dont need them  is fu cking lame chanr what dont need buffs he can continue useing that lame skill evry 8-10 sec or less not even badow to find the reuse time of it  and crashing oponent  who are damn uselles w/o buff  so dont tell me  learn how to play i will gladdly give power x5 on kamael just to delete that steal divinity skill if even can call it like that  my first targets are allways kamael  but when ever i hit them  with 8k p.atack can deal more then 1 k dmg and dont tell me they have it sof  noone cant have 24/7 sof so stop saying learn how to play  coz i have no fear to die like a  man in pvp by some dmg or something like that  we all hit and run  beck all time to not get closer to kamael  and u say  it evan u are bored to run over archer they kite u what u espect to come rush u in middle and to not move from  1 kamael who use lighting strike who land with 99% rate  so blow me dude and stop saying craps all over the topic
finaly some facts    - who will be  object vs this facts ?  any idea what is wrong here ?  ;D ;D ;D   don't spam  .... Ty


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 11:28:09 PM
and what is your point ? let try pvp sps vs .....no matter who (w/o kamael) let make 10 match ? and we will see   maaaax 9 : 1 for sps  if dagger have luck with lethal  before get sleep , cancel, cancel  .. this is fair pvp ? ;D  i think is fair pvp when from 10 match we get result

like 5:5 , 4:6 .. OK 7:3  but  10:0 ^^ omg  and don't teach me how to play  cuz if we make pvp  i wanna after that post your dmg here ( ofc you will kill me 10 :0) but pls post your dmg on me  ;D believe me - you  will not post here

First of all not all sps are ee i am f/e sps/es, and there lot of sws.
Sps is here form the foking beginig, and NOW you cry bout his cancel ? give me a break, whos noob here.
I dont make screens of every fight and conversation like some tards do, dont need to prove anything to anyone :)
Rly grow up, cancel alone will never win pvp, but i'm sure you never played paper sps so its easy to say.

Quote from: Kastro on June 10, 2011, 01:40:30 AM
oO teach me master how to learn to play vs kamel pls pls pls  and from where u get that idea that kamaels are  2-3 hit i dont get it are u  evar try hit kamael  or what`s ur problem i dont undestand we dont deal here with noonne subet Soul Hound so u can kill it easy evry fu cking kamael have a subclass wich have ud`s ressit  vs archer mages and if i remember good is  aUD for 1 min who incrase M.def and drop dmg from bow 50% so dont tell me kamaels are easy to b kill it and even u manage to kill them even if they dont have noobles on them they dont need them  is fu cking lame chanr what dont need buffs he can continue useing that lame skill evry 8-10 sec or less not even badow to find the reuse time of it  and crashing oponent  who are damn uselles w/o buff  so dont tell me  learn how to play i will gladdly give power x5 on kamael just to delete that steal divinity skill if even can call it like that  my first targets are allways kamael  but when ever i hit them  with 8k p.atack can deal more then 1 k dmg and dont tell me they have it sof  noone cant have 24/7 sof so stop saying learn how to play  coz i have no fear to die like a  man in pvp by some dmg or something like that  we all hit and run  beck all time to not get closer to kamael  and u say  it evan u are bored to run over archer they kite u what u espect to come rush u in middle and to not move from  1 kamael who use lighting strike who land with 99% rate  so blow me dude and stop saying craps all over the topic

Oh another tard that never played the char but he knows all bout this.

Zerks ud works only for p def, so mages still rape him at that time, deflect arrow added with little m def bonus, work 10 seconds, this prahnah thingy give ud only to magic, so archers still can rape.
If they manage to keep him constantly alive, good for them realyy good,

But now you're saying shjts , I just said i ont like kiteing as mage, coz i'm rather slow, and you came up form nowhere with Kamalol. You're some psycho? You see Kamalols every corner in every pvp? Coz lately i see less Kamalols, we're still in archers era, and theres is hell of them, but we're nowhere to be in Kamalols era, they're just few, and if you cant deal with them, rly learn how to lose without crying at least.

These are not facts you tell ppl, just crys, nothing more, the whole point is you need to be prepared for kamalols, prepared for quick rbf in the middle of pvp especialy, for me this add more exciment to pvp, if i need to constantly watch m ybuff to see if something didnt disappear form there, get used to it already, if not rly leave server...
Ok i will not bother with more answers,coz you're just not reformable, want to cry bout one skill that own you, so be it.


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 09:08:22 PM
kamael is not OP they just have 100 %  success rate on steal  - ok np make same rate on stun , sleep..... where is the problem ?make all sh1t skill with 100 % success rate why only steal, cancel ?

Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Kastro on June 10, 2011, 01:40:30 AM
oO teach me master how to learn to play vs kamel pls pls pls  and from where u get that idea that kamaels are  2-3 hit i dont get it are u  evar try hit kamael  or what`s ur problem i dont undestand we dont deal here with noonne subet Soul Hound so u can kill it easy evry fu cking kamael have a subclass wich have ud`s ressit  vs archer mages and if i remember good is  aUD for 1 min who incrase M.def and drop dmg from bow 50% so dont tell me kamaels are easy to b kill it and even u manage to kill them even if they dont have noobles on them they dont need them  is fu cking lame chanr what dont need buffs he can continue useing that lame skill evry 8-10 sec or less not even badow to find the reuse time of it  and crashing oponent  who are damn uselles w/o buff  so dont tell me  learn how to play i will gladdly give power x5 on kamael just to delete that steal divinity skill if even can call it like that  my first targets are allways kamael  but when ever i hit them  with 8k p.atack can deal more then 1 k dmg and dont tell me they have it sof  noone cant have 24/7 sof so stop saying learn how to play  coz i have no fear to die like a  man in pvp by some dmg or something like that  we all hit and run  beck all time to not get closer to kamael  and u say  it evan u are bored to run over archer they kite u what u espect to come rush u in middle and to not move from  1 kamael who use lighting strike who land with 99% rate  so blow me dude and stop saying craps all over the topic

