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resist cs cancel type debuf dont work or wtf



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resist cs cancel type debuf dont work or wtf

Started by qwertyzxc, July 12, 2011, 07:54:11 PM

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At start i just ask its possible to failed any kind of cancel  on enemy  ? ( i mean cancel 0 buffs or just 1/2 ... )  Becouse as i notice  everytime  on olympiad or pvp DA or SPS canceling me 5 or more buffs/pots ...

My char have like 2 skills what "SHOULD" resist for cancel type attack the first:

1)Chant of Spirit    Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%  info from   http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/buffstats  but here on nm its say just +20 not 20% mby its same but i dont know becouse on others skills say 20% for example and there not.

screen from pmfun.com  ---->>>>>

screen from our server  ---->>>>>

2) zealot lvl 3 - resistance to canceling attacks by 40% / and 80% by debuffs attacks    screen  ---->>>

3) cov ( Chant of Victory )  should add Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%,  and its not increase critical attack rate

screen from pmfun.com   --->>>>  

screen ingame  w/o cov ---->>>>  
screen ingame with cov  ---->>>>

So zealot should give + 40 %  resist canceling buffs  + chant od spirit + 20 % canceling buffs attack and why i cant resist just 1 cancel or this cancels dont pick me lower number of buffs just always is 5 or more ?

Also why Chant of Victory dont add Critical attack rate ? Why Bison totem dont give +30% P.atk when hp is under 30% and give only 19% ? Why Bison dont give + 300 Crt.rate when hp is under 30% and give just + 113 Crt.rate ?    PS. NERF MORE ORCS WE ARE SO OP ATM ...



QQ hard times are changing you canot win  always  see now how is it to be raped :D
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on July 12, 2011, 07:59:08 PM
QQ hard times are changing you canot win  always  see now how is it to be raped :D

and tell me when i was can win all ? on HB i cant win any pal/archer who have any idea how to use this chars same vs wl/pal   vs good sps/ee also was hard so stop say bullshits thx :]

no point :]  anyway i cant win now becouse im playing with 2 or 3k hp becouse olympiad dont restore hp/mp and its unplayable atm for orcs but track say this one will be changed "soon" so its ok for me :]

The point is we have buffs for ressit cancel attack and its not work or work like big shit ....     like 2 weeks ago i got - 13 buffs from  sps 1 cancel it is normal ? and reuse of cancel isnt so long so 2 x and - 26 buffs ?

about bison totem bug u can see  from this screens ---->>>>



For bison you are right and maybe for cancel resist also as i fail to understand how is possible to loose all time 5 buffs when i have more than 10 buffs even when i use exciting adventure which reduce cancel land rate by 90%... As for Cov i said already that is typo bug. You get +20% critical damage and not critical rate.


just like the PM you send says.... "time to open qq topic"!  :D :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


yea its qq topic but i show u all screenshots how it should work and how it work so ? its not just qq topic  i uploaded screenshots with proofs so gtfo

i tested now  on olympiad cancel and i was fight 3 x vs krd0 2 x vs da i was using zealot + chant of spirit   and next fight i dont use it and in all fights i got every cancel ( dosnt metter from da or sps ) - 5 buffs  so its bugged for sure

its impossible resist cancle its 100% remove 5 buffs so please Track check it and fix or cancel should remove 5 buff each and there is no against this skill ? reuse is 10 sec ? 15 ?   

and yes i notice same if i have 10 buffs or more itc remove 5 each when im like 5 bufs i got remove like 2/3  so if ur full buffed or have 10+ buffs/pots/dance/song  u have removed 5 x and u can have all kind of resist.

better fix this stupid skills then remove masteries what give only dmg its better then playing in 10 seconds from 20 buffs with 0 xD


ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


As COV buff tells (the description of the buff) :

add 20% to rate of the critical attack, there is no information about critical rate.



you should stop use pmfun.com, since many things there just to old. Also you know nothing about  how those ressist should work,  but made this topic.


Quote from: 0ScUMR on July 12, 2011, 10:33:29 PM

2 more hours and i will finish watching  your video ....
next one  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LKHpM1UeDA

after that i must get some sleep
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM