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HSP,Ancient Tomes etc.



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HSP,Ancient Tomes etc.

Started by P1nacolada, June 21, 2011, 08:41:28 AM

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Hello i just want to ask something. Giran is almost empty with like 15 sell stores open i think that is better for the server economy Hidden second pages,hidden first pages  and ancient tomes to be tradeable because its even getting worse in gracia. This is my opinion ofc.


giran is almost empty, because offline shops dont work yet. it has very little to do with HSP. actually, i believe that after offline shop re-implementation situation is going to get even better than in the past, since you can put items more expensive than 2.147kkk in private shop now.

90210 movies: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,20187.0.html


I havent said that its almost empty becouse hsp and ancien tomes i said that  this is not good for the server economy at all.


Hello all !

I know that on the retail server it is like that with gracia  tomes are not tradeable.
But I don't understand the logic behind this .  Why we can't trade tomes now ?  What is the idea behind that ?

Before   marks of betrayals  we could not trade or drop them .  For that to me there was a logic behind that. To me i guess
it was to push people to do the full quest with there characters. And that was good idea to me . But now ?  humm

Now Marks of Betrayals can be drop ?   And Tomes we can not trade  ?   Humm

I noticed that the creators of lineage-Gracia  are just playing with skills in there updates .
They take away something from a skill  and give something to another skill.  It is like they just want to destabelize the game play.
But for the tomes  that i really don't understand that one.   Is it to slow down players from crafting dynasty stuff ?

Now i have a Question for GM !
Will it stay that way on dragon-network ? 
I know that many and many players wonder about what is going to happen with this issue.

If someone can explain the logic behind the no drop tomes thing please let us know !

Thank you !  bye bye !


have u noticed that maybe in fact it will help server?
many ppl were just to lazy or to faced to pvp to even think about farming tomes cause u can donate coins and buy it at let say giran market, now u will be kinda forced to make pt to go and farm or make or orc and do it alone , maybe that will show u l2 is not just a pvp game but full of lets call it wonders inside..
now u can qq more on me
ShutTheFukUp dorf powa

in SINS i trust .....


Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


I had quest for Dyna recs on support char not main, but i keept the HSP on main. Now i can't do anything with them just make quest all over again. This isn't so upseating as the fact i can't get even some potions for them or smt :D., anything just to use them.