/agree 100%!
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


UD for mdef 1 min but for archers only  10 sec. And yes they can have soff all the time^^or vegenace or ud:D qq moar


Quote from: 0l3j on June 10, 2011, 09:00:21 AM
First of all not all sps are ee i am f/e sps/es, and there lot of sws.
Sps is here form the foking beginig, and NOW you cry bout his cancel ? give me a break, whos noob here.
I dont make screens of every fight and conversation like some tards do, dont need to prove anything to anyone :)
Rly grow up, cancel alone will never win pvp, but i'm sure you never played paper sps so its easy to say.

Oh another tard that never played the char but he knows all bout this.

Zerks ud works only for p def, so mages still rape him at that time, deflect arrow added with little m def bonus, work 10 seconds, this prahnah thingy give ud only to magic, so archers still can rape.
If they manage to keep him constantly alive, good for them realyy good,

But now you're saying shjts , I just said i ont like kiteing as mage, coz i'm rather slow, and you came up form nowhere with Kamalol. You're some psycho? You see Kamalols every corner in every pvp? Coz lately i see less Kamalols, we're still in archers era, and theres is hell of them, but we're nowhere to be in Kamalols era, they're just few, and if you cant deal with them, rly learn how to lose without crying at least.

These are not facts you tell ppl, just crys, nothing more, the whole point is you need to be prepared for kamalols, prepared for quick rbf in the middle of pvp especialy, for me this add more exciment to pvp, if i need to constantly watch m ybuff to see if something didnt disappear form there, get used to it already, if not rly leave server...
Ok i will not bother with more answers,coz you're just not reformable, want to cry bout one skill that own you, so be it.
if you want i can   say you how will be one fight archer vs sps/tk  , sps/sws  or like you sps /es  ;D  with Servitor Barrier on pony ;D and non stop cancel before S.Barrier  end  ;D from your post i understand only one thing -from all  ppl only you can play


As i can see this dude have nevar be  vs few kamaels in same time who assit on eachther and use 2-3 steal divinity  what`s mean u lost 80% of ur  buffs  what`s mean u allready are on targets on some  dps  what`s mean u are instantly dead .2nd  dancers songer can resong/dance 1 max 2 times  if they are not dead  coz noone have unlimited mana  to over song  for 1 guy all time but what i`m trying to  explan for a retard guy who nevar know what`s mean kamael klas is new  and nevar was in the world of gm`s to be  fix it on land skills like outher rase`s  and to tell u just for ur info dude  cancel got fix how should work chance and random buffs from 1 to 5  but ofc u are to retard lamer who nevar saw some good pvp  and nevar play it on some tactics or set up`s on char who nevar care it to make his char totaly rdy for pvp or where evar  nevar spend a coins for his char  u are dude just simple  rerroler on evry fu cking moon so wont badow to explan u more coz if u know it someting about  this servers  u will know it how many nerf`s boosts we have it till now in this 6-7 years of exsisting on this server so probobly that why u cant  see what mean someting OP what mean something week. before this sh1t of kamaels i must say we have it the most balanced pvp ever bin in this 7 years and i must say was grate but as i see futher of l2 will be just for cancel whore`s  not for ppl who injoy in pvp and we have only ppl who want pvp not cancelwhore`s so if server not adupte on ppl who are keeping him alove will be dead server 

cya around and spam more to protect the lame destoers  of the server


Quote from: 0l3j on June 10, 2011, 09:00:21 AM
First of all not all sps are ee i am f/e sps/es, and there lot of sws.
Sps is here form the foking beginig, and NOW you cry bout his cancel ? give me a break, whos noob here.
I dont make screens of every fight and conversation like some tards do, dont need to prove anything to anyone :)
Rly grow up, cancel alone will never win pvp, but i'm sure you never played paper sps so its easy to say.

Oh another tard that never played the char but he knows all bout this.

Zerks ud works only for p def, so mages still rape him at that time, deflect arrow added with little m def bonus, work 10 seconds, this prahnah thingy give ud only to magic, so archers still can rape.
If they manage to keep him constantly alive, good for them realyy good,

But now you're saying shjts , I just said i ont like kiteing as mage, coz i'm rather slow, and you came up form nowhere with Kamalol. You're some psycho? You see Kamalols every corner in every pvp? Coz lately i see less Kamalols, we're still in archers era, and theres is hell of them, but we're nowhere to be in Kamalols era, they're just few, and if you cant deal with them, rly learn how to lose without crying at least.

These are not facts you tell ppl, just crys, nothing more, the whole point is you need to be prepared for kamalols, prepared for quick rbf in the middle of pvp especialy, for me this add more exciment to pvp, if i need to constantly watch m ybuff to see if something didnt disappear form there, get used to it already, if not rly leave server...
Ok i will not bother with more answers,coz you're just not reformable, want to cry bout one skill that own you, so be it.

u are kicked by him every days malaka , and Dule english whore !!!!! :D


haters gona hate, cryes gona cry
I just have fun and play, you can go and die
Thats it folks :*


Quote from: 0l3j on June 10, 2011, 11:33:34 AM
haters gona hate, cryes gona cry
I just have fun and play, you can go and die
Thats it folks :*

I don't think that u can have fun in a clan that u cant barely talk in ally chat if they do not allow u .-. (Just a comment)

Have fun
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008