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Sub Class issu allready ridiculous....



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Sub Class issu allready ridiculous....

Started by tiptip, July 22, 2011, 05:50:26 PM

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subject of topic say it all, where is the fix to old system sub-class? before more then 2 weeks track say in few days...
whats more importend then fix problem that make some player unable to play at all?
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan


QuoteRe: SUBJOB and anything related to this matter (ONLY)!
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2011, 04:40:20 pm »
Tonight we should up new patch for SUB issues, after we up it ill open topic again and we shell see if changed anything, stay tuned and please dont open more subject on this matter.


QuoteRe: Announcements
« Reply #220 on: July 07, 2011, 02:32:51 pm »
- Auto-conversion for issues about old-new sub switching thing is in final stage of develop , expect the update tonight or in following days


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Infinity(Azunite / Mythos / NW / FI)
SH/BD 79, nemesis1
BD/PR  lvl 80,  Hloupinek


Unfortunatelly i've got the same problem as my co-players.I have to take my dagger skills since i was 77 or 78 lvl and now im 81.Please fix it as soon as possible.

ArcheAge Shatigon EU
DarkRunner 55 lvl (battlerage,shadowplay,auramancy)- Sindato Innominate Guild


Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


after donation event and some extra donation there is no point to fix. they are on holiday after the hard work


Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: ylim on July 28, 2011, 09:51:08 AM
after donation event and some extra donation there is no point to fix. they are on holiday after the hard work
freak holiday, i want to be able to play my char that i had so hard work on...
dam hippies ....(;
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan