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resist cs cancel type debuf dont work or wtf - Page 2



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resist cs cancel type debuf dont work or wtf

Started by qwertyzxc, July 12, 2011, 07:54:11 PM

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Silent Silin

tell us how to use resist cancel bufs then :D

white talisman of protection also dont help. Cancel reuse can be 2 seconds (tested)
Nyu - valkyria x9
Nyu - Infinity-Nightmare x20


Quote from: Silent Silin on July 13, 2011, 02:07:52 PM
tell us how to use resist cancel bufs then :D

white talisman of protection also dont help. Cancel reuse can be 2 seconds (tested)
you can decrease chance get canceled some important buffs (i dont mean buffing at olly all posible buffs if you for example th/pp or ty/wc) but for this you should know atleast basic cancel mechanic. Anyway this wont help  against 2 sec cancel reuse.


Quote from: Defoe on July 13, 2011, 02:51:59 PM
you can decrease chance get canceled some important buffs (i dont mean buffing at olly all posible buffs if you for example th/pp or ty/wc) but for this you should know atleast basic cancel mechanic. Anyway this wont help  against 2 sec cancel reuse.

oh i see ur so pro player lineage 2 !  if buffs say they ressit cancel so should resist and 40 % + 20 % + talismans its rly big chance but at 10 cancels i got 10 x canceled 5 buffs so stop spam how pro you are and tell us how should work  ressit cancel  mr pro player.

its buff say ressit canceling attacks by 40% it should resist.

ALso - 11 bufs from 1 cancel is ok for u also i think :D

kamaels was picking xxxx bufs and they got nerf so now this cancels from da/sps/sorc should got cancel or just cenecling buffs by chance 0-5  not 100% 5 buffs eacyh and dont care what ressit u use against cancel


auuu i see many many tears  listen ppl


speacialy to hardstyle

and what we need now you wanted official style here is IT Enyoj IT!
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: Defoe on July 13, 2011, 02:51:59 PM
you can decrease chance get canceled some important buffs (i dont mean buffing at olly all posible buffs if you for example th/pp or ty/wc) but for this you should know atleast basic cancel mechanic. Anyway this wont help  against 2 sec cancel reuse.

skill enchant? the only thing that have really low chance to be removed as i saw is my +10 pow
so we need +30 on all skills to resist cancel ?\... while cancel resist buffs are pretty much broken (they just dont work or give some lol effect which we obviously dont understand)
when you have 20+ buffs it's always -5, you can have all resist things you wanna
p.s. lionhart: increases resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80% - and again -5

kamaels got that buff steal nerf, so can't see why some sps who is still more than playable without cancel won't get same some day


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on July 13, 2011, 04:18:31 PM
auuu i see many many tears  listen ppl


speacialy to hardstyle

and what we need now you wanted official style here is IT Enyoj IT!

i want official ? are u "crazy"  ? :|


Quote from: qwertyzxc on July 13, 2011, 05:29:04 PM

i want official ? are u "crazy"  ? :|
hard I want say only this that GM's forget about warior classes at nightmare
IvennO - GL/PP      "Warriors fight to live, Gladiators fight to kill."
0vnerPL - Th/Pal


Quote from: Ivenn0 on July 13, 2011, 06:25:39 PM
hard I want say only this that GM's forget about warior classes at nightmare

now all dagers/ archers have 500 crt rate and 2 x more p aatck then orcs or glads its funny :D  always my orc was on 500 crt rate now full bufed with certyficates is 334 ! when archers /daggers got 500 easy xD


Quote from: qwertyzxc on July 13, 2011, 04:06:21 PM

oh i see ur so pro player lineage 2 !  if buffs say they ressit cancel so should resist and 40 % + 20 % + talismans its rly big chance but at 10 cancels i got 10 x canceled 5 buffs so stop spam how pro you are and tell us how should work  ressit cancel  mr pro player.

for some convo about cancel resists, you should  have (there are much more things) atealst this:
1. basic cancel resist chance ( from wich you starting calculation)
2.some mathematic knowledge (atleast school)
and guess what?- you have problems with both.  I'm rly loled HOW you working with % and  some unknown number (for you) and telling that: " it's rly big chance"
Quote from: qwertyzxc on July 13, 2011, 04:06:21 PM
ALso - 11 bufs from 1 cancel is ok for u also i think :D

kamaels was picking xxxx bufs and they got nerf so now this cancels from da/sps/sorc should got cancel or just cenecling buffs by chance 0-5  not 100% 5 buffs eacyh and dont care what ressit u use against cancel
Corect me if I'm wrong, but topic  about "resist cs cancel type debuf dont work or wtf" not "whine about cancel"
Quote from: wildpussy on July 13, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
skill enchant? the only thing that have really low chance to be removed as i saw is my +10 pow
so we need +30 on all skills to resist cancel ?\... while cancel resist buffs are pretty much broken (they just dont work or give some lol effect which we obviously dont understand)
when you have 20+ buffs it's always -5, you can have all resist things you wanna
p.s. lionhart: increases resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80% - and again -5

kamaels got that buff steal nerf, so can't see why some sps who is still more than playable without cancel won't get same some day
not only this